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Just published: Approaches to the History and dialectology of
Arabic in Honour of Pierre Larcher
Discussion published by Claude Gilliot on Sunday, November 27, 2016
Prof. Emeritus Claude Gilliot
[email protected]
26 November 2016
Subject: Just published: Approaches to the History and dialectology of Arabic in Honour of Pierre
Approaches to the History and dialectology of Arabic in Honour of Pierre Larcher, edited by Manuel
Sartori, Manuela E. B. Giolfo and Philippe Cassuto, Leiden, Brill (Studies in Semitic Languages and
Linguistics, 88), 2016, XLVII+558 p., 15,5x24 cm., 181 Euro, ISBN: 978-90-04-31150-3
Contents :
Avant-propos : Louis-Jean Calvet, « Madrague, ‫مضربة‬, maḍraba, almadraba, φυννειο, tonnara,
νταλιανι, dalyan », XI-XVII. Acknowlegements, XVIII. Linguistic bibliography of Pierre Larcher,
XX-XLIII. Notes on contributors, XLIV-XLVII. Introduction by the editors, 1-11.
Part one. Semitic linguistics : 1. Philippe Cassuto, « Switching of Labials in Biblical Hebrew »,
15–28 ; 2. Joseph Dichy, « The Analytics of writing, exemplified by Arabic, the youngest of the Semitic
scripts », 29–56 ; 3. Manfred Kropp, « Arabian faḫr and mubālaġa of high rhetorical value : a new
comprehensive view of the Nemara inscription », 57–76 ; 4. Jonathan Owens, « Dia-planar diffusion :
reconstructing early Aramaic-Arabic language contact », 77–101; 5. Lutz Edzard, « The masʾala
zunbūriyya from a Semitic and Afroasiatic perspective », 102–116.
Part 2. Arabic grammatical tradition : 6. Jean-Patrick Guillaume, « ″Man Zaydan ?‶ À propos de
quelques cas curieux de ḥikāya chez Sībawayhi », 119–128. 7. Manuel Sartori, « Inflectional endings
by means of short vowels among Arab grammarians : clues for the deconstruction of a grammatical
ideology », 129–148 ; 8. Ramzi Baalbaki, « One word, two functions. The concept of functional
replacement in traditional syntactic analysis », 149-171 ; 9. Francesco Binhaghi, « Ẓarf and mafʿūl fīhi : really two of a kind ? Some notes on Zaǧǧāǧī’s treatment », 172-194 ; 10. Nadia Anghelescu,
« The role of metaphor in the interpretation of prepositions : the Arabic min and the French de »,
195-212 ; 11. Catherine Pinon, « Une corrélation retrouvée: Nécessaire vs. possible », 213–241 ; 12.
Manuela E.B. Giolfo and Wilfrid Hodges, « The System of the ciences of the Arabic Language by
Sakkākī : Logic as a Complement of rhetoric », 242–266 ; 13. Martino Diez, « Teaching Arabic to the
Angels : a scherzo by al-Maʿarrī on Heavenly mophology », 267–286.
Part 3. Arabic and Semitic lexicology : 14. Georgine Ayoub, « L’emprunt dans le dictionnaire
arabe des premiers siècles », 289–326 ; 15. Reinhard Weipert, « The noun pattern ʾufʿūlatun in Arabic
philological Arabic tradition », 327–341 ; 16. Elie Kallas, « Gerboise : l’entrée du terme arabe ǧerbūʿ
Citation: Claude Gilliot. Just published: Approaches to the History and dialectology of Arabic in Honour of Pierre Larcher. H-Mideas-Medieval. 11-27-2016.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
à la cour de Louis XIV », 342–361 ; 17. Fabrizio Angelo Pennaccchietti, « On the Semitic origin of the
English word fustian », 362–370 ; 18. Lidia Bettini, « La lexicographie arabe entre ʾadab et falsafa :
Les questions lexicales du Kitāb al-hawāmil wa-l-šawāmil », 371–389 ; 19. Marie Baize-Varin,
« ″Traitement‶ de ″l’organisation‶ en arabe moderne de presse, ou le point de vue d’une linguiste sur
l’apparente synonymie ʿilāǧ/muʿālaǧa et tanẓīm/munaẓẓama », 390–406 ; 20. Alain Girod, « Ḥayṯu :
une inextricable polysémie ? », 410–431 (22)
Part 4. Arabic and Semitic dialectology : 21. George Grigore, « Fuṣḥā Arabic vocabulary
borrowed by Mardini Arabic via Turkish », 435–450 ; 22. Kees Versteegh, « Aspect marking in Juba
Arabic and Ki-Nubi », 451–473 ; 23. MariaLuisa Langella, « Jewish writing in Arabic in Arabic
Characters in the nineteenth and twentieth century », 474-492 ; 24. Aerkadiusz Plonka, « Between
linguistics, poetry, and ideology : the literary periodical L-ʾArzyāda in the Lebanese language (June
2009 – October 2014). General presentation, intellectual impacts, index of authors, and “Lebanese”
lexis », 493–515 ; 25. Michael George Carter, « The seven deadly sins of Arabic studies », 516–533.
Postface : Claude Gilliot, « Acclamatio heroica, in honorem reverendi, ornatissimi et doctissimi viri
Professoris Dr. Petri Sagittarii, vulgo dictu Pierre Larcher, dicata, Facta a servo Domini Jesu Christi
indigno, Fratre Claudio Aegidio Parvulo Ganapensi, o.p., vulgo dictu in saeculo Claude Gilliot »,
Indexes (of Biblical verses, names, subjects) 539–558.
Citation: Claude Gilliot. Just published: Approaches to the History and dialectology of Arabic in Honour of Pierre Larcher. H-Mideas-Medieval. 11-27-2016.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.