The Bro Code for Parents. by Barney Stinson with


The Bro Code for Parents. by Barney Stinson with
The Bro Code for Parents. by Barney Stinson with
Matt Kuhn
by Barney Stinson
Another incredibly witty and hilarious novel from the Barney Stinson series. I love the twisted but well meaning
advice on how to take care and raise a baby Barney-style (providing a stereotypical view of someone with a very
general knowledge on babies). As an added bonus, the funny anecdotes ("Goldieslut and the Three Bros") and
nursery rhymes ("The Boobs on the Bus") provide extra "laugh-out-loud" moments.
A very fun and light read, this is highly recommended for those moments when you just want to relax after a long
day. Just don't expect to learn anything about parenting or babies here!|hilarious!!!|Nous y sommes! Voici le
dernier tome du célèbre Bro-code, le guide aussi pourrave de la planète. Malgré cela, je l’adore !
Cette fois, nous parlons de la maternité et paternité. Oui vous avez bien lu maternité et pour cause, Barney
s’adresse aux deux partis dans ce tome. Ce qui est marrant c’est qu’il vous apprends du début à la fin à concevoir,
gérer et largué votre rejeton.
Dès les premières pages, il explique comment draguer au préalable (donc trouver le bon parti), et bien entendu
l’histoire de super sperme vers princesse ovule, plus tard il donne l’ordre d’annonciation pour la grossesse (et là
messieurs, vous pourrez,pour les plus courageux, utiliser la technique "je ne suis pas le père" et fuir). Pour les
sacrifiés, vous apprendrez qu’il y a des dépenses ÉNORMES à prévoir, des changements chez votre compagne (ou
maîtresse), que les babysitter ainsi que les doctoresses (oui c’est mieux ainsi) doivent passer par des test, qu’on
peut baiser même avec un ventre rond, que le prénom doit pas inspirer la soumission, que la petite fête pour
l’annonce du bébé doit ressembler à un second enterrement de vie de garçon (et pour les femmes une torture),
qu’il ne faut pas ouvrir les cadeaux devant les autres MAIS qu’on peut se permettre de soutirer des cadeaux de
luxe (mais bien, sur je suis enceinte donc DONNE !!!!), que l’accouchement c’est le mal, que le bébé à lui tout seul
c’est le mal, qu’il y a ENCORE PLUS de dépense à sa naissance (démon va !). En gros, bienvenue dans le monde
des emmerdes.
On a aussi droit à des comptines et des remakes d’histoires classique en guise de bonus comme coquine d’or et
les trois bros, avec son taux de moralité à vous demander si vraiment ça vaux le coup de le lire (mais bien sur que
On a aussi droit à des comptines et des remakes d’histoires classique en guise de bonus comme coquine d’or et
les trois bros, avec son taux de moralité à vous demander si vraiment ça vaux le coup de le lire (mais bien sur que
ça vaux le coup!!!!). Le bro code pour les parents est conseillé pour les futurs parents et les parents. Un excellent
moment à passer avec des crises de fou rire XD|So, you want to be parent/are going to be a parent/are a new
parent? Congratulations! Your life is over. The good news is there is still hope for your offspring. Indefinite
bachelor Barney Stinson gives you all the advice you’ll need to make sure that your baby grows up to be legenwait for it…
Being a fan of Stinson's previous works - 'The Bro Code' and 'The Playbook' - it was a no-brainer that I would
purchase this volume when I happened upon its existence. Sure, I am not a parent, nor do I have any intention of
being one...but it gave me a good outlet to laugh at those suckers' expense. "Those suckers" is of course a general
term, by which I mean my cousins who all seem to be having babies. Naturally I purchased Stinson's latest work on
audio, narrated by the man himself. I have since listened to it through twice. It doesn't disappoint.
'The Bro Code for Parents' comes not only heavy with disclaimers but also includes some notes from the editor,
who is naturally a begrudging chick. Although, admittedly, she does sound pretty hot. The editor's notes are
primarily interjected when it comes to what women should/should not do during their pregnancy. There is a
surprising lack of note from her contradicting the use of a plastic bag as a suitable children's toy.
My favourite aspects of 'The Bro Code for Parents' are Stinson's renditions of classic children's stories and songs. A
few that stood out for me were, 'Bro McDonald,' 'The Bro Who Cried Hot Chicks' and his version of 'The Wheels on
the Bus.' Couldn't help but crack up over his suggested list of films for expecting parents to watch. Alien!
The only thing that disappointed me was that I was unable to locate the PDF file mentioned by Stinson. I've had
this trouble in the past but it was simply an oversight on my part. There was no PDF download link located where I
found the one for 'The Bro Code' on Audible. My leg is not an appendage I appreciate being pulled.
Overall, 'The Bro Code for Parents' was a very enjoyable listen. It is not recommended for the easily offended or
dangerously literal.
(From my blog: Quill Café)
In accordance with the FTC, I would like to disclose that I purchased this book. The opinions expressed are mine
and no monetary compensation was offered to me by the author or publisher.|This book was so funny. So offside.
Probably moreso if you know the character of Barney Stinson.
Favourite parts (too many to list...):
Finding out you're pregnant is the most exciting discovery you will ever make, next to stumbling upon one of
those conjoined peanut M&M's... - p. 18
Naming your child is also one of the most terrifying things you will ever do. Screw up now and your child could
spend the entirety of junior high crammed inside his locker because you thought the name Gayden was, like,
soooo cute. Focusing on a trendy name might also cause professional embarassment for your child down the line.
Noboby wants a lawyer named Cody or a doctor named Brooklyn...unless of course you're filming a porno. - p. 58
Does it sound good before the world's greatest middle name: Waitforit? - p. 59