Maria Sakalaki


Maria Sakalaki
Maria Sakalaki
Professor of Social Psychology
Address: Department of Psychology
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
136, Syngrou Avenue, Athens, 17671, GREECE
e-mail: [email protected]
 1982 : Ph.D of Psychology, Université René Descartes- Paris 5, Paris, France.
1978 : Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (D.E.A.) [MSc] of Psychology, Université René
Descartes- Paris 5, Paris, France.
1977 : Maîtrise of Psychology, Université René Descartes - Paris 5, Paris, France.
1976 : Licence of Psychology, Université René Descartes - Paris 5, Paris, France.
1975 : Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales (D.E.U.G.) in Psychology, Université
René Descartes - Paris 5, Paris, France.
Greek: native speaker
English, French: fluent speaker /writer.
 Sakalaki, M., Richardson, C., & Fousiani K., Self- dehumanization as an effect of
dispositional variables poor in humanness ( under reduction).
 Σβόλη,M.,& Σακαλάκη, M., (2015). Διαφυλικές και
ενδοφυλικές μορφές
Hellenic Journal of Psychology, Vol. 12, pp. 156-171.
Karamanoli, V., Fousiani, K., & Sakalaki, M. (2014). Preference for non-cooperative
strategies is associated with lower perceived self-efficacy, fewer positive emotions and
less optimism. Psychological Repports, 115, 1, pp.199-212.
Σακαλάκη Μ. (2014). Κυρίαρχος προσανατολισμός των αξιών σε Ελληνικό και Γαλλικό δείγμα
όπως προκύπτει από την ανάλυση των κοινωνικών αναπαραστάσεων και στάσεων που αφορούν
την ατομικότητα και την συλλογικότητα, Ψυχολογία, Ειδικό Αφιέρωμα Κοινωνικές αξίες και
κοινωνικά αξιώματα, Τόμος 21, Τεύχος 1. Psychology : The Journal of the Hellenic
Psychological Society, Special Issue, 21, pp. 95-108.
 Sakalaki, M., Richardson, C., & Sotiriou, P. (2013). Group membership overrides
dispositional variables in the determination of reciprocation of trust in a game situation,
Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale/ International Review of Social
psychology,26, 4,pp. 79-92.
Sakalaki, M., Fousiani, K., (2012). Social embeddedness and economic
opportunism: a game situation, Psychological Reports, 110, 3, pp. 955-962.
Sakalaki, M., & Fousiani, K., (2012). About some personality misfortunes of
opportunists: The negative correlation of economic defection with autonomy,
agreeableness and well-being. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42, 2,
 Sakalaki, M., Sotiriou, P., (2012). Pro-self orientation and preference for
deceitful strategies: Social value orientation, attitudinal and dispositional
correlates of economic defection. Studia Psychologica, Vol. 54, No. 2, 157-165.
 Fousiani, K., Sakalaki, M., & Richardson, C., (2011). Opportunistic propensity
hinders commitment to acts in conditions of forced compliance and compliance
without pressure, Psychological Reports, 108, 1, pp. 281-289.
 Sakalaki, M., Kyriakopoulos, G., Kanellaki, S., (2010). Are
representations consistent with social strategies? Machiavellianism, Opportunism
and aspects of lay thinking, Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 7, 2, pp141-158.
 Sakalaki, M., Kanellaki, S., & Richardson C., (2009). Is a manipulator’s
externality paradoxical? The relationship between Machiavellianism, Economic
Opportunism and Economic Locus of Control, Journal of Applied Social
Psychology, 39, 11, pp.2591-2603.
 Sakalaki M., & Kazi S. (2009).Valuing and representing information: The
paradox of undervaluing information and overvaluing information producers,
Journal of Information Science, 35, 2, pp.153-164.
 Σωτηρίου, Π., Καρβέλλη Β., Σακαλάκη, Μ., & Κυριακόπουλος Γ. (2008). Οι
σχέσεις Μακιαβελλισμού και οικονομικού οπορτουνισμού με τις κοινωνικές και
οικονομικές αξίες και πρακτικές, Επιθεώριση Κοινωνικών Ερευνών, 126 Β,
pp.39- 54.
 Sakalaki, M., Kazi, S., & Karamanoli, V., (2007). Do individualists have a higher
opportunistic propensity than collectivists? : Individualism and economic
cooperation, Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale, 20, 3, pp.59-76.
 Sakalaki, M., & Kazi,S., (2007). How much is information worth? Willingness to
pay for expert and non-expert informational goods compared to material goods in
lay economic thinking, Journal of Information Science, 33,3, pp.315-325.
 Sakalaki, M., Richardson, C., & Thépaut, Y., (2007). Machiavellianism and
economic opportunism. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37, 6, pp.11811190.
 Καραμανώλη, Β., Σακαλάκη, Μ., & Μπεχράκης, Θ., (2006). Αναπαραστάσεις της
ερωτικής σχέσης στο ελληνικό λαϊκό παραμύθι. Psychology : The Journal of the
Hellenic Psychological Society, 13 ,1, pp.78-93.
 Sakalaki, M., Richardson, C., & Bastounis, M., (2005). Association of economic
internality with saving behaviour and motives, financial confidence and attitudes
towards state intervention. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Tome 35, 2,
 Sakalaki, M, & Thépaut Y., (2005). La valeur de l'information: Evaluation des
biens informationnels versus biens matériels. Questions de Communication, 8,
 Sakalaki, M., Bastounis, M., & Ferentinos, S., (2005). Structural and attitudinal
approach of social representations of individuality and collectivity in a Greek and
a French sample. Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society,
1, 12, pp.70-84.
 Sakalaki, M., (2002)., Normes, conventions et représentations en économie. Des
substituts au savoir en situation d' assymétrie d' information. Revue Internationale
de Psychologie Sociale/ International Review of Social psychology, Tome 15,
2/2002, pp.117-147.
 Sakalaki, M., (2001). La confiance. Approche structurale de ses représentations
chez les jeunes de trois capitales européennes, Cahiers Internationaux de
Psychologie Sociale, no 49, pp.48-60.
 Sakalaki, M., (1999). Les représentations sociales et le registre de l'imaginaire,
organisationnels, no 10, pp.161-175.
 Sakalaki, M., (1997). Représentations du lien familial dans le conte populaire
grec, Bulletin de Psychologie, Τome L-No 429, pp.315-330.
 Sakalaki, M., (1994). Les rapports antagoniques entre membres de la fratrie
appartenant au même sexe. Leurs représentations dans l'imaginaire social, Bulletin
de Psychologie, XLVII, n° 415, pp.382-395.
 Sakalaki, M., (1986). Contribution à une étude interculturelle du mensonge:
Ruse,mensonge, et parjure dans la mythologie grecque. Bulletin de Psychologie,
No 378, tome XL, Novembre-Décembre, pp.167-181.
3.2. BOOKS
 Σακαλάκη, Μ., (2008). Επικοινωνία, Συνεργασία, Πληροφορία: Οψεις της έρευνας καί
διακυβεύματα για τις κοινωνίες της γνώσης, Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση. [Sakalaki
M. (2008). Communication, cooperation, information. Athens : Papazisis].
Σακαλάκη, M., (2006). Ψυχολογία της οικονομικής σκέψης, Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις
Παπαζήση. [Sakalaki M. (2006), Psychology of Lay Economic Thinking. Athens:
Σακαλάκη, M., (1996). Ετερότητες. Αναπαραστάσεις του κοινωνικού δεσμού.
Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις Εξάντας. [Sakalaki M. (1996). Alterities : Representations of social
bounds, Athens: Exandas].
Σακαλάκη, Μ., (1994). Ψυχολογία της επικοινωνίας. Θεωρητικά ρεύματα και
προοπτικές της έρευνας. Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις Παπαζήση. [Sakalaki M. (1994),
Psychology of Communication. Theoretical orientations and perspectives for the
research, Athens: Papazisis].
Σακαλάκη, Μ., (1992). Η απάτη στην ελληνική αρχαϊκή εποχή. Μια
ψυχοκοινωνιολογική προσέγγιση. Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις του Εικοστού Πρώτου. [Sakalaki
M. (1992), Deception in archaic Greece. A social- psychological approach. Athens :
Ed. Tou Eikostou Protou].
 Σακαλάκη, Μ., (1985). Το απαγορευμένο στους δεσμούς συγγένειας. Στοιχεία για μια
ανθρωπολογία του απαγορευμένου στη συλλογική φαντασία. Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις
Κέδρος. [Sakalaki M. (1985), Prohibition ιn parental relationships : An
anthropology of prohibition in the collective imaginary. Athens: Ed. Kedros].
Σακαλάκη, Μ., (1984). Κοινωνικές ιεραρχίες και σύστημα αξιών:
Ιδεολογικές δομές στο νεοελληνικό μυθιστόρημα 1900-1980. Πρόλογος Καθηγητή
Νίκου Σβορώνου, Αθήνα,
Εκδόσεις Κέδρος. [Sakalaki M. (1984), Social
Hierarchies and value system. Ideological structures in the moderne Greek novels.
Prefaced by Professor N. Svoronos. Athens: Kedros].
Σακαλάκη, Μ., (2010). Αυτονομία, εσωτερικότητα και ποιότητα των διαπροσωπικών
σχέσεων ως παράγοντες συνεργατικότητας, στο Σ.Παπαστάμου, Γ. Προδρομίτης, Β.
Παυλόπουλος (Επ.), Κοινωνική σκέψη, νόηση και συμπεριφορά: 33 έλληνες κοινωνικοί
ψυχολόγοι ανα-κρίνουν την επιστήμη τους, Aθήνα, Πεδίο, σελ. 171-183. [ Sakalaki M.
(2010). Autonomy, internality and quality of bounds as predictors of cooperativeness,
in S. Papastamou, G. Prodromitis, V.Pavlopoulos, (Eds), Social thinking, cognition and
behaviour, Athens, Pedio.
Sakalaki, M., (2007). L’instrumentalisation du lien dans les stratégies non
coopératives basées sur la manipulation de l’information, in M. Maffesoli & C.
Bourion (Eds), Ruptures et liens, Editions Eska.
Σακαλάκη, Μ., (2005) Συνεργατικές και μη συνεργατικές συμπεριφορές: Συμβολή της
θεωρίας των παιγνίων στην ανάλυση της συνεργασίας, στο Δ.Μαρκουλής, Μ.Δικαίου
(επ.), Πολιτική Ψυχολογία: Προβλήματα και προοπτικές, Εκδόσεις Δαρδανός, σελ.207220.
Sakalaki, M., (2003). Alternatives au postulat de rationalité, in C.Bonardi, P.Georget,
C.Roland-Lévy, N.Roussiau,(éd.) Psychologie Sociale appliquée, Tome 4, Economie,
masse-médias et nouvelles technologies, Editions Inpress, σελ. 63-71.
Σακαλάκη, Μ., (2001). Ανάλυση περιεχομένου, στο Σ.Παπαστάμου (επ.), Εισαγωγή
στην Κοινωνική Ψυχολογία, Επιστημονικοί προβληματισμοί και μεθοδολογικές κατευθύνσεις, , Τόμος Α, Αθήνα, Ελληνικά Γράμματα, σελ. 477-493. [ Sakalaki M. (2001)
Content analysis,in Papastamou S. (Ed.) Introduction to social psychology, Vol. A,
Athens, Ellinika Grammata.
 Approches théoriques du concept d'information. Action Thématique Programmée
(ATP), Paris, Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques (C.N.R.S.),1986.
 Contribution à une étude interculturelle du mensonge: Ruse, mensonge, et parjure
dans la mythologie grecque. Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale, Université René
Descates Paris V, 1986.
 Approches théoriques du concept d'information. Application à l' analyse des
processus économiques et comportementaux. Action Thématique Programmée
(ATP), Paris, Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques (C.N.R.S.), Laboratoire
Comunication et Politique,1993.
 Adult economic model and values, locus of control and belief in a just world; examining psychological variables in the determination of lay economic thinking
Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale de l’Université René Descartes, (1997-1998).
 Représentations et usages du téléphone fixe et mobile dans le domaine résidentiel et
familiale. Université Rennes 2, Laboratoire LARRES-IRUTIC, (2004-2006).
Fousiani, K., & Sakalaki, M., (2016). Dehumanization of the Economic Crisis'
Victims, Heymans symposium, University of Groningen, April 7.
Sakalaki, M., & Fousiani, K., (2012). Aspects déshumanisant d’une menace
collective: La crise économique en Grèce. Journées de réflexion sur la menace.
Paris, Université Paris 5- René Descartes, Septembre.
Sakalaki, M., & Sotiriou, P., (2011). Situational and Dispositional Variables as
predictors of economic opportunism. The 12th European Congress of Psychology,
Sakalaki, M., & Fousiani, M. (2010).The negative correlation of defection and
unfairness with Autonomy and Well-Being, Self Determination Theory
Conference, Belgium.
Sakalaki, M., & Kazi, S., (2009). Representation and economic valuation of
information in lay economic thinking, in Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean
Conference on Information Systems, 25-27 September, Athens.
 Sakalaki, M., & Kyriakopoulos, G., (2009). Effects of the uncertainty
surrounding the value of the immaterial on its valuation in lay economic thinking:
the case of artworks. British Psychology Society’s Annual Social Psychology
 Sakalaki, M., & Foussiani, K., (2008). Spécificités du lien social chez les
coopérateurs vs défecteurs, in Acte de colloque du 7ème Congrès International de
Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française de l'ADRIPS, .15, Août, Iasis,
 Sakalaki, M., Kanellaki, S., & Richardson, C., (2008). Manipulator’s belief in
chance: Economic Locus of control and exploitative strategies. British Psychology
Society’s Annual Social psychology Conference, Dublin, UK.
 Sakalaki, M., Kyriakopoulos, G., & Kanellaki, S., (2007). Do cooperators and
defectors defer in regard of their representations and attitudes about significant
concepts of Cooperation Theory ?, British Psychology Society’s Annual Social
Psychology conference, Kent, UK .
 Sakalaki, M., Kazi, S., & Karamanoli, V., (2007). Association entre
individualisme et opportunisme économique, Colloque International
Psychologie Sociale Appliquée, Besançon, France.
 Sakalaki, M., & Kyriakopoulos, Y., (2007). Effets de la composante
informationnelle des biens culturels sur l’estimation de leur prix par des sujets
naïfs. Cοlloque International de Psychologie Sociale Appliquée, Besançon, France.
 Sakalaki, M., & Kazi, S.(2006), How much is information worth ?, 26th
International Congress of Applied Psychology,Athens, Greece
 Sakalaki, M., Bastounis, M., & Ferentinos, S. (2003). Individuality and
collectivity: structural and attitudinal investigation of social representations, in
Proceedings of the British Psychology Society's Annual Social Psychology
conference, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
 Sakalaki, M., (2002), La pensée sociale comme substitut au savoir en situation
d' asymétrie d' information, in Actes de Colloque du 4e Congrès International de
Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française de l' Adrips, Athènes, Université
Panteion, p. 293-294, Athens, Greece.
 Sakalaki, M., (2001), Stratégies cognitives d'assignation d'une valeur
économique à des objets informationnels, versus matériels, in Actes de Colloque
du 5e Congrès International en Psychologie Sociale Appliquée, Université Paris
VIII, Novembre, 76, Paris, France.
 Sakalaki, M., Richardson C.,& Bastounis, M., (2001), Economic locus of
control and attitudes towards state intervention : a survey in Athens, in
Proceedings of the 26th International congress of the IAREP, Bath University;
U.K., p. 265-268.
 Sakalaki, M., (1999), Social representations about trust and trustworthiness in
Greece, in Actes de Colloque du XXIVe congrès de l'IAREP, Belgirate, Italy, p.
 Sakalaki M., (1998), Représentations sociales et incertitude, in Actes de
Colloque, du 1er congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en langue française,
Université de Turin, Italie, 30-31.
 Bastounis M., & Sakalaki, M., (1997), Adult economic model and values, locus
of control and belief in a just world ; examining psychological variables in the
determination of lay economic thinking, in Actes de Colloque du XXlle Colloque
de l'IAREP, Université de Valencia, Spain,p. 991-1002.
 Sakalaki, M., (1996), Représentations sociales de l'altérité à travers un matériau
issu de l'imaginaire social, in actes de colloque de la Troisième Conférence
Internationale sur les Représentations Sociales, Université de Provence AixMarseille I, France.
 Sakalaki, M., (1996), Représentations sociales et analyse économique des
conventions, in Social & Economic representations, Actes du XXle colloque de
l'lnternational Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP),
Université Paris V, France, p. 1221-1226.
Head Supervisor of Complete Ph,D Theses of Dimitris Theodosakis, Vassilis Sakkas, Vasia
Karamanoli, Aggeliki Aroni, Natasa Piperopoulou, Giorgos Kyriakopoulos, Kyriaki Fousiani,
Penelope Sotiriou, Kostantinos Papachristopoulos, Avra Vazaiou
Since 2009, three of the supervised Ph.D students( K. Fousiani, P. Sotiriou and K.
Papachristopoulos) had, during the elaboration of their thesis, the European Union Heraclitus
Since 1994 at Panteion University: Associate President (2004-2005), then President (20052006) of the Department of Psychology.
For different periods: member of the Senate,
member of departmental committees of the Department of Psychology.
My research interests lie in Social and Economic Psychology. I am interested in the social and
cognitive processes that determine animalistic and mechanistic, inter-personal and inter-group
dehumanization, as well as self dehumanisation.
I also work on the social and psychological factors that affect cooperation, fairness, trust and
opportunism, as well as the rational and irrational factors that affect strategic choices in social
dilemmas, within the framework of Game Theory. Finally I work on issues of social thinking
(social representations, beliefs, common knowledge, conventions)¸ self-determination, locus
of control and psychological well-being.
Reviews for different scientific journals (i.e. Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale,
Journal of Information Science, Psychology:The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological
Society, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations etc).
2002- 2008: Associate Editor of the New Review of Social Psychology
Since 2004 Professor of Social Psychology at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences,
Since 1993: Assistant Professor, then, since 1999, Associate Professor of Social Psychology at
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens.
1986-1989: Annual post graduate seminar of D.E.A. at the Paris IV-Sorbonne University, Paris,
I983- 1988: Chargée de cours, then Assistant in Rennes 2 University, Rennes, France
Post –graduate seminars
1986-1989: Annual seminar of D.E.A. at the Paris IV-Sorbonne University, Paris,
France :
-Sciences sociales et littérature. Structures idéologiques dans le roman grec du XXe siècle.
-Approches interdisciplinaires de la littérature grecque "savante" et "populaire".
-L'analyse de contenu : méthode d'étude des documents.
At the University of Athens:
1996-1997: Sciences of Education Department, Post-graduate program of Comparative
Education and human rights:
-Psychosocial approaches of the construct of difference.
1996-1998: Communication Sciences Department. Post-graduate Program of studies on
communication :
- Social Psychology and cultural production.
At Panteion University:
2000-2008: Department of Psychology. Post-graduate Program of Organisational and
Economic Psychology.
- Social thinking and economic behaviour.
2014-2015: Department of psychology. Post graduate Program of Interpersonal Relationships
and Identity.
- Prejudice and discrimination: Dehumanisation of the self and others.
- Psychology of cooperation (6296)
- Economic Psychology (6203)
- Seminar: Social - cognitive processes of Dehumanization (6297).
- Laboratories of Social Psychologie (6105)