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Les dangers/pièges â éviter avec l'Internet...
Lisez 1 histoire suivante et soulignez chaque piège ou danger mentionnè par l'auteur:
Students Learn Lesson ln Internet Safety
ln today's age of technology cyberbullying, stalking and internet predators are a real threat to kids. A Maine
native who's made a name for herself nationally spoke to students at Dexter High School about protecting
themselves while online.
Jayne Hitchcock, a self-proclaimed cybercrime expert reminded students thal they visit unsafe places ail the
lime, especially while surfing the internet.
"Kids are too lrusling, adults are 100 trusting and they tend to believe everything that's written 10 them via e­
mail or chat or myspace or wherever they are," says Jayne Hitchcock.
Hitchcock is a victim herself. Ten years aga she was stalked online, and her identity was stolen.
"Because there were no laws anywhere in the United States back then 1had to basically figure out where
are these messages coming from and what do 1do legally. 1started doing trainings for local police
departments and that kind of expanded." says Jayne Hitchcock.
Now Hilchcock's spreading her message to kids. She shows them how easy it is for others to geltheir
information from chatrooms, blogs, messaging services and the popular
Before arrivlng al Dexter High School Hitchcock did a search on for Dexter High School, she
came up wilh 86 profiles which included the kind of revealing information internet predators are looking for.
Hitchcock found 21 % of Ihe profiles used their full name. 16% posted surveys with a lot of personal
information. One profile posted a cell phone number and anolher listed her part-lime job.
After attending the assembly, mosl of the sludents were surprised.
"My friend Sierra was one of the ones she was pulled up and that was a shock," says Brittany Sean, a
"1 carried away that 1do need 10 be careful on the internet and that will help me continue to be careful and
not talk ta people 1don't know and give out my information," says Matt Richardson, a student.
For more information on sleps you can take ta proteel yourself and your children online. click on FMI.
Une bonne site pour vous protéger... Youth Safety Rules