Untitled - French Together


Untitled - French Together
Table of Contents
How to use French connectors
To agree
To disagree
To ask a question
To answer a question
To apologize
To express your opinion
To say you don't know
To elaborate
To conclude
[Benjamin Houy]
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How to use French connectors
Knowing a lot of words is great
Essential in fact
But linking all these words can be hard
That's why I created the French connectors ebook
Conversational connectors are words and sentences you use to fill the
gaps and to sound more natural when you speak a language.
They make you sound more like a native speaker and let you time to
think when you are not sure what to say next.
Not convinced? Look at the first paragraph of this page. I underlined the
connectors. Now imagine these 4 lines without the underlined
connectors. It certainly wouldn't sound as natural.
What are you doing in Paris?
Without connectors you would answer something along the line of "I visit
the city".
With connectors you would answer "That's a good question, in fact I visit
the city".
Both sentences convey the same information. But the second one
sounds much more natural and interesting.
By using connectors, you invite people to connect to you and make your
sentences more interesting.
Try to use these connectors as soon as you can, and your conversations
in French will never be the same again.
To agree
Tu as raison/ vous avez raison
You are right (tu is non-formal while "vous" is formal)
Je suis d'accord
I agree
C'est vrai
That's true
C'est totalement/ complètement vrai
That's totally/ completely true
Tout à fait
C'est exact
That's correct
Sans aucun doute
Without a doubt
En général c'est vrai que...
It is usually true that...
Je n'y avais jamais pensé
I have never thought about it before
To disagree
N'importe quoi
Rubbish/ nonsense
C'est pas vrai
It's not true. Can also be used to express surprise
Alexandre a déménagé
Alexandre moved out of town
C'est pas vrai !
It can not be true
Ce n'est pas du tout vrai
That isn't true at all
C'est faux
It's wrong
C'est mal
It's morally wrong / it's bad
Do you really need a translation? ;)
Je ne suis pas d'accord
I don't agree (literally : I am not alright)
ça ne me convient pas
It's not ok for me
Seulement jusqu'à un certain point
Only up to a certain point
Je ne peux pas le faire
I can not do it
En principe c'est vrai, mais...
In principle that is true, but...
En général c'est vrai, mais...
In general it's true, but...
En aucun cas
In no case
C'est exagéré/ Tu exagères / Vous exagérez
This is an exageration/ You exagerate
Pas vraiment
Not really
To ask a question
Peux tu/pouvez-vous me dire
Can you tell me...
Comment se fait-il que...
How come...
Qu'en penses-tu/pensez-vous ?
What do you think about it?
Que penses-tu/pensez-vous de...
What do you think about...
Excuse me
To answer a question
C'est une question difficile
This is a difficult question
Ce n'est pas facile de répondre à cette question
It is not easy to answer this question
C'est une bonne question
That is a good question
To apologize
Ne sois/soyez pas énervé, mais...
Don't be upset, but...
J'ai fait une erreur
I made a mistake
Je suis désolé(e)
I am sorry
To express your opinion
Je pense que...
I think that...
Je ne pense pas que...
I don't think that...
En fait
In fact
Pour tout te/vous dire
To tell the truth (literally : to tell you everything)
Je suppose que...
I presume that...
J'espère que...
I hope that...
Si je comprends bien
if I understand correctly
Comme tu le sais/vous le savez peut-être
As you may know
A mon avis
in my opinion
Si c'est vrai
if that is true
Ce n'est pas un gros problème
That isn't such a big problem
C'est une question de point de vue
That is a matter of opinion
J'ai l'impression que...
I have the impression that...
Je ne suis pas un expert, mais...
I am not an expert, but...
Si je ne me trompe pas
if I am not mistaken
Je ne suis pas sûr
I am not sure
Je ne suis pas certain que...
I am not certain that...
To say you don't know
Je ne sais pas vraiment
I don't really no
Aucune idée
No idea
Je n'en ai aucune idée
I have no idea
Je ne sais pas du tout
I don't know at all
To elaborate
En plus de ça
In addition to that
Je voudrais préciser que...
I would like to precise that...
That is to say
Ce n'est pas tout
That's not all
Plus précisément
More specifically
Même si
Even though
To conclude
C'est pour ça que...
That is why...
En fin de compte
At the end
Au final
At the end
That is all there is to say
C'est tout ce qu'il y a à dire
Pour résumer
To sum up

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