Dear Mr Chairman, To celebrate the 100 anniversary of the Battle of


Dear Mr Chairman, To celebrate the 100 anniversary of the Battle of
Adresse postale:
BP 50108 55103 VERDUN CEDEX
Parc de Londres
Rue du 8 mai 1945
55100 VERDUN
Club House:
2, rue sur l'Eau
55100 VERDUN
Jean-Jacques PRIVE
[email protected]
06 87 92 61 80
Dear Mr Chairman,
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Verdun, our club, SA Verdun Rugby,
will organise a rugby rally in Verdun on May 6 th to 8th 2016.
This week-end will be organised as follows :
Friday evening, May 6 th : French-German men 1st XV match
(This fixture can be postponed to Saturday evening 7th according to your availability)
Saturday, May 6th (all day) : U10 – U12 – U14 tournament
We are mainly looking for a German senior team for the Friday - or Saturday - evening to
enhance the symbolic character of this event.
Besides, mixing rugby with French-German history, you might be interested to discover
the world famous historical sites of our area during this week-end.
In order to organise your visit to the best of our abilities and help you set up for your
players a week-end which will never be forgotten at a very moderate price, we will do
our utmost to assist you with accommodation, catering and visits.
For further information, please contact our club Secretary :
Karine NENIN
e-mail: [email protected]
mobile: +33 (0)6 81 16 63 84
Registrations to this tournament will be taken on a” first come first served” basis. We
then would be grateful to receive your reply by February 1 st at the latest.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Verdun in May,
Yours in rugby,
Jean-Jacques PRIVE