Sujet à rendre avec la copie


Sujet à rendre avec la copie
ECORIS 2011/2012
N° candidat :
Section :
Formateur :
UE :
Langue Vivante
Matière :
Section :
Évaluation période :
Date :
Mercredi 4 juillet 2012
Durée :
Barème :
PART 1 and PART 2
Q1 à Q22 :
/66 points
+ 3 points
- 1 point
0 Point
Entourez la bonne réponse (une seule réponse possible par question)
PART 3 communication orale
(2 points par bonne réponse)
/ 24 points
a) /10 points
b) /14 points
PART 4 lettre ou email (fonction de la section)
/ 30 points
Aucun dictionnaire autorisé
Si le texte du sujet, de ses questions ou de ses annexes, vous conduit à formuler une ou plusieurs
hypothèses, il vous est demandé de la ou les mentionner explicitement dans votre copie
Sujet à rendre avec la copie
ECORIS 2011/2012
PART 1: COMPREHENSION (circle the right answer)
Discussing Ideas at a Meeting
Chairman: I'd like to open today's meeting. Robert?
Robert: First, I'll quickly go over the main points of the last meeting.
Chairman: …. (finishes) , if no one has anything to add, let's move on to today's agenda.
Robert: I suggest we each give a little background on the suggestions we discussed last week.
Chairman: Could you repeat that, please?
Robert: Let's start by going over the research you've done on the suggestions.
Chairman: You'll find most of the information outlined in the summary documents in front
of you.
Robert: These figures are interesting. It's clear to me that customer communications are not
working as they should.
Chairman: Yes, our marketing efforts really haven't been effective to date.
Robert: I suggest we break up into groups and discuss how we can improve our message.
Chairman: Unfortunately, we're almost out of time. I suggest you submit your ideas on
marketing and we can discuss the best next week.
Robert: Before we close, could we quickly discuss the Armstrong situation?
1. What’s the first order of business?
a) New suggestions
b) Quick review of last meeting
c) Marketing idea
2. What would Robert like to hear?
a) Some new suggestions
b) Background on the suggestions
c) Ideas on marketing
3. How is the summary information presented?
a) By PowerPoint
b) Orally
c) In a summary document
4. What seems to be the main problem?
a) The Armstrong situation
b) Research and development
c) Customer communications
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5. What hasn't worked well until now?
a) The Armstrong situation
b) The main points of last week's meeting
c) Marketing efforts
6. Why can't they break up into groups?
a) That's not the purpose of this meeting.
b) They're running out of time.
c) They need to go over other information
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7) A new secretary ………………
a) has just hired
b) has just been hired
c) has just being hired
d) was just been hired
8) The strike started a few days ago,………………
a) It will ended soon
b) it is expected to end soon
c) it expected to end soon
d) it is expecting to end soon
9) …………to our telephone conversation we are pleased to confirm our order
a) following
b) after
c) since
d) further
10) About ………………………. jobs will be axed
a) three thousand five hundred
b) three thousand and five hundreds
c) three thousands five hundreds
d) three thousand and five hundred
11) I was made …………………… the new campaign
a) responsible of
b) responsible for
c) the responsible for
d) one responsible for
12) ……………………… he was exhausted he kept driving
a) because
b) since
c) however
d) although
13) Chinese teens represent a market of………………
a) $ 36 billion a year
b) $ 36 billion by year
c) 36 billions $ a year
d) $ 36 Billion a year
14)……………………. could put the brakes on growth
a) increased insurance costs
b) increased assurance costs
c) increased of insurance costs
d) increase insurance costs
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15) What’s her job?
a) she is a sells negotiator
b) she is a sells negociator
c) she is sales negotiator
d) she is a sales negotiator
16) We are sorry ……………………… caused
a) for the inconvenient
b) for the inconvenients
c) for the inconvenience
d) for the lack of inconvenience
17) She found her placement …………..
a) by her own
b) by herself
c) by herselve
d) on herself
18) Japanese industrial production increased ……………2% last year
a) of
b) from
c) since
d) by
19) Louis Vuitton and Hermes are ………………………. luxury labels that wealthy Chinese
reach for when giving gifts to friends
a) most popular
b) more popular
c) the much popular
d) the most popular
20) In December 2011, Japan said that it would become the first……………economy to hold
yuan-denominated bonds as reserve assets.
a) developing
b) developed
c) developing
d) developped
21) Syria is battling growing shortages of heating oil and ……… fuels
a) the others
b) others
c) the other’s
d) other
22) It is worth …………………………that the documents are also available in English
a) mentioning
b) mention
c) to mentioning
d) to mention
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ECORIS 2011/2012
PART 3 Oral communication : Fill in the blanks with one word
Dialogue :
Visitor : Hello, Steve Selby . I am here ……….…… (1) see Mr Clooney. I’m a bit early.
Receptionist: Good morning, Mr Selby. Your ………………….. (2) is at 11 o’clock .
Visitor: That’s right
Receptionist: I’ll ……….. (3) Mr Clooney know you’re here. I’m …………(4) his meeting
is running over slightly. Would you mind ………… (5) ?
Visitor: no, that’s fine
Phone message:
Good morning. This is Ann Brown from Green and Haley. I won’t be able to ………….. (1)
it to our appointment at the sea fish restaurant at twelve today. I have a check up at Guy’s
hospital at 11 and it will take about two hours.
Could we …………….. (2) it to another day some time next week?
I apologize …………. (3) the ……………….(4).
Call me ……………………. (5) to …………………………… (6) a new appointment . You
can reach me …………. (7) 06 25 25 32 14 until 11. See you soon, bye.
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ECORIS 2011/2012
Rédigez un email en respectant les consignes suivantes et en représentant ce
que vous verriez à l’écran
Vous travaillez au service marketing chez « TOP BUSINESS » fabricant de jouets
Vous envoyez un email à 2 de vos collègues : Steve Selby et Jeff Wilson
Vous leur demandez de se joindre au reste de l’équipe pour une réunion lundi prochain à 9
heures en salle de réunion
A l’ordre du jour : chute des ventes de votre dernier modèle de robot
« Toys are us » vient de vous informer qu’ils allaient vous renvoyer 60% des articles
C’est d’autant plus surprenant que ce modèle s’est très bien vendu à son lancement
Il est urgent de prendre les dispositions nécessaires
Ils trouveront en pièce jointe un graphique représentant les chiffres de vente du robot sur les 3
derniers mois
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