Year 7 Half-Term 1: • Bonjour: Meeting people, using `je` and `tu


Year 7 Half-Term 1: • Bonjour: Meeting people, using `je` and `tu
Year 7 Half-Term 1:
Bonjour: Meeting people, using ‘je’ and ‘tu’
Dans mon sac: School bag objects, the alphabet and using ‘un’ and ‘une’
Quel âge as-tu?: Counting up to 20 and using the verb ‘avoir’ to give your
Bon anniversaire: Saying when your birthday is and giving the date
En classe: Talking about your classroom and using ‘le’ and ‘la’
Les couleurs: Saying what colour things are and making adjectives agree with
Frères et soeurs: Talking about brothers and sisters and more practice with the
verb ‘avoir’
Ma famille: Talking about your family and using ‘mon’, ‘ma’ and ‘mes’
Year 7 Half-Term 2:
Tu as un animal?: Talking about your pets and plurals
Ma famille: Talking about your family and using ‘mon’, ‘ma’ and ‘mes’
Tu as un animal?: Talking about your pets and plurals
Je me présente: Describing yourself and others and understanding singular
adjective agreements
Portraits: Talking about hair and eyes and understanding plural adjective
Où habites-tu?: Talking about where people live and using the ‘je’ and ‘tu’
forms of the verb ‘habiter’
Ma maison: Describing your home and more practice with ‘habiter’
Year 7 Half-Term 3:
Ma chambre: Describing your bedroom and using simple prepositions
Le soir: Talking about what you do in the evening and using the pronoun ‘on’
Quelle heure est-il?: Telling the time and using the pronouns ‘ils’ and ‘elles’
Au centre-ville: Asking about places in a town and forming questions
Où est le parc?: Asking for directions and understanding the difference
between ‘tu’ and ‘vous’
Où es-tu? Où vas-tu?: Where you are and where you are going and using the
preposition ‘à’
Year 7 Half-Term 4:
J’aime bien ça!: Expressing opinions and more practice of ‘à la’, ‘à l’’, ‘au’
and ‘aux’
Au snack-bar: Ordering drinks and snacks and practising numbers
Le matin: Talking about what you do in the morning and using reflexive verbs
Mes matières: Talking about school subjects and using the pronoun ‘nous’
Pourquoi?: Giving opinions and reasons and using intensifiers and connectives
Mon emploi du temps: Talking about your timetable and
understanding/composing a longer text
Year 7 Half-Term 5:
Après le collège: Talking about what you do after school and using the verb
Le sport et les jeux: Talking about sports and games and using ‘jouer+à’
Tu joues d’un instrument?: Talking about musical instruments and using
Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?: Saying what you like to do and using ‘aimer+
Au centre de loisirs: At the leisure centre and using ‘on peut+infinitive’
Vive les vacances : Going on holiday and using ‘aller+infinitive’
Year 7 Half-Term 6 (Spanish):
French Reading, Writing and Listening exam
¡Hola!: Asking for names and giving your own and asking how someone is
En la mochila: Saying what you have in your rucksack and counting to 10
¿Cuàntos años tienes?: Asking for ages and giving your own and numbers 1120
¡Feliz cumpleaños!: Saying when your birthday is and numbers 21-31
En clase: Understanding classroom commands, naming things in the
classroom and days of the week
¿Cómo se escribe?: The alphabet, how to spell your name and useful
classroom phrases