Open Letter on Climate Change, (June 2008)


Open Letter on Climate Change, (June 2008)
Open Letter / Lettre ouverte
An Open Letter on Climate Change Science to all Canadian Elected Government Leaders June 2008
Twenty years ago, Canada, as a leader in international environmental issues, hosted a conference in
Toronto entitled "Our Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security" The participants
concluded that: "Humanity is conducting an unintended, uncontrolled, globally pervasive experiment,
whose ultimate consequences are second only to global nuclear war."
Two years ago, climate science leaders from the academic, public and private sectors across Canada,
conveyed in a letter to the Prime Minister their views on the current state of knowledge of climate
change and called for national leadership in addressing the issue.
In our opinion, tackling climate change has become an even more urgent concern since that 2006 letter.
The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change placed before the
global community definitive scientific evidence regarding the threat of climate change.
In awarding the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize to IPCC, the Nobel Committee, a committee of the Norwegian
Parliament, framed climate change as an issue of global peace and security. It stated "Action is
necessary now, before climate change moves beyond man's control."
New analyses show that global greenhouse gas concentrations are increasing, sea level rising and
Arctic sea ice decreasing faster than projected only a few years ago.
Water shortages are predicted in the western Prairies, the Okanagan and in the Great Lakes basin.
Earlier targets to avoid human interference with the climate system are now seen to be inadequate.
Addressing greenhouse gas emissions will require a polluter-pay approach and absolute emission caps.
Adaptation to the inevitable impacts of climate change is now imperative and we need a national
adaptation strategy to minimize those impacts and gain whatever benefits there may be.
We are concerned that the pace with which action is being taken in Canada does not reflect adequately
the urgency of the threat. Finally, we believe that sound policy continues to require good scientific
There is need for further investments in research and systematic monitoring to track the rate and nature
of changes, to understand what is happening now, to refine projections of future changes and to analyse
the opportunities and threats presented by these changes. In less than 18 months, the global community
will convene in Copenhagen to put in place a new agreement to address climate change.
We sincerely hope that, based on the compelling science at hand, our political leaders display the
urgency and determination that we believe is required.
Yours sincerely:
Signed by 130 Canadian climate science leaders from the academic, public and private sectors across
the country
Canadian Climate Science Leaders
Lettre ouverte concernant la science des changements climatiques à tous les dirigeants
gouvernementaux élus au Canada Juin 2008
Il y a maintenant vingt ans, le Canada, qui était alors pionnier en matière de questions
environnementales internationales, a accueilli à Toronto une conférence intitulée " L'atmosphère en
évolution : implications pour la sécurité du globe ". Au terme de celle-ci, les participants avaient conclu
que " l'humanité mène une expérience mondiale involontaire et non contrôlée dont les conséquences
finales ne seraient surpassées sur le plan de la gravité que par celles d'une guerre nucléaire planétaire ".
Puis, il y a deux ans, des sommités canadiennes en climatologie provenant du milieu universitaire et
des secteurs public et privé ont adressé une lettre au premier ministre pour lui faire part de leur opinion
concernant l'état des connaissances sur les changements climatiques et pour l'encourager fortement à
s'attaquer au problème.
Nous croyons qu'il est maintenant encore plus urgent de s'occuper du problème des changements
climatiques que cela ne l'était en 2006, lorsque cette lettre a été envoyée.
Le quatrième Rapport d'évaluation du Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat a
présenté à la communauté internationale des preuves scientifiques irréfutables quant à la menace que
posent les changements climatiques.
En accordant au Groupe le prix Nobel de la paix 2007, le Comité Nobel nommé par le parlement
norvégien a confirmé que les changements climatiques constituaient un problème mondial touchant la
paix et la sécurité. Il a aussi affirmé qu'il " est impératif d'agir maintenant, avant qu'il ne devienne
impossible pour l'homme de maîtriser les changements climatiques ".
De nouvelles analyses montrent que les changements climatiques se produisent plus rapidement que ce
qui avait été estimé il n'y a que quelques années; à preuve notamment l'augmentation de la
concentration atmosphérique mondiale des gaz à effet de serre, la hausse du niveau de la mer et la fonte
des glaces de l'Arctique.
Ces analyses prédisent aussi que les Prairies, l'Okanagan et le bassin des Grands Lacs connaîtront des
pénuries d'eau. À la lumière de ces analyses, les anciennes cibles d'atténuation de l'influence humaine
sur le climat sont maintenant considérées comme inadéquates.
L'adoption d'une stratégie basée sur le principe du pollueur-payeur et l'établissement de plafonds
d'émission absolus sont nécessaires dans le cadre de l'effort de réduction des gaz à effet de serre.
De plus, il est maintenant impératif de s'adapter aux effets inévitables des changements climatiques;
c'est pourquoi nous devons nous doter d'une stratégie nationale d'adaptation, qui nous permettra de
tempérer au minimum la gravité de ces effets et d'en retirer tous les avantages possibles.
Le rythme d'action du Canada nous préoccupe, car il ne reflète pas adéquatement l'urgence de la
situation. Finalement, nous sommes d'avis qu'il demeure important de s'appuyer sur de judicieuses
assises scientifiques dans l'établissement de politiques rationnelles.
C'est pourquoi il est essentiel de continuer d'investir dans la recherche et la surveillance systématique,
pour connaître la nature et la vitesse des changements, comprendre ce qui se produit en ce moment,
préciser les prévisions relatives aux changements à venir et analyser les avantages de ces changements
et les menaces qu'ils posent. Dans moins d'un an et demi, la communauté internationale se réunira à
Copenhague pour convenir d'une nouvelle entente sur la gestion des changements climatiques.
Nous espérons sincèrement que, en raison des preuves scientifiques dont nous disposons, nos dirigeants
feront preuve de la détermination et du sentiment d'urgence que nous croyons appropriés dans le
contexte actuel.
Lettre signée par 130 sommités canadiennes du domaine de la climatologie provenant autant du milieu
universitaire que des secteurs public et privé du pays.
Sommités canadiennes du domaine de la climatologie
Canadian Climate Science Leaders/ Leaders canadiens de la science du climat Dr. Jonathan Abbatt
Department of Chemistry
University of Toronto
Dr. Jean Andrey
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
Associate Dean, Faculty of Environmental Studies
University of Waterloo
Dr. Philip H. Austin
Associate Professor,
Atmospheric Sciences Programme
University of British Columbia
Dr. David Barber
Canada Research Chair in Arctic System Science
University of Manitoba.
Dr. Danny Blair
Department of Geography
University of Winnipeg
Dr. Jean-Pierre Blanchet
Professeur au Département des sciences de la Terre et de l’atmosphère,
Institut des sciences de l’environnement,
Université du Québec à Montréal
Dr. Mike Brklacich
Professor & Chair
Department of Geography & Environmental Studies
Carleton University
Dr. James Bruce, OC, FRSC
Canadian Policy Representative
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Dr. Christopher Bryant
Université de Montréal
Dr. William Mark Buhay
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
Center for Forest Interdisciplinary Research
University of Winnipeg
Dr. Ian Burton, FRSC
Professor Emeritus
University of Toronto.
Dr. Andrew B.G. Bush
Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Alberta
Dr. James M. Byrne
Associate Professor
Geography, Water and Environmental Science
University of Lethbridge
Dr. Stephen Calvert, FRSC
Professor Emeritus
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of British Columbia
Dr. Eddy Carmack
Senior Research Scientist
Institute of Ocean Sciences
Dr. John M. Casselman
Adjunct Professor
Department of Biology
Queen's University
Dr. Quentin Chiotti
Senior Scientist
Pollution Probe
Dr. Grace Chiu Assistant Professor Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of Waterloo
Dr. R Allyn Clarke
Scientist Emeritus, Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Dr. Garry K.C. Clarke, FRSC
Emeritus Professor of Geophysics, Earth & Ocean Sciences
University of British Columbia
Dr. David A. Clausi,
Associate Professor
Systems Design Engineering
University of Waterloo
Dr. Irena Creed
Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Cross- appointed to the Departments of Geography and Earth Sciences
University of Western Ontario
Dr. John J. Cullen
Killam Chair of Ocean Studies
Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
Dr. Evan Davies
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Western Ontario
Dr. Jacques Derome, FRSC
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
McGill University
Dr. Andrew E. Derocher
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta
Chair, IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group
Dr. Stephen Dery
Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair in Northern Hydrometeorology, Environmental Science
and Engineering Program
University of Northern British Columbia
Dr. William F. Donahue
Dr. Marianne Douglas
Director, Canadian Circumpolar Institute and Professor
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta
Dr. James R. Drummond, FRSC
Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science
Dalhousie University
Dr. Claude R. Duguay
Professor & Director
Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change (IC3)
University of Waterloo
Dr. Thomas W D Edwards
Professor, Isotope Hydrology and Geochemistry
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Waterloo
Dr. John England
Professor & NSERC Northern Chair
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
University of Alberta
Dr. Lawrence B. Flanagan
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Lethbridge
Dr. Ian Folkins
Associate Professor
Dept of Physics & Atmospheric Science
Dalhousie University
Dr. Michael G. G. Foreman
Senior Research Scientist
Institute of Ocean Sciences
Dr. Louis Fortier, OC
Canada Research
Chair on the response of marine arctic ecosystem to climate change
Scientific Director of ArcticNet
Université Laval
Dr. Howard J. Freeland
Senior Scientist, Institute of Ocean Sciences
Dr. Chris Furgal
Assistant Professor
Indigenous Environmental Studies Program
Trent University
Dr. Konrad Gajewski
Laboratory for Paleoclimatology and Climatology
Department of Geography
University of Ottawa
Dr. John Gosse
Canada Research Chair Earth Systems Evolution
Department of Earth Sciences
Dalhousie University
Dr. Robert Grant
Department of Renewable Resources
University of Alberta
Dr. Richard J. Greatbatch,
Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
Dr. Roland Hall
Associate Professor
Associate Dean of Science for Graduate Studies
Department of Biology
University of Waterloo
Dr. Danny Harvey
Dept of Geography
University of Toronto.
Dr. John Hanesiak
Associate Professor in Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Environment and Geography
University of Manitoba
Dr. David Hik
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Northern Ecology
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta
Dr. Claude Hillaire-Marcel, MSRC
UNESCO Chair for global change study, Université du Québec à Montréal
Dr. Thomas Homer-Dixon
Department of Political Science
University of Toronto
Dr. William Hsieh
Professor, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences Chair, Atmospheric Science Programme University of
British Columbia
Dr. Peter L. Jackson
Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute
Environmental Science and Engineering Programs
University of Northern British Columbia
Dr. Dan L. Johnson
Professor of Environmental Science
Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Grassland Ecosystems
Department of Geography
University of Lethbridge
Dr. Dylan Jones
Assistant Professor
Canada Research Chair
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
Dr. Jeffrey L. Kavanaugh
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Alberta
Dr. Markus Kienast
Assistant Professor
Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
Dr. Richard Kelly
Department of Geography
University of Waterloo
Paul Kovacs
Executive Director
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
Dr. Paul Kushner
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
Dr. Catherine La Farge
Cryptogamic Herbarium (ALTA) Curator & Director
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta
Claude Labine
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corp.
Dr. Kevin Lamb
Professor and Chair
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Dr. René Laprise
Université du Québec à Montréal
Director, Centre ESCER (Étude et Simulation du Climat à l'Échelle Régionale)
Dr. David B Layzell, FRSC
Executive Director,
Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (ISEEE),
University of Calgary,
Dr. Paul LeBlond, FRSC
Professor Emeritus
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia and
Chairman, Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council
Dr. Ellsworth F. LeDrew
Department of Geography,
University Research Chair
University of Waterloo
Dr. Glen Lesins
Associate Professor (Research)
Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science
Dalhousie University
Dr. Maurice Levasseur
Chaire de Recherche du Canada sur les interactions plancton-climat
Université Laval
Dr. Marlon R. Lewis
Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
Dr. E.J. (Ted) Llewellyn FRSC, P.Eng.,
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. David A. Lobb
Landscape Dynamics Laboratories
Department of Soil Science
University of Manitoba
Dr. Brian H. Luckman,
Professor, Department of Geography
The University of Western Ontario
Dr. Jennifer V. Lukovich
Research Associate
Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS)
Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
University of Manitoba
Dr. Scott Mabury
Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Chair
Department of Chemistry
University of Toronto
Dr. Robie W. Macdonald, FRSC
Senior Research Scientist
Institute of Ocean Sciences
Professor Alan Manson, Ph.D.,
Chair, "Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies" (ISAS),
Department of Physics and Engineering Physics,
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Hank Margolis
Université Laval
Dr. Shawn Marshall
Canada Research Chair in Climate Change
W. Garfield Weston Foundation Fellow, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Department of
University of Calgary
Dr. Randall Martin
Associate Professor
Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science
Dalhousie University
Dr. J. C. McConnell, FRSC
Distinguished Research Professor,
Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering
York University
Dr. Gordon McBean, FRSC
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
University of Western Ontario
Dr. J. Harry McCaughey
Department of Geography
Queen's University
Dr. Norman McFarlane
Director, SPARC International Project Office
Adjunct Professor
Department of Physics, University of Toronto
Senior Scientist Emeritus
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis
Environment Canada
Dr. Katrin J. Meissner
Assistant Professor
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
Dr. Humfrey Melling
Research Scientist
Institute of Ocean Sciences
Dr. Adam Monahan
Associate Professor
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
Dr. Katrina Moser
Associate Professor
Dept. of Geography
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Lawrence A. Mysak, CM, FRSC
Canada Steamship Lines Professor
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
McGill University
Dr. Paul Myers
Associate Professor
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Alberta
Dr. Mark Nuttall
Professor, Henry Marshall Tory Chair
University of Alberta
Dr. Desmond O’Neill
Dr. Tim Papakyriakou
Centre for Earth Observation Science
Department of Environment & Geography
University of Manitoba
Dr. Thomas F. Pedersen, FRSC
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Dean of Science
University of Victoria
Dr. W.R. Peltier, FRSC
Director, Centre for Global Change Science
University Professor and Professor of Physics
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
Dr. John Pomeroy, FRGS
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Water Resources and Climate Change
Director, Centre for Hydrology
Dept of Geography
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Francis Poulin
University of Waterloo
Dr. Simon Prinsenberg
Arctic Scientist
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Dr. Alain Royer
Directeur du Centre d'Applications et de Recherches en Télédétection
Université de Sherbrooke
Dr. Nigel T. Roulet
James McGill Professor
Department of Geography
McGill School of Environment
McGill University
Dr. André G. Roy
Professeur titulaire
Chaire de recherche du Canada en dynamique fluviale
Département de géographie
Université de Montréal
Dr. David J. Sauchyn
Research Professor
Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative University of Regina
Dr. D. W. Schindler, OC, FRSC, FRS.
Killam Memorial Chair and Professor of Ecology
University of Alberta
Dr. David B. Scott
Killam Professor and Chair
Centre for Environmental and Marine Geology
Department of Earth Sciences
Dalhousie University
Dr. Martin Sharp
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences University of Alberta
Dr. Theodore G. Shepherd, FRSC
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
Dr. Slobodan Simonovic
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Western Ontario
Dr. James Sloan,
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Director
Waterloo Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
University of Waterloo
Dr. John P. Smol, FRSC
Canada Research Chair in Environmental Change
Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab, Dept. of Biology
Queen's University
Dr. Kenneth Snelgrove
Associate Professor
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Memorial University of Newfoundland
Dr. Marek Stastna
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Dr. Ronald Stewart
Professor and Head
Dept. of Environment and Geography
University of Manitoba
Dr. Douw G. Steyn
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences
The University of British Columbia
Dr. Vincent L. St.Louis
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta
Dr. John M R Stone,
Adjunct Research Professor
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Carleton University
Vice-Chairman, IPCC Working Group II
Dr. G. S. Strong
Adjunct Professor
University of Alberta
Dr. Kimberly Strong,
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
Dr. Gordon E. Swaters
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Alberta
Dr. Peter A. Taylor
Department of Atmospheric Science
York University
Dr. Helmuth Thomas
Canada Research Chair in Marine Biogeochemistry
Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University
Dr. Charles Trick
Beryl Ivey Chair for Ecosystem Health
McConnell Family Professor in Ecosystem Health
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Western Ontario
Dr. Peter Victor
Faculty of Environmental Studies
York University
Dr. Warwick F. Vincent, FRSC
Professeur & Chaire de Recherche du Canada
Dépt de Biologie & Director, Centre d'études nordiques
Université Laval,
Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle
Dept. Land Resource Science
University of Guelph
Dr. Kaley A. Walker
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
Dr. William Ward
Department of Physics,
University of New Brunswick
Dr. Andrew J. Weaver, FRSC
Professor and Canada Research Chair
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
Dr. Elaine Wheaton
Climate Scientist
Adjunct Professor
Department of Geography
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Michael Whiticar
Professor, Biogeochemistry
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
University of Victoria
Dr. John D. Wilson
Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Alberta
Dr. John Yackel
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
University of Calgary
Dr. Steven B. Young
Associate Professor
Director, Centre for Environment and Business
Faculty of Environment
University of Waterloo