Topics by students - Department of Economics Sciences Po


Topics by students - Department of Economics Sciences Po
Topics by students
Class 2009– class 2010
Law & Economics: regulation, competition policy
With Yann algan
Economic impact of the Louvre Museum
With Bruno Deffains
The internalization of higher education or medical schools
Normative incentives and the firm: a new insight in the economic analysis of civil liabilityEconomics and Law
The private enforcement of EU competition law
With Emeric Henry
International Research Collaboration in Climate Change Mitigation Technologies : an Empirical Analysis
Essay in regulatory Economics in Policy : Regulating natural gas retail prices in France : the absence of a
magic indexation formula and other implementation issues
Labor & Education
With Christian Belzil
Teachers’ Preferences for School Attributes : the case of France
Origine sociale et dynamique des inégalités d’éducation et de revenu
Differences between French natives and second generation immigrants in schooling decisions and early career
With Pierre Cahuc
Les conséquences de la défiscalisation des heures supplémentaires sur la durée effective du travail
L’apparition du chômage partiel dans un modèle d’économie du travail
Evaluation of an assistance program for young unemployed graduates
With Bruno Crépon
l'évaluation du replacement des chômeurs dans l'emploi par les opérateurs privés et publics
Unemployment of young higher education graduates
Evaluation d'un programme d'accompagnement des chômeurs diplômés du supérieur
With Denis Fougère
The gender gap in mathematics in French primary school
with Pauline Givord
Retour sur l'évaluation du dispositif des pôles de compétitivité - une analyse économétrique de la performance
des outils mis en place par les pôles
With Jean-Marc Robin
les rendements de l'éducation
Concurrence, effets de pairs, et efficacité des systèmes éducatifs
With Etienne Wasmer
Encourager l’ambition des élèves, une solution contre les préjugés et l’autocensure ? Etudes d’impact des
Conventions Education Prioritaire
Délégation d'un service public : l'accompagnement des chômeurs vers l'emploi
Social choice and social policy
With Yann algan
Crime, Feelings of Insecurity, and Diversity : the case of French Fractionalization
With Pierre Cahuc
Homosexuality and tolerance : witch implication for public policies
With Louis Chauvel
Migration Patterns of Canadians and Mexicans to the United States : a comparative Propensity score matching
Education's influence on the circulation of Elites in France : 1911 – 1975
Reform of the Czech Maturita Examination: an opportunity wasted?
An Italy / U.S. Comparative Study on Households Income Distribution
With Benoït Crépon
Evaluating the revenu Contractualisé d'autonomie: what can we expect? What can we detect?
With Roberto Galbiati
Analayse économique des procédures collectives
With Emeric Henry
Participation in OSS projects
With Thierry Mayer
Transport policy and regional inequalities
With Etienne Wasmer
Les effets économiques et environnementaux de la lutte contre l'étalement urbain. Le projet de réforme fiscale
du Grenelle de l'environnement
From the Inequalities in the French Agricultural Sector to the Efficiency of its Lobbying: A Theoretical and
Empirical Study
The Comparison of Housing Markets in France and Germany
Fiscal, Financial and Monetary policies
With Edouard Challe
Construction d'un modèle général pour les interactions actif / passif d'un contrat d'épargne
Estimation of a general equilibrium model with financial frictions
With Hervé Crès
Liquidity shocks contagion in banking structures
With Bruno Deffains
La zone euro en 2009-2011 : entre intégration commerciale réussie et crise d'endettement générale ?
With Roberto Galbiati
Econometric Analysis of the French Bankruptcy Laws
With Pauline Givord
Etude de l'impact de la baisse de la T.V.A. sur l'évolution des prix au niveau du secteur de la restauration
With Philippe Martin
Crise des subprimes et bonus: y a t il un lien? Une analyse empirique à partir des pertes des banques
l'influence du taux de change
Saving rates
With Frank Mordacq
la responsabilité des gestionnaires et le recentrage des contrôles
Une évaluation financière des transferts de compétences de l'Etat vers les régions
L'audit interne au sein de l'Etat
With Benoït Mojon
Liquidity in the Banking System
How do gasoline taxes affect demand for fuel-economy of new cars?
Does systemic risk occur as a tail event? An historical approach through balance sheets
Development Economics
With Yann Algan
Trust, Wellbeing and migration history
With Ruben Durante
Oddness around football rankings national pride and evaluation of the government’s action in Africa
With Elise Huillery
Women's empowerment in economic development
The colonial origins of trust in French West Africa
Public good and social conflict sur la base de données de l'Afrique coloniale
The political Economy of redistribution and civil war : some lessons from Côte d'Ivoire
Quality of Schools and Pupils' Performance in Niger
Rôle des femmes dans la croissance économique dans les territoires palestiniens
Aide Publique au développement et les investissements directs étranges en Afrique sub-Saharienne
With Thierry Mayer
Aide publique au développement et les investissements directs étrangers dans les pays pauvres
Attracting Venture Capital in order to Reshape an Innovation Economy
With Sandra Poncet
The impact of migration on the governance of the country of origin
With Etienne Wasmer
The political economy of land and agricultural incomes in France
International Economics
With José de Sousa
Trade in Europe: how do sectoral mark-ups react to increased competition?
With Philippe Martin
A causality link between CEO Compensation and banking Risk : Evidence from US Financial Institutions
Time-to-ship : the effect of interest rates and risk on international trade during the global financial crisis
the impact of emigration on the quality of home country institutions
Current Imbalances within the Eurozone and Resulting Policy Implications
China's high household saving rates and it's health insurance System
C.E.O. compensation and risk : Evidence from Eurozone Financial institutions
De la stabilité du Système Monétaire International
With Thierry Mayer
Trade in Europe: How do sectoral MARKUPS react to increased competition?
The trade-creating effect of migrants : an empirical assessment of the cases of cross-OECD migrants and
French expatriates
Assessing the impact of interregional and intraregional transportation costs on industrial location
An analysis of actual and potential trade of center eastern European countries
Estimate in trade potential in center east European
Sustainable development and Health
With Jean-Marc Bourgeon
Politiques fiscales environnementales
With Louis Chauvel
Inequalities, cohorts and CO2 emissions
With Bruno Deffains
Growth and innovation: compare the different approaches of the relation between growth and human capital
With Emeric Henry
International Research Collaboration in Climate Change Mitigation Technologies : an Empirical Analysis
With Eric Strobl
The impact of climate change on agriculture in the Caribbean