Quebec Health Information Order Form


Quebec Health Information Order Form
Health Information Order Form
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Please read Ordering Guidelines before filling out this order form. Contact Name: Complete order form and return by: Organization: Email: [email protected] Fax: 514-­‐871-­‐1464 Phone: 514-­‐871-­‐8038 ext. 241 or 1-­‐800-­‐567-­‐8563 ext. 241 Address: City: Province: P.Code: Phone: Email: What describes you best? For complete descriptions, please click here. General public € G1 Business/Workplace € G2 Community Organization
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Healthcare € H1 Doctor’s office € H2 Hospital € H3 Other health organization *Note: Print materials are free to the public as per order limit quantities as well as free for download. Large orders require approval. Our cost recovery policy may apply to ensure the best use of donor dollars. We accept payment by credit cards or purchase orders. Health Information Publications Language (PDF) Healthy living: Eating well, getting active, managing a healthy weight Mangez sainement. Vivez plus longtemps. Des étapes simples pour faire des choix santé Eat well. Live longer. Simple steps to making healthy choices French
Order limit* Quantity 50 50 100 Guide de la saine alimentation pour le cœur à l’intention de toute la famille Heart-­‐healthy eating guide for your family French
English 100 Équilibrez votre repas Balance your meal French 100 English 100 Menu, mangez sainement lors de vos réunions, vos formations et autres activités! Menu, Eating Well During Your Meetings, Training Sessions and Other Activities! French 3 English 3 Calculassiette – Un Délicieux Guide santé The Plate Mate, A tasty guide to healthy eating French 100 English 100 Les boissons sucrées et les boissons saines sous la loupe… Sweetened beverages and healthy beverages taking a close look… French 50 English 50 Soyez actif pour la vie : Votre guide vers un mode de vie actif. Getting active for life: Your guide to an active lifestyle French
75 English 75 Know the signs of stroke and heart attack VITE-­‐ signes de l’AVC (bookmark) FAST-­‐ signs of stroke (bookmark) French 100 English 100 VITE-­‐signes de l’AVC (magnet for fridge) FAST-­‐signs of stroke (magnet for fridge) French
20 English
20 VITE-­‐ signes de l’AVC (poster) FAST-­‐ signs of stroke (poster) French-­‐ PDF only English-­‐ PDF only French 5 5 100 English 100 -­‐ Fibrillation auriculaire Atrial fibrillation Heart disease: Information to help manage your heart condition La vie à cœur Take Life to Heart Le chemin d’un prompt rétablissement : Un guide à l’intention des patients cardiaques et de leur famille Recovery road: An information guide for heart patients and their families Le contrôle de l’insuffisance cardiaque Managing heart failure MD
Femmes Cœur atout : Guide de gestion et de prévention des maladies du cœur et des AVC TM
HeartSmart Women: a guide to living with and preventing heart disease and stroke French-­‐ PDF only English-­‐ PDF only French -­‐ 5 English 5 French 5 English 5 French 25 English 25 Stroke: Information to help you in your stroke recovery La vie après un AVC Living with stroke French 2 English 2 L’AVC, un défi… Stroke, a Challenge… French 5 English 5 Votre cheminement après un accident vasculaire cérébral Your stroke journey: A guide for people living with stroke English 5 French 5 Guide d’enseignement AVC Stroke Teaching Guide French -­‐ English -­‐ Guide familial de l’AVC pédiatrique Stroke Pediatric Guide French 5 English
5 Guide de poche à l'intention du personnel infirmier en soins d'AVC Stroke Nurse Pocket Guide 10 10 L’AVC chez les jeunes adultes Stroke in young adults French 5 English 5 Prendre en main son rétablissement : Guide du survivant selon les recommandations canadiennes pour les pratiques optimales de soin de l’AVC Taking Charge of Your Stroke Recovery: A Survivor's Guide to the Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations
French – PDF only
English – PDF only
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Vous avez subi une ICT. Apprenez comment éviter d’en subir une autre. You've had a TIA. Learn how to prevent another one French 50 English 50 Risk factors: Information to help you prevent risk factors of heart disease and stroke Registre de pression artérielle Blood pressure record wallet card Le stress apprivoisé Coping with Stress French 100 English 100 French 50 English 50 Test sur le stress : Jusqu’à quel point êtes-­‐vous capable de gérer le stress? Stress Test: How Fit Are you When it Comes to Managing Stress? French 100 English 100 Apprenez à maintenir votre pression artérielle saine Get your blood pressure under control French 25 English 25 La bonne mesure de la pression artérielle (postcard) French only
100 La bonne mesure de la pression artérielle (poster) French only
10 Vivre avec le cholestérol : cholestérol et vie saine Living with cholesterol: cholesterol and healthy living French 75 English 75 Prenez le contrôle : réduisez vos risques de maladies du cœur et d’AVC Taking control: lower your risk of heart disease and stroke French 75 English 75 Outils virtuels de la FMC pour vivre pleinement et plus longtemps (magnetic bookmark) Heart&Stroke eTools (magnetic bookmark) French 25 English 25 Vivre pleinement et plus longtemps (flyer) Live a longer, healthier life (flyer) French 100 English
100 Heart and Stroke health information promotion flyers, posters and postcards Vivre avec une maladie du cœur ou un AVC (flyer) Living with heart disease or stroke (flyer) French 100 English 100 Un arrêt cardiaque peut arriver à n’importe qui (postcard) Anyone can suffer Cardiac Arrest (postcard) Un arrêt cardiaque peut arriver à n’importe qui (poster) Anyone can suffer Cardiac Arrest (poster) French 100 English 100 French
5 English
5 Mon plan d’action de tension artérielle (flyer) My Blood Pressure Action Plan (flyer) French 100 English 100 Mon plan d’action de tension artérielle (poster) My Blood Pressure Action Plan (poster) French 5 English 5 Cibler votre soif (flyer)
Quench it right (flyer) French 75 English 75 Étiquetage nutritionnel : comment lire entre les lignes (flyer) Nutrition labelling: reading between the lines Hypertension artérielle-­‐ Échec et Mat (flyer) Hypertension-­‐ Check Mate (flyer) French 75 English 75 French 50 English 50 Varier les protéines, c'est gagnant! (flyer) French 50 Last updated: Oct 20, 2014
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Adding variety to your protein is a win-­‐win! (flyer) English Page 2 of 3

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