Le Bianfi^te Electoral consemteur - JDC


Le Bianfi^te Electoral consemteur - JDC
Partis d'lsrael, Jeux cents Juifs
d'origine sovietique
cherchent refuge a Westende
*rs tfrlpar les
imee (ai>
inte entre
central oil
•He*, tao|bU eftecu Im ru«s
1< dU Mo>
s*U merct -Osiaci
1 bltlment
f . I . I. . 1 1
w portuftls
xode alTtnt
ue du Sud.
sn, Iw resq«L t'wt
• Joun at
« et d'M*
• que ic
t. le
t le^lent
Lorsqucin airi>'» « ia mai^on r' | TP qup j ai fl iiirp .. rniir |i||-(
' at;aiiceB • Zt>n en Z.ee • a W«^te
nn noiif accunipa I'lanl jiisqu.i mitrr
lie, Ml ett, de piin'>p aburd. fvapi
Voiturr poiii PUe certauie quo ihpiiv
par,It grand numbie rienfantii q
n acmctu'i oils pas iin autre tir .<p5
iuuent dsns Ir's dopentlarfi's
coinpatriotPs ce qui soraii dall1eiii'9 i'h>is? inutilr. phi^rjue aurim
1U1 parlent une langue nu'mi no
dirii 4lre du r\i*sp
dpu< no p.irlf uiip nijln» ianjiip
En etfet. depuis fiiielqa''^ jnu
plus d« de\ix oenta fInigl•alll^ d" .
1. lO
rilel, mais orlginaires de 1 Uni
soviitiqut. >ont venus chercher .
calmc aprcs la tempdte. aor^ lat) p^e(rlnaticias dang ptut^feurs pe d^uropv. aprc* teur depart d'lsr I
•t ee, an attendnnt qu'un p<ty8
ltalicr leur p«rmette da t'y etabilr
Nous ei».a>'ons d'entrer en Qci^Uct avec quelquei-uns de cea #n-'
Au total. CT sont bi* cpi'ts .luifs
fTRnta et on nous prtente unaWia* sovlitlqups qui se trcuvent actiiplma, parlant courtmment tt npf'"*. lement en Beljique oii ils attendenl
;aU. Elle nous dit tout de Ibiter de pouvoir ^mlgrfr. en g^n^rsl aux
^u'elle pr^fire na.paa te lairc ^iii> Etaie-Unls ou au Canada. Ces inn­
ultn et InsUte pour que
er^ ott ^t4 pris en charge par
n'interrocions pas ses eomp<itrlbt<>« deux organisations . • Carltas Caear, selon elle. la parutlon de If^ur tholica • r(*la fondaiion < Tolstoi »,
nom ou de leurs sManrtions
crtta pour faclllter I'accueil des
tea journaux pourrait nutre k Inir Ruaaes blencs api-6s la revolution
holch^vlque. Quatre ecnta d'entre
Xprta «xamen nproiondl de na. eux se trouvent i la charge de cette
tr« oarte de prctt^et ayant contr'v organisation, ce sont les aeux cents
14 tfe vitu la photo qui y fiffur*, pI* nutre* qui sont h^bcrg^s i Wes­
tende par • Caritas >
ie Mclar*' fie pa* vouloir
MK quetUona que nour poeeri.>iu
Au d6part. ces Juifs sovietiques
dteireux de quitter leur pays
^Quand'Boutvvons qtiltttl'lfrilnn n'svaiant pas te choix • c'etalt Israel
MvlMqua. aJot^t-elle, noua Mlmit ou rlen >, a prtets^ un responsable
UMM (t* ntnU MAltr dang n'impot- de < Caritas Catholica >. < Mais
tk' aual' payi k eondjttoo que ce pour la plupart d'entre eux. IsraCl
p^m'iMua aeeepta.
natureHq- n'4taU q'j'une ^tape. a)oute-t-il, et
a«M n<Mu nous atMHwee renduc- en une foU sur pUee 11 leur itait pos­
111 ML' Pourauoi HMU n']r aoamea sible de repartir. • C'est alnsl que
Ms TiMt# T VolU one ds quMUona le groupe des six cents Jutfs qui
auMMlIet )• tie dMre pAs r^^on- se trouve en Belgique. et qui
Xa Bit|tAu» I'Mt monM*. ii ds grotslt cbaque lour de plusieur.«
dizaines de personnes, est compost
accu^llantc M«)ieoup plus
Tear* Od noitt tMus etatitlrona par par des Julfs venant solt de France
U ifoia? Tout- tela d^o« dn ou d'ltalle ou d'AlIemagne fididiittKHww^ «t- des pow^itA, Hlq, pays oC> lis n'ont pas tti auITaBHelp^ doAc paa. Xt toUl tnitf iMMg a sejoumer.
Un total
de 600 'per$onnes
en attente
'is Le Bianfi^te Electoral consemteur:
M. nuv
M Gee
dent du
Affaires t
I'invite, I
Renaat V
Aftaires >
Au C01
avait eu<
cadre du
la C.E.
que son
en IMS.
M. Va
Vroa qt
^tait pr
de son |
ne la Cr
A I'ft
M. Var
eredi sc
porti J
tlon I
THE SUN. Sjinday, November 25. 1973
Jews who left Moldavia and returSfled
paint 'dog-eat-dog' picture of I|r|^
MI^ttAVI. PAlttCff
SroiCOiB Bureau O f The Sun
•- Kishinev, Moldavian S.S.R.
• —The relum of several Soviet
Jews who had emigrated to
.-'Israel • has upset the iarge
' Kishinev Jewish community
greatly, according to Jewish
. leaders here. ^ .
V-* "Before many, many people
•.•were sure they wanted to emigrate to Israel, but now they
have serious doubts," one Jew. ish activist here said.
I. "There is considerable feel­
ing' tiow, after we have heard
' first-hand reports about life in
' Israel, that it is not so much a
, Jewish .homeland as a -highly
militarized, typically capitalist
dog-eat-dog ghetto."
-r Emigration from Moldavia, a
• Soviet republic on the Ro' .manian border, is-continuing
with, an estimated 15 families
. leaving every week, but Jew­
ish sources here said that
fewer people are now applying
for exit visas.
• "Fearfal of making mistake"
' "People have become very
fearful of . making a terrible
misrake, a mistake that can
ruin their lives," said one Jew­
ish woman whose husband is
now. seeking to. withdraw his
' emigration application.
""Those who left and found
.'.^that they could not live in
' 'Israel have had a very difficult
. time returning. Many.have not
••been allowed to return at all.
Some cannot even get out of
" Israel because they de not
bave the money for Israeli exit
Jews here and in the district
town of Beltsy in northern Mol' davia said these doubts stem
from lengthy Conversations
with a number, of Jews who
have been allowed to return
from Israel and resettle in
* ytiWMMMinWiAA and
/tannA AVM^rr^ohfin' f 4il*PhAM
their native'communities
"When the first MAAnfla
peopfo came
from, one Jewish man in back, it was like a bomb had have qii^fa».{to meet ^o^'that
the number, of Jews the Soviet
Beltsy said, "an avalanche of been dropped in our'midst,"
letters from people who left Jewish engineer in Kishinev Unlonlia^rproWiised the United
and now want to leave Israel." said, '"niey made Israel souiid St^es iKat; it ;will allow to go
Although Israeli immigration like hell, not the paradise most actually ieaTO,V & Jewish activ­
ist in Kisfu^nev said. ' • •••"•
officials have said that only 1
of us had thought it would be. - Kishinev^|'a''q^arte^- of \^ose
or 2 per cent of the Soviet
And .we had to believe these 415,000 residents" aVe • Jewi^,
Jews who have come to Israel
people for they are good Jews, has loi^,v.b<sfeft. a center "of
—a figure likely to reach 34,000
not .propagandists, and';(heir Jewish aSKyim, wi A jews en­
this year alone—want to return
experiences were real....: 'J
gaging lii Kung^fsfrike's. occa;
to the Soviet Union, officials
sional-.'^-;[aefn.onah'SitfMS^ and
AppiitaHons wIthtlraTm
here and in Moscow have said
they have received inquiries or
"This^ caused some of us ft) to :emigrnttt:.^'The. last hunger
requests for repatriation from
reconsider our decision, to emi­ s f r i k f t w a t f t e l a i r i M a y . - . ;
nearly 20 per cent. •
grate. Some withdrew their ap­ • Two ^ye^-ago, .-.nine .Jews
and that is almost w^re tried',bi^-chai^es ofr'varSome wait 3 years
as difficult'as applying in'the' ious anti^tate activities, aiid
Only a few hundred, how­ first place—but imost,. I :thtnk, giveris on^to. five-year prison
ever, actually have been al­ decided'lo leave their applica­ sentetices',".l..Whiat • Jews bere
lowed to return, and an esti­ tions in» .What happened, compai'ed ill letters of protest
mated 1,500 are living in though, was'that a lot of fami­ to;. th;<''jl903.' an(Sjl^ po^iiis'
squalid slums in Vienna, Rome lies were .discouraged^ from in Kisl^^ jA^reft.bundles
and other European, cities emigrating.'"'of Jews'(lMif{^V;|*,;. •;
waiting for visas. Some have
These second-thoughts'artid
been waiting as long aS three doubts have apparently. ^ put
yearsMoldavian authorities' in ^e.
A Moldavian Foreign Minis­ peculiar position of sometimes
try official" said that much trying to find candidates for
time is needed to assess the
applications to return — jobs
and housing must be found,
police and political checks
made, much paperwork com­
pleted and the whole process
closely coordinated with cen­
tral agencies in Moscow.
Those who are allowed to
return, like the two or three
families that have come back
to Moldavia, apparently are
chosen fnr the impact their
return will make on their com­
5 WS

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