Spartafest 2014


Spartafest 2014
Bienvenus à tous et à toutes, welcome to all to the 10th edition of the SpartaFest! Yes
the 10th, we are that old.
À la mi-décembre 2005, nouvellement accroe du Ultimate, je voulais, pour une fois,
faire quelque chose de l’fun à ma fête, alors j’ai envoyé un courriel à une quinzaine de
personnes, les invitant à venir jouer un match le 30, question de larguer un peu de
dinde et que je passe un bon anniversaire! En leur disant, bien sûr, n’hésitez pas à
inviter du monde. Quelle surprise j’ai eu quand nous nous sommes retrouvés 60!
Et puis voilà, un tournoi est né. L’année suivante, nous y étions plus de 80 et
éventuellement, quand la température était clémente, on y était plus de 120. J’ai
organisé le tournoi jusqu’en 2011, et j’ai annoncé que pour mes 30 ans, je me donnais
congé d’organisation. Je ne pensais pas que ce serait mon dernier. L’AUM m’a
demandé la permission de continuer la tradition, ce que j’ai trouvé tellement gentil de
leur part et j’ai été honoré qu’il ait décidé de garder le nom.
This tournament was built to be what I loved and cherished the most about this game.
There is NOT a single other sport out there than can bring complete beginners with pro
players, kids and grand masters, women and men, of all color and nationality on a single
field and still be fun to play for all involved, if they stick to the main rule.
Spirit. It is what binds us together and what makes this sport so special. I won’t go into a
critic of what is going on now, but I would like to tell you a quick story.
At the end of the 1st SpartaFest, I had committed to organizing the tournament as a real
ass tournament, not just a get together the next year. Well I was very ill by the end of
2006, a deep depression from ghosts long before, I did nothing for months. The only
thing I stuck to was Ultimate, twice a week I would play. And I had committed to doing
the tournament, so I went through with it. Having all these people be so happy to be
there, to play a beautiful sport, to show such appreciation for my organizing this great
experience of camaraderie, celebration and debauchery, ‘cause the buffet was bitchin’
and the trophy was champagne! And having everyone sing me happy birthday, and be
happy because of something I made happened. In 5 months’ time, nothing had
succeeded in lifting the veil of black I wore, nothing pierced the darkness that plagued
my heart, but that night, all those people, loving, joyful and appreciative, it gave me
more than you could ever know.
It gave me my spirit back.
I love this sport so much and it pains me so to not play. But as with everything, if life
decides that’s not your path, no matter how many times you try to stick to it or how
bitterly you hang on, it will make it clear enough that you have to let go. It may not be my
road anymore, but I am an Ultimate-aholic, though not anonymous. I keep with me that
spirit and will never forget what it and what all of you who were a part of it meant and did
for me.
I hope that you will cherish it, as I have and that you will strive to keep its Spirit alive.
If you’re unsure what I mean by Spirit, think of Mila.
moment, just close your eyes.
If you do not know who Mila is, take a look around.
See those smiling
faces? Or those that show a little sadness? Go ask them to tell you a story about Mila.
She was spirit incarnate. Played for the love of the game and more importantly, for the
love and the respect of all involved.
I was her skanky ass ho and damn proud of it!!!!
Merci mille fois de continuer cette tradition. Je pense à vous bien fort de la Côte Ouest.
Bonne année à tous!