House of Cards 4 Transcript


House of Cards 4 Transcript
House of Cards Extract 4 – Record Yourself
INSTRUCTION: 1. Listen to the whole scene once without looking at the script. 2. Listen again, paying attention to stressed words. 3. Listen once more, pausing between sentences to repeat them out loud. 4. Record yourself. LEGEND: è boxed in blue è underlined in red = primary word stress = secondary word stress LEXICON : •
*the vetting process *with flying colors *chair of the oversight committee *rewarding *to face (a challenge) *partisanship * ‘435 big egos ‘ *(that’s all) for the time being * to cross (her) off *gifted = le processus de sélection = haut la main, les doigts dans le nez = président(e) du comité de surveillance = gratifiant, plaisant (to reward = récompenser) = faire face à, être conronté à (un défi) = le manque de consensus politique, la partisanerie = metaphor for the House of Representatives (435 members) = (c’est tout) pour l’instant / pour le moment = la rayer de la liste = doué, compétent Well, you passed the *vetting process *with flying colors. Is there anything we might have missed? No, sir Tell me a bout your experience as the * chair of the o versight reform committee It’s ..been... very *rewarding? What are the biggest challenges you’ve had to face? *Partisanship … Well, I suppose a room filled with *435 ( four hundred and thirty-­‐five) big egos isn’t the most hospitable place for o versight … Do you want to be Vice President, Tabitha? It would be a great honor.. sir We’ll be in touch That’s all ? *For the time being Thank you, Mr President [Tabitha leaves the office. Door closes] We have to * cross her off I a gree. She could *put a crack a ddict to sleep Then what is she doing on the [ goddamn ] list ? Tabitha is a very * gifted legislator I don’t want people who make sense on paper. I need at least one viable o ption. House of Cards, S01E12, 2013 

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