la gestation pour autrui


la gestation pour autrui
Biographies of Speakers (alphabetical order)
Laurence BRUNET
Martine GROSS
Vasanti JADVA
Delphine LANCE
Françoise LESTAGE
Anne-Marie LEROYER
María-Eugenia OLAVARRIA
Gilles PISON
Sunita REDDY
Virginie ROZEE
Jacques TOUBON
[email protected]
Daphna Birenbaum-Carmeli is a medical sociologist in the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences at
the University of Haifa, Israel. Her main research interest is the domain of women’s health, with a focus on
reproduction-related issues: assisted reproductive technologies, power relations and reproductive policies.
More generally she is interested in the interface of health care and international politics. Another field of
Birenbaum-Carmeli’s interest is the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on healthcare in the region,
especially the Gaza Strip. Birenbaum-Carmeli has published extensively in books and professional journals
like Social Science and Medicine, Annual Review of Anthropology, The Sociology of Health and Illness . She
is the author of Tel Aviv North: The Making of a New Israeli Middle Class (Hebrew University Press) and the
co-editor of Assisting Reproduction, Testing Genes: Global Encounters with New Biotechnologies (with Marcia
C. Inhorn) and Kin, Gene, Community: Reproductive Technology among Jewish Israelis (with Yoram S. Carmeli),
both published by Berghahn Books. Her current major project focuses on medical and social egg freezing in
Israel and the USA.
Birenbaum Carmeli D., (In press), “Thirty Years of ART in Israel”, Reproductive BioMedicine and Society Online.
Birenbaum-Carmeli D., 2014, “Health journalism in the service of power: ‘moral complacency’ and the Hebrew
media in the Gaza–Israel conflict”, Sociology of Health & Illness, 36(4): 613–628
Birenbaum-Carmeli D., Carmeli Y.S. (Eds.) 2010, Kin, Gene, Community: Reproductive Technology among
Jewish Israelis, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
Birenbaum-Carmeli D., Inhorn M. (Eds.) 2009, Assisting Reproduction, Testing Genes: Global Encounters with
New Biotechnologies, Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.
Birenbaum-Carmeli D., 2009, “The Politics of ‘The Natural Family’ in Israel: State Policy and Kinship Ideologies,
Social Science and Medicine, 69: 1018-1024.
[email protected]
Lucy Blake is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge.
Her research focuses on the family, the quality of family relationships and psychological well-being. Lucy Blake
is particularly interested in research that explores family relationships from the perspectives of the different
members of the family, especially those voices that are not typically heard. Her most recent publications have
explored family relationships and donor conception from the perspective of the child.
Blake L., Jadva V., Golombok S., 2014, “Parent psychological adjustment, donor conception and disclosure: a
follow-up over ten years”, Human Reproduction, 29: 2487-96.
Blake L., Zadeh S., Statham H., Freeman T., 2014, “Children’s Perspectives on Relationships in Families Created
by Assisted Conception”, in Freeman, T., Graham, S., Ebtehaj, F. and Richards, M. (Eds.), Relatedness in
Assisted Reproduction: Families, Origins and Identities, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Blake L., Casey P., Jadva V., Golombok S., 2013, “I Was Quite Amazed: Donor Conception and Parent-Child
Relationships from the Child’s Perspective”, Children and Society, 28: 425-437.
Blake L., Casey P., Jadva V., Golombok S., 2012, “Marital Stability and Quality in Families Created by Assisted
Reproductive Technologies: A Follow-up Study”, Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 25: 678-683.
Blake L., Casey P., Readings J., Jadva V. Golombok S., 2010, “ ‘Daddy Ran Out of Tadpoles’: How Parents Tell
Their Children that they are Donor Conceived, and What Their 7-year-olds Understand, Human Reproduction,
25: 2527-34.
Laurence BRUNET
[email protected]
Laurence Brunet is a legal practitioner, associate researcher at the “Droit, Sciences et Techniques” (“Law,
Science and Techniques”) research center at University Paris I, and lecturer at Institute d’études judiciaires
(Institute for Legal Studies) at University Paris Sud (with a focus on civil liberties and fundamental rights). She
specializes in the impact of science and medicine on the rights of individuals and families.
From 2011 to 2016, she co-led the bi-monthly “Genre, personne et parenté dans l’Assistance médicale à la
procréation” (“Gender, Personhood and Parenthood in Assisted Reproductive Technologies”) seminar at
l’EHESS with I. Théry, M. Gross, and J. Merchant. In 2013, she coordinated the legal study commissioned by the
European Parliament on surrogacy in the European Union (“A Comparative Study on the Regime of Surrogacy
in EU Member States, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs”).
She was also part of the “Filiation, origines et parentalité - Le droit face aux nouvelles valeurs de responsabilité
générationnelle” (“Filiation, Origins, and Parenthood – Law and New Values Concerning Generational
Responsibility”) working group, chaired by I. Théry and A.M. Leroyer, that presented a report to the Ministry for
the Family, and was published by Odile Jacob in 2014. She is also a project leader at the Centre for Clinical
Ethics at Hôpital Cochin and Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Centre, and notably provides training through
several university perinatal programs at Hôpital Béclère and Hôpital Necker.
Brunet L., 2016, « Le principe de l’anonymat du don de gamètes en France : un pilier au socle fragile », in
Jouannet P. (ed), Procréation, Médecine et Don, Lavoisier, p. 99-117.
Brunet L., 2015, « Les atermoiements du droit français dans la reconnaissance des familles formées par des
couples de femmes », Revue internationale Enfance, Familles, Générations, 23, p. 71-89.
Brunet L., Sosson J., 2013, « L’engendrement à plusieurs en droit comparé : quand le droit peine à distinguer
filiation, origines et parentalité », in H. Fulchiron, J. Sosson (dir.), Parentalité, filiation, origines, Bruylant, p.
Brunet L., 2012, « La globalisation internationale de la gestation pour autrui », Travail, genre et sociétés, 28 :
Brunet L., 2012, « Assistance médicale à la procréation et nouvelles familles : boîte de Pandore ou corne
d’abondance ? », Revue de droit sanitaire et social, p. 828-838.
[email protected]
Jerome Courduriès is an anthropologist and senior lecturer at the Université Jean Jaurès (Toulouse, France).
Since he defended his doctoral dissertation on gay marriage in France, he has focused on gay parenting, and
is currently conducting research on surrogacy. His scientific interests include issues concerning gender and
parenthood in contemporary France. He is a member of the ANR ENTHNOPOL Program on the Government
of Family Formation, and is co-directing with Michelle Giroux (law Professor at the University of Ottawa), a
Franco-Québécois research project on the transnational use of donors in assisted reproduction techniques
with donation,.
Courduriès J., 2016. « Ce que fabrique la gestation pour autrui. Les relations entre la femme porteuse, l’enfant
et ses parents », Journal des Anthropologues, 144-145.
Courduriès J., Herbrand C., 2014. « Genre, parenté et techniques de reproduction assistées : bilan et
perspectives après 30 de recherche », Enfances, familles, générations, 21 : 1-27.
Courduriès J., Fine A. (dir.), 2014. Homosexualité et parenté, Paris : Armand Colin.
Courduriès Jérôme, 2014. « Rompre avec sa famille. Jeunesse, entrée dans l’homosexualité et expérience du
rejet familial », in Courduriès J., Fine A. (dir.), Homosexualité et parenté, Paris : Armand Colin, p. 45-64.
Courduriès J., 2011. Être en couple (gay). Homosexualité masculine et conjugalité en France, Lyon : Presses
Universitaires de Lyon.
[email protected]
Hugues Fulchiron is a Professor of law (Agrégé), and serves as the Honorary President of the Université Jean
Moulin Lyon 3 and vice-president of the International Society of Family Law. He is a Professor at the Université
Jean Moulin Lyon 3, where he directs the Center for Family Law. He specializes in family law and private
international law, and is the co-author (with Ph. Malaurie) of a family law manual that has been re-edited several
times. He is also the director of several collective works on the transformation of marriage and parenthood,
and has written numerous articles on family law, protecting the vulnerable, European and international family
law, North African families, nationality, immigration law and fundamental rights. He has been a member of
l’Institut Universitaire de France since 2014.
Fulchiron H., Malaurie Ph., 2016, La famille, éd. Defrénois (5ème éd.)
Fulchiron H. (dir.), 2011, Mariage, conjugalité ; parenté, parentalité, Dalloz
Fulchiron H., Sosson J. (dir.), 2013, Parenté, filiation, origine : le droit et l’engendrement à plusieurs, éd. Bruylant
Fulchiron H., 2013, Vers un droit européen de la famille, Dalloz.
[email protected]
Trudie Gerrits is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of
Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands, where she is co-director of the Masters program in Medical Anthropology
and Sociology (MAS). Most of her research work focuses on infertility and assisted reproductive technologies
(ARTs), in the Netherlands as well as in African countries. Her most recent research took place in private IVF
clinics in Ghana, as part of a comparative study examining the transfer to and local appropriation of ARTs in
sub-Saharan Africa. Her book, Patient-Centred IVF: Bioethics and Care in a Dutch Clinic was recently published
with Berghahn Publishers in August 2016. Before working at the UvA she worked for 5 years at the Ministry of
Health in Mozambique.
Gerrits T., 2016 (in press), “ARTs in Ghana: Transnational Undertakings, Local Practices and Societal Responses”.
Special Issue: “IVF: Global Histories”. Franklin S. and Inhorn M. (eds.) Reproductive Biomedicine and Society
Gerrits T. and Hörbst, 2016, “Entrepreneuring Barren Grounds”. In: Manderson, L., Hardon, A. and Cartwright,
E. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology (pp 345-350). London: Routledge.
Gerrits T., 2016, “It’s Not My Eggs, It Is Not My Husband’s Sperm, It Is Not My Child”: Surrogacy and ‘Not Doing
Kinship’ in Ghana”. In: Kroløkke C., Miyong L., Adrian S.W., Thompson T. (eds.) Critical Kinship Studies:
Kinship (Trans)formed. USA: Rowman & Littlefield.
Gerrits T., 2015, “Introduction. ARTs in Resource-Poor Areas: Practices, Experiences, Challenges and Theoretical
Debates”. In: Hampshire K., Simpson B. (eds.) Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Third Phase: Global
Encounters and Emerging Moral Worlds (pp. 94-104). Oxford: Berghahn Publishers.
Hörbst V., Gerrits T. (2016) “Transnational Connections of Health Professionals: Medicoscapes and Assisted
Reproduction in Ghana and Uganda”. Ethnicity and Health. Ethnicity & Health, 21(4): 357-374. Gerrits T.,
2014, “The Ambiguity of Patient-Centred Practices: The Case of a Dutch Fertility Clinic”, Anthropology &
Medicine, 21(2): 125-135.
Martine GROSS
[email protected]
Martine Gross is a sociologist and research engineer in social sciences (CNRS). Most of her work focuses
on gay parenting, a topic on which she has also published and/or edited numerous books. She currently
participates in several joint research programs, including:
Gay Fathers: an international (France, UK, Netherlands) program funded by ANR (The French National
Research Agency)
Project Devhom: Same-Sex Parenthood, Family Functioning, Child Development and the Socialization
of Children, funded by the ANR
The Use of Donation in Assisted Reproductive Technologies : a Franco-Québécois Perspective
and International Comparison, an international program funded by the Law and Justice Research
Committee (CNRS).
She has also participated in:
The “Bioethics” working group at Terra Nova, led by Geneviève Delaisi and Valérie Depadt-Sebag
The “Family” working group at the French Socialist Party’s Laboratoire des idées (Ideas Lab), led by
Gilles Bon-Maury (2010-2011)
The working group that led to the writing of the « Filiation, origines, parentalité » (“Filiation, Origins, and
Parenthood”) report, led by IrèneThéry and Anne-Marie Leroyer (2013-2014)
Gross M., 2015, M, « L’homoparentalité et la transparentalité au prisme des sciences sociales: révolution ou
pluralisation des formes de parenté? » Enfances, Familles, Générations, 23 : i-xxxvii.
Gross M., 2014, Neirinck C., Parents-enfants, vers une nouvelle filiation ?, Paris : La documentation française.
Gross M., 2014, « Les tiers de procréation dans les familles homoparentales », Recherches familiales, 11 : 19-30.
Gross M., 2012, Choisir la paternité gay, Toulouse : Eres.
Gross M., Mathieu S., Nizard S. (eds.), 2011, Sacrées familles ! Changements familiaux, changements religieux,
Toulouse : Eres.
[email protected]
Associate Professor at the Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark, Odense,
Denmark since 2005, her disciplinary expertise is grounded in gender and cultural studies with a general
interest in understanding modern and late modern culture, as it appears in everyday life as well as in art and
media. During recent years, she has conducted research on issues related to family and motherhood, and she
has taken a specific interest in researching the phenomena of transnational surrogacy. She heads the research
group Cultural Analysis of Health, Reproduction, Gender and the Body that works on the border between
humanities and health sciences, and examines how cultural analytical methods may be applied to issues
related to health, disease, identity politics, gender and the body. She has been the Chief Editor of the Nordic
Academic Journal K&K – Kultur og Klasse since 2012.
Hvidtfeldt K., 2016, “ ‘All One Needs is a Credit Card.’ Transnational Surrogacy in India on Weblogs and in
Documentaries”. In: Rozée, V. G. & Sayeed, U. (ed.), Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South
and North: Issues, Challenges and the Future, Routledge Editions.
Hvidtfeldt K., 2015, “A Baby ‘Made in India’: Motherhood, Consumerism, and Privilege in Transnational
Surrogacy”. The Motherhood Business: Consumption, Communication, and Privilege. Demo, A., Borda, J. &
Kroløkke, C. (red.). University of Alabama Press, s. 76-94.
Hvidtfeldt K., 2015, “Documentaries on Transnational Surrogacy in India: Questions of Privilege, Respectability
and Kinship.” Critical Kinship. Kroløkke C., Myong L., Adrian S., Tjørnhøj-Thomsen T. (ed.). s. 117-132.
Kroløkke C., Hvidtfeldt Madsen K., 2014, ”Moderskab(elser): Slægtsskabsøkonomier og moderfølelser i
transnational surrogatmoderskab”. Kvinder, Køn & Forskning. 23, 1/2, s. 70-81.
Hvidtfeldt Madsen K., 2012, “Rugemødre, rejser og nye reproduktionsmetaforer: Weblogs om transnationalt
surrogatmoderskab”. In Hvidtfeldt Madsen K. og Kroløkke C. (ed). K og K, 113 Fertilitet, Teknologi og
Globalisering. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, s. 79-100.
[email protected]
Heather Jacobson is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Texas at Arlington where she directs
the Masters in Sociology Program and teaches courses on families, reproduction, and qualitative research
methods. She is also an affiliated faculty member of the Women and Gender Studies Program. She holds
a PhD in Sociology from Brandeis University. She is a family sociologist whose research centers primarily
at the intersection of inequalities and various routes to family formation. She is the author of Labor of Love:
Gestational Surrogacy and the Work of Making Babies, published by Rutgers University Press in 2016, and
Culture Keeping: White Mothers, International Adoption, and the Negotiation of Family Difference, published
by Vanderbilt University Press in 2008. Her work has been featured on the National Public Radio program
“Think” and in The Boston Globe, Contexts, Brain Child Magazine and the radio program “Creating a Family:
Talk about Adoption and Infertility”. She serves on the editorial board of the journal Adoption Quarterly.
Jacobson H., 2016, Labor of Love: Gestational Surrogacy and the Work of Making Babies. New Brunswick, NJ:
Rutgers University Press.
Jacobson H., 2014, “Framing Adoption: The Media and Parental Decision-making.” Journal of Family Issues,
35 (5): 654-676.
Jacobson H., 2009, “Interracial Surveillance and Biological Privilege: Adoptive Families in the Public Eye.” in
Margaret K. Nelson and Anita Ilta Garey. Nashville (ed.), Who’s Watching?: Practices of Surveillance Among
Contemporary Families, edited by TN: Vanderbilt University Press, p. 73-93.
Jacobson H., 2008, Culture Keeping: White Mothers, International Adoption, and the Negotiation of Family
Difference. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
Leiter V., McDonald J., Jacobson H., 2006, “Challenges to Independent Child Citizenship: Immigration, Family,
and the State.” Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research, 13 (1): 11-27.
Vasanti JADVA
[email protected]
Dr Vasanti Jadva is a Senior Research Associate at the Centre for Family Research, University of Cambridge.
Her research examines the psychological well-being and experiences of individuals involved in third party
reproduction, specifically, families created using egg donation, sperm donation and surrogacy, surrogates and
their families and egg and sperm donors. She is an Affiliated Lecturer at the Department of Psychology and a
member of the National Gamete Donation Trust’s advisory council.
Jadva V., Imrie S., Golombok S., 2015, “Surrogate Mothers 10 Years On: A Longitudinal Study of Psychological
Wellbeing and Relationships with the Parents and Child. Human Reproduction, 30(2) 373-9.
Imrie S., Jadva V., 2014, “The Long-Term Experiences of Surrogates: Relationships and Contact with Surrogacy
Families in Genetic and Gestational Surrogacy Arrangements”. Reprod Biomed Online.
Jadva V. Imrie S., 2013, “Children of Surrogate Mothers: Psychological Well-being, Family Relationships and
Experiences of Surrogacy”. Human Reproduction. 29 (1), 90-96.
Jadva V and Imrie S., 2014, “The Significance of Relatedness for Surrogates and Their Families”, in Freeman T.,
Graham S., Ebtehaj F., Richards, M. (forthcoming) Relatedness in Assisted Reproduction: Families, Origins
and Identities. Cambridge University Press.
Jadva V., 2016, “Surrogacy: Issues, Concerns, and Complexities”, in Golombok S., Scott R., Appleby J.B.,
Richards M., Wilkinson S. Regulating Reproductive Donation. Cambridge University Press.
[email protected]
Anika König is a social anthropologist working in the fields of medical anthropology and the anthropology of
violence. She holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from The Australian National University, an MA in Social
Anthropology from Freie Universität Berlin and in Sociology from Technische Universität Berlin. Her current
research, based at Freie Universität Berlin and Universität Luzern (Switzerland), is a multi-sited ethnography of
intended parenthood in the German-speaking region (mainly Germany and Switzerland). As part of this project
she has conducted fieldwork with intended parents, surrogates, lawyers, doctors, and agency personnel
in Germany, Switzerland, and the United States. Prior to this, she conducted long-term fieldwork in West
Kalimantan, Indonesia, where she investigated large-scale ethnic violence between indigenous Dayaks and
migrant Madurese in the mid-1990s.
Bühler N., König A., 2015, “Making Kinship in Switzerland and Beyond: Imaginations and Substances”.
Sociologus 65:1-10.
König A., 2013, “Smelling the Difference: The Senses and Ethnic Conflict in West Kalimantan, Indonesia,” in C.
Dureau J. Park, and S. Trnka (ed.), Senses and Citizenships: Embodying Political Life. New York: Routledge,
p. 120-135.
König A., 2016, “Identity Constructions and Dayak Ethnic Strife in West Kalimantan, Indonesia”. The Asia Pacific
Journal of Anthropology 17: 121-137.
König A., 2016, “Transnationale Leihmutterschaft” in S. K. Frauenbund (ed.), Leihmutterschaft: gewünscht,
geliehen, gekauft geschenkt. Luzern: Schweizerischer Katholischer Frauenbund.
Delphine LANCE
[email protected]
Delphine Lance is a PhD candidate in anthropology at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
(EHESS) in Paris. She is currently working on her doctoral dissertation, which focuses on the transnational
use of assisted reproductive technologies, particularly surrogacy organized in Ukraine and the United States.
Since she began conducting research for her dissertation, she has spent nine months in Ukraine, and five
months in the United States. She has also made a documentary, entitled “Paroles des Femmes Porteuses”,
which followed eight surrogate women in North America. Aside from her research on surrogacy, Delphine
Lance also teaches courses on the anthropology of health, health and gender, and public health.
Lance D., Merchant J., 2016, « Règlementer les corps : la gestation pour autrui en Ukraine et aux Etats-Unis »,
Les cahiers de justice, Dalloz.
Lance D., Merchant J., 2016, “Surrogacy in Context: the Ukraine and the United States” in Rozée V., Unisa S.,
Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South and North: Issues, Challenges and the Future,
London: Routledge.
Lance D., 2017, « Cartographier le corps : circulation des fluides et construction de la maternité dans le
processus de gestation pour autrui », Ethnologie française (à paraître).
Françoise LESTAGE
[email protected]
Anthropologist, Professor and Researcher at Paris Diderot University, she has been directing the Center of
Mexican and Central American Studies (CEMCA) in México since 2014. She has a PhD from the EHESS obtained
in Paris in 1992 and a HDR from Lille1 University, obtained in 2005. Her research focuses on ethnicity, migration
and family studies. She is currently working on 1) the intersection of body, reproduction and social inequalities,
especially within Mexican Assisted Reproduction Techniques circuits and 2) the migrant’s grief and family
dismantling in the case of migration, particularly the relationship with the Mexican State.
She has published three books as an author (1999, 2008, 2011), two books with co-author Maria-Eugenia
OLAVARRIA (2011, 2014), five special issues of reviews (2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) and fifty-four papers and
book chapters.
Lestage F. and Olavarria M.E. (co-publishers), 2014, Adoptions, dons et abandons au Mexique et en Colombie.
Des parents vulnérables, Paris : L’Harmattan.
Lestage F., 2013, « Les politiques publiques en faveur des citoyens à l’étranger. La gestion de la souffrance des
migrants mexicains », Problèmes d’Amérique Latine, 89(3) : 69-86.
Lestage F., 2009, Les Indiens mixtèques dans les Californies contemporaines. Migrations et identités
collectives, Paris : P.U.F.
Lestage F., Lavaud J.P., 2006, « Les redéfinitions de l’indianité en Amérique Latine. Historique, réseaux,
discours, effets pervers », Esprit : 42-64.
Lestage F., 1999, Naissance et petite enfance dans les Andes péruviennes. Pratiques, rites, représentations,
Anne-Marie LEROYER
[email protected]
She is Professor of private law at the Sorbonne Law School (University of Paris 1) and specializes in Family
Law. She takes particular interest in gender and equality issues. Among other publications, she is the author of
Droit des successions (Dalloz 2014) and co-authored the report subsequently published, Filiations, Origines,
Parentalités (Odile Jacob, 2014). :
Leroyer A.M., 2011, Droit de la famille, PUF .
Théry I. et Leroyer A.M., 2014, Filiation, origines, parentalité, le droit face aux nouvelles valeurs de responsabilité
générationnelle, O. Jacob.
Leroyer A.M., 2014, Droit des successions, Dalloz (3e éd.).
Leroyer A.M., 2014, « L’accès à l’assistance médicale à la procréation : quelles modalités ? », Archives de
philosophie du droit, Dalloz, p. 425.
Leroyer A.M., 2013, « Une suppression des catégories de père et mère ? », in Théry I.(dir), Mariage de même
sexe et filiation, éditions de l’EHESS, p. 75.
[email protected]
Hélène Malmanche has been a midwife at Les Bluets maternity hospital in Paris since 2011, and she is currently
a PhD student in sociology at EHESS under the co-direction of Irène Théry and Jennifer Merchant. Her work
focuses on the development of a socio-anthropology of childbirth, based on ethnographic fieldwork and
interviews in France, Belgium and North America. By observing pregnancy and childbirth in different cases
(surrogacy, egg donation, female couples using sperm donation, and “ordinary” sexual conception), her work
explores the extent to which childbirth is a socially constructed act. By studying the acts, gestures and words
of the various participants in the child’s birth (parents, donors, and medical professionals), as well as the rites
and representations surrounding pregnancy and birth, she hopes to develop new distinctions, and shed light
on the eminently relational aspect of childbirth.
Malmanche H., Merchant J., 2017, « La gestation pour autrui : vers un effacement de la distinction de sexe ? »,
Questions de communication (forthcoming).
Malmanche H., 2016, Engendrement, enfantement, procréation. Vocation Sage-Femme (forthcoming).
Malmanche H., Petroff E., 2015, « Veiller et agir. Chemin clinique à la maternité des Bluets en 2015 » in BergeretAmselek C. (dir.), Vivre ensemble, jeunes et vieux. Un défi à relever, Toulouse : ERES, p. 135-148.
Malmanche H., 2014, « La maternité déployée. Du ‘don de gestation’ au don d’enfantement » – Mémoire de
master de sociologie, EHESS/Paris XIII
[email protected]
Jennifer Merchant is a political scientist by training, and Professor at the Université Panthéon-Assas Paris
II. She is a member of the Center for Research on Political and Administrative Sciences/Centre d’Études et
de Recherches de Sciences Administratives et Politiques ( ), and was
named to the Institut universitaire de France in 2013 ( This year, she coordinated the international perspective sub-group on law and public
engagement for the National Academy of Sciences that was created and worked on the social and ethical
implications of CRISPR-Cas09 (
Merchant J., 2005, Procréation et politique aux Etats-Unis, 1965-2005, Paris : Belin.
Merchant J., 2010, “Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in the United States: Towards a National Regulatory
Framework?”, International Journal of Bioethics, 20(4), pp.41-58.
Krief-Parizer K., Merchant, J., 2015, “A Baby’s Citizenship and Kinship Ties After Surrogate Birth: The Case in
France”, in Scott Sills E. (ed.), Handbook of Gestational Surrogacy: International Clinical Practice & Policy
Issues, Cambridge University Press.
Malmanche, H., Merchant, 2017, « La gestation pour autrui : vers un effacement de la distinction de sexe ? »,
Questions de communication (forthcoming).
[email protected]
Israel Nisand is a Professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Strasbourg University, and head of obstetrics and
gynecology at Les Centres Hospitaliers et Universitaires (CHU) in Strasbourg. He is also a preimplantation
diagnosis specialist, as well as the author of a report on abortion in France, entitled “IVG en France” (1999).
He is also the founder and vice president of the Forum Européen de Bioéthique (European Bioethics Forum),
which is held annually in Strasbourg.
Nisand I., Mattéi J.F., 2013, « Où va l’humanité? », Les Liens qui libèrent.
Nisand I., Letombe B., Marinopoulos S., 2012, Et si on parlait de sexe à nos ados? Pour éviter les grossesses
non prévues chez les jeunes filles, Odile Jacob.
Nisand I., Araujo-Attali L., Schillinger-Decker A.L., 2012, l’IVG coll. Que sais-je, PUF.
Nisand I., Marinopoulos S., 2011, Elles accouchent et ne sont pas enceintes, le déni de grossesse, LLL.
Nisand I., Marinopoulos S., 2007, 9 mois et caetera, Fayard.
María-Eugenia OLAVARRIA
[email protected]
She is an anthropologist, Professor and Researcher in the Department of Anthropology, Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana, Mexico. She obtained a PhD at the same university (UAM) in 1999 and is a Member of the
National Research Institute since 1996. She occupied the Alfonso Reyes Chair in 2013-2014 at the Institute
of Advanced Latin American Studies (Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique Latine IHEAL, Université de
Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle). Two of her books received the National Award conferred by Mexico’s National
Anthropological and Historical Institute. She is presently doing research focused on the intersection of the
body, reproduction and social inequalities, especially within Mexican Assisted Reproduction Techniques
circuits. She recently published with co-author Françoise LESTAGE: Adoptions, dons et abandons au Mexique
et en Colombie. Des parents vulnérables, Paris, L’Harmattan, Collection Recherches Amériques latines, 2014.
Olavarría M.E., 2014, « Des diverses manières d’avoir un enfant à Mexico au XXIème siècle. Adoption et
techniques de reproduction assistée dans des familles homo- et hétéroparentales », in LESTAGE Françoise
et OLAVARRIA María-Eugenia (ed.), Adoptions, dons et abandons au Mexique et en Colombie. Des parents
vulnérables, Paris, L’Harmattan, p.142-176.
Olavarría M.E. (coord.), 2013, Parentescos en plural, Miguel Ángel Porrúa ed. /UAM, Colección Las ciencias
Olavarría M.E., 2012, “Procesos legislativos en torno al matrimonio, la adopción y la reproducción asistida en
México” in Olavarría M.E., Roldán a cura di V., Libera Chiesa in libero Stato, Firenze: Mauro Pagliai Editore
Collana: Religion and Society, 5 Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Religioso Contemporaneo - Universidad
Autónoma Metropolitana, p. 173-180.
Olavarría M.E., 2012, “Lévi-Strauss”, UAM, Colección Cultura Universitaria 112, México.
Olavarría M.E. (coord.), 2010, “Revista DeSignis, Cuerpo(S): sexos, sentidos, semiosis”, 16, Federación
Latinoamericana de Semiótica / Editorial La crujía, Buenos Aires.
[email protected]
Marc PICHARD is a Professor of private law at the Université Paris-Nanterre. After his doctoral thesis on the
political and legal analysis of the recognition of individual prerogatives in French law (Le droit à, Étude de
législation française, Economica, coll. « Recherches juridiques », 2006, 566 p.), he has mainly published on
the subject of civil law, with a focus on the rights of individuals and families. He is co-director the ANR REGINE
(Research and Studies on Gender and Inequality in European Norms) project, and works to legitimize the use
of the concept of gender in French legal research. He has co-edited two books on this subject with Stéphanie
Hennette-Vauchez and Diane Roman (La loi et le genre. Études critiques de droit français, CNRS éd., 2014,
799 p. ; Genre et droit. Ressources pédagogiques, Dalloz, coll. « Thèmes et commentaires », 2016, 454 p.) and
Camille Viennot (Le traitement juridique et judiciaire des violences conjugales, Mare et Martin, 2016, 240 p.).
His work on parental rights in particular conducts analysis through the lens of gender.
Pichard M., 2012, « L’enfant : à propos d’une polysémie », in Au-delà des codes, Mélanges en hommage à
Marie-Stéphane Payet, Dalloz, p. 469 et s.
Pichard M., 2013, « La place de qui participe au projet parental d’autrui », in Fulchiron Sosson J. (dir.),
Parenté, Filiation, Origine. Le droit et l’engendrement à plusieurs, Bruylant, p. 285 et s.
Pichard M., Dionisi-Peyrusse A., 2014, « Le genre dans le droit de la filiation (à propos du titre VII du livre premier
du Code civil) » in Hennette-Vauchez S., Pichard M., Roman D. (dir.), La loi et le genre. Études critiques de
droit français, CNRS éd., p. 49 et s.
Pichard M., Dionisi-Peyrusse, 2014, « L’autorité parentale et la persistance des inégalités de genre » in HennetteVauchez S., Pichard M., Roman D. (dir.), La loi et le genre. Études critiques de droit français, CNRS éd., p.
485 et s.
Pichard M., 2015, « Filiation : quelle place pour la volonté ? », Mouvements, 82, p. 141 et s.
[email protected]
Paula Pinhal de Carlos graduated with a degree in Law from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (2005).
She has a Masters degree in Law from the same university (2007) and a PhD in Humanities from the Federal
University of Santa Catarina (2011), with a doctoral research fellowship at the National Institute for Demographic
Studies in France. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the La Salle University, a permanent Professor in
the Master in Law program, and a co-Professor of the Post-Graduate Program for students in social memory and
cultural heritage. She is also an Assistant Professor at the Centre Universitaire Ritter dos Reis. Her experience
is in the field of law, with an emphasis on human rights, especially those concerning gender, sexuality and
Carlos P. P., 2015, Gênero, maternidade e direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. In: Fernanda Luiza Fontoura de
Medeiros; Germano Schwartz. (Org.). O Direito da sociedade. 1ed.Canoas: Unilasalle, 2, p. 215-241.
Carlos P. P., 2015, Homossexualidade e Direito brasileiro. Revista Crítica do Direito, 67, p. 220-229.
Carlos P. P., 2014, O julgamento da ADI nº 4277 pelo STF e o reconhecimento da união entre pessoas do
mesmo sexo como união estável: interseções entre direito e sexualidade. In: Fernanda Luiza Fontoura de
Medeiros; Germano André Doederlein Schwartz. (Org.). O direito da sociedade. 1ed.Canoas: Unilasalle, 1,
p. 149-163.
Grossi M. P., Carlos P. P. Mathieu N.C., 2013, In: Béatrice Didier; Antoinette Fouque; Mireille Calle-Gruber. (Org.).
Le dictionnaire universel des créatrices. 1ed.Paris: Éditions des femmes, 2, p. 2825-2825.
Carlos P. P.; Schiocchet T., 2006, Novas tecnologias reprodutivas e direito: mulheres brasileiras entre benefícios
e vulnerabilidades. Novos Estudos Jurídicos (UNIVALI) (Cessou em 2007. Cont. ISSN 2175-0491 Novos
Estudos Jurídicos (Online)), 11, p. 249-263.
Gilles PISON
[email protected]
Gilles Pison is an anthropologist, demographer, Professor at the French Museum of Natural History, member
of the Hommes, Natures, Societies (Man, Nature, Society) department of the Musée de l’homme in Paris,
and associate researcher at the French Institute for Demographic Research (INED). He is also the editor-inchief of Population and Societies, and president of the scientific board of the French Institute of Research for
Development (IRD). He conducts research on demographic changes in the world, focusing on Africa south of the
Sahara, as well as the demography and health of twins, and their relations to medically assisted reproduction.
He has organized two science exhibitions: 6 milliards d’hommes (“6 billion People”) at the Musée de l’homme
(1994), and La population mondiale … et moi ?(“World population... and what about me?”) at the Cité des
Sciences et de l’Industrie at Paris (2005). He is also the author of various books, including La Demographie
Mondiale (Rue des écoles, 2015).
Pison G., Monden C., Smits J., 2015, “Twinning Rates in Developed Countries: Trends and Explanations”,
Population and Development Review, 41(4): 629–649.
Pison G., 2015, La démographie mondiale. Rue des écoles, collection « Le Monde Sup’ »
Pison G., Douillot L., Kante M., Ndiaye O., Diouf P., Senghor P., Sokhna C., Delaunay V., 2014, “Profile: Bandafassi
Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Bandafassi HDSS), Senegal”, International Journal of
Epidemiology 43 (3) : 739–748.
Pison G., D’Addato A. V., 2006, Frequency of twin births in developed countries. Twin Research and Human
Genetics, 9 (2): 250-259.
Sunita REDDY
[email protected]
Sunita Reddy is an Associate Professor at the Center of Social Medicine and Community Health, School of
Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. She has taught briefly at the Indian Institute
of Technology, New Delhi and Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University before
joining JNU in 2004. She is an anthropologist, specialized in medical anthropology. She has carried out research
on various issues of women and children’s health; breast-feeding practices, tribal women’s health, childbirth
and child rearing practices among the tribes. She has researched on disaster issues from a social science
perspective and published a book Clash of Waves: Post Tsunami Relief and Rehabilitation in Andaman and
Nicobar Islands (2013) Indos publishers, New Delhi.
Her current area of research is medical “tourism” and reproductive “tourism”, surrogacy issues and has
published various article in national and international journals. She has published articles in peer-reviewed
journals, contributed papers for edited volumes and disseminated her research work in various universities
abroad. She is a founding member of the “Anthropos India Foundation” a trust which promotes visual and
action anthropology and has a dynamic website Research Projects on
migrant women workers and gender violence and safe cities were also carried out with the support of Ministry
of Women and Child Development and Indian Council for Social Science Research.
Reddy S., Patel T., 2015, “ ‘There Are Many Eggs in My Body’: Medical Markets and Commodified Bodies in
India, Global Bioethics.
Tanderup M., Reddy S., Patel T., Nielsen B.B., 2015, “Reproductive Ethics in Commercial Surrogacy: Decisionmaking in IVF Clinics in New Delhi, India”, Bioethical Inquiry, Springer.
Tanderup M., Reddy S., Patel T., Nielsen B.B., 2015, “Informed Consent in Medical Decision-Making in Commercial
Gestational Surrogacy: A Mixed Methods Study in New Delhi, India, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica
Scandinavica (AOGS).
Qadeer I., Reddy S., 2013, “Medical Tourism in India: Perceptions of Physicians in Tertiary Care Hospitals”,
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, 8: 20.
Reddy S., Qadeer I., 2010, “Medical Tourism in India: Progress or Predicament?”, Economic and Political Weekly,
XLV (20), May 15.
Reddy S., Patel T., Tanderup M., Nielsen, B.B., 2015, “Breast Feeding and Bonding: Issues and Dilemmas
in Surrogacy”, in Cassidy T., El-Tom A. (ed.), Ethnographies of Breast Feeding: Cultural Contexts and
Confrontations, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.
Virginie ROZEE
[email protected]
Virginie Rozee is a sociologist at the National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED). Her research
focuses on gender and reproduction. Since completing her doctoral dissertation on reproductive rights in
Latin America, which conducted an analysis on contraception and abortion in Bolivia, she has focused her
research on infertility and reproductive technologies, used both in France and transnationally. She is especially
interested in analyzing how these biomedical techniques construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct gender. She
recently conducted a field study on surrogacy in India as part of the Marie Curie Programme of the European
Since 2013, she has also been a member of the coordinating bureau of the “Global and Socio-Cultural Aspects
of Infertility” working group of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
Rozée V., Unisa S. (coord.), 2016, Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South and North: issues,
challenges and the future, Routledge.
Rozée V, Unisa S, 2015, “Surrogacy as a Growing Practice and a Controversial Reality in India: Exploring New
Issues for Further Researches”, Journal of Womens Health Issues & Care, 4(6).
Rozée V., 2015, “Les normes de la maternité en France à l’épreuve du recours transnational de l’assistance
médicale à la procréation”, Recherches Familiales, 12 : 43-55
Rozée V., Unisa S., 2014, “Surrogacy from reproductive rights perspective: the case of India”, Autrepart, 70(2):
Löwy I., Rozée G. V., Tain L. (coord.), 2014, Cahiers du Genre, numéro spécial sur « Biotechnologies et travail
reproductif. Une perspective transnationale » [Biotechnologies and Reproductive Work. A Transnational
Perspective], 56.
[email protected]
Dr. Sharmila Rudrappa’s research interests are in trade in reproductive services, race, and gender with a focus
on India and the United States. She is Professor in the Department of Sociology; she is also currently the
director of the Center for Asian American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. She teaches classes on
reproductive justice, labor markets, and feminist theory.
Rudrappa S., 2016, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting: The Affective Economies of Consuming Surrogacy
in India.” Positions: Asia Critique, 24(1).
Rudrappa S., 2015, Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India. New York, NY: New York University
Rudrappa S., Collins C., 2015, “Altruistic Agencies and Compassionate Consumers: Moral Framing of
Transnational Surrogacy.” Gender & Society. 29 (6): 932-959.
Rudrappa S., 2015, “Conceiving Fatherhood: Gay Men and Indian Surrogate Mothers.” In Inhorn M., Chavkin W.,
Navarro J.A. (ed.), Globalized Fatherhood. Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books, p.291-311.
Rudrappa S., 2008, “Braceros and Techno-Braceros: Guest Workers in the United States, and the
Commodification of Low-Wage and High-Wage Labour.” In Koshy S., Radhakrishnan R. (ed.), Transnational
South Asians: The Making of a Neo-Diaspora. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, p.291-322.
[email protected]
Dr. Sheela Saravanan has 2 Masters from the Indian Universities of Bombay and Pune in Geography and
Development Planning. Her PhD thesis from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia in
Public Health was on the influence of biomedical frameworks of knowledge on local birthing practices in India.
She has worked and published on the status of reproductive health in South Asia, violence against women and
female infanticide in India earlier and now specializes in new and assisted reproductive technologies in the
context of Asia and Europe. She has worked in research institutions in Chennai, Pune and Delhi. Since 2007
she has been working in the German Universities of Heidelberg, Bonn and Goettingen.
She has published on global injustice, exploitation and objectification in the process of commercial surrogacy in
India. Since January 2016 she has been working at the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University researching
on prenatal diagnosis and selective abortions practices in Germany and India.
Saravanan S., 2016, “ ‘Humanitarian’ Thresholds of the Fundamental Feminist Ideologies: Evidence from
Surrogacy Arrangements in India.” Analize: Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies 6(20): 66-88.
Saravanan S., 2015, “Global Justice, Capabilities Approach and Commercial Surrogacy in India” Medicine,
Health Care and Philosophy, 18(3): 295-307.
Saravanan S., 2013, “An Ethnomethodological Approach to Examine Exploitation in the Context of Capacity,
Trust and Experience of Commercial Surrogacy in India, Philosophy, Ethics,
and Humanities in Medicine,
Saravanan S., Johnson H., Turrell G., Fraser J., 2012, “Re-examining Authoritative Knowledge in the Design and
Content of a Traditional Birth Attendant Training in India”, Midwifery, 28(1): 120-30.
Saravanan S., Turrell G., Johnson H., Fraser J., Patterson C., 2011, “Traditional Birth Attendant Training and Local
Birthing Practices in India, Evaluation and Programme Planning, 34(3): 254-265.
[email protected]
Anne Saris (DCL Mcgill, LLM Mcgill, DEA International Private Law Paris II) is a Professor in the Department of
Legal Sciences at UQAM. She is the director of the « Citoyenneté, droit(s) et processus de subjectivation et
d’assujettissement » (“Citizenship, Law, Rights, and the Processes of Subjectivation and Subjugation”) line of
research at the Center for Research in Immigration, Ethnicity and Citizenship (CRIEC). She is also an associate
member of the Ethics Research Center (CRE), specializing in ethics and health. Her research focuses on internormativity (the overlap between different norms including religious, ethical and legal mores) and analyzes
state law and the actions of its agents from both an internal (e.g. analysis in terms of substantive law) and
external (e.g. socio-legal analysis) perspective. She also works on issues affecting the relationships between
law and religion (e.g. “religious courts”, tattoos as religious symbols), and the rights of natural persons: 1) the
legal status of the frozen embryo and gamete, whether in the context of testamentary law, civil liability (loss
of gametes), the separation of the “parents”, or even health (circulation of gametes) in civil law and common
law; 2) the legal status of the corpse and the question of respect for the wishes expressed by the “future
deceased”; 3) the “free and informed” consent to end-of-life care; 4) the impact of the UN Convention on the
Rights of Disabled Persons on legal protection systems for adults; and 5) the impact of neuroscience on the
concept of law.
Saris A., Daoust S., 2014, “Polygamy: inherently harmful to children?: the impacts in Canadian criminal, civil, and
child protection law”. In: Robert M.-P., Koussens D., Bernatchez S. (dir.). Of crime and religion: polygamy in
Canadian law (p. 100–130). Sherbrooke : Éditions RDUS.
Saris A., Acem E., 2014, « Le sort du cadavre : le règne des vivants sur les morts ». In Barreau du Québec (dir.).
Développements récents en successions et fiducies (p. 99–155). Éditions Yvon Blais.
Saris A., Gidrol-Mistral G., 2013, “Avers et revers de l’embryon congelé ou la connaissance du phénomène
juridique de l’embryon congelé à l’aune des théories civilistes et féministes ». Les cadres théoriques et
le droit : actes de la 2e Journée d’étude sur la méthodologie et l’épistémologie juridique (p. 157–282).
Éditions Yvon Blais.
Gidrol-Mistral G., Saris A., 2013, « La construction par la doctrine dans les manuels de droit civil français et
québécois du statut juridique de l’embryon humain volet 1 : la maxime «infans conceptus» ». Revue de droit
de l’Université Sherbrooke, 43(1/2), 209–341.
Saris A., 2009, « La gestion de l’hétérogénéité normative par le droit étatique ». In Eid P., Bosset P., Milot M.,
Lebel-Grenier S. (dir.). La place de la religion dans l’espace public. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval.
[email protected]
Vanya Savova is Infertility Psychology Lecturer at Sofia University, Bulgaria. She creates a model of assessment
of psychological applicability for gestational surrogacy career. Vanya Savova is an expert consultant in legal
regulation process of gestational surrogacy arrangements in the Bulgarian Parliament.
Founder and lecturer in Reproductive Psychology Course in two MA programs: 1) Clinical and Counselling
Psychology; 2) Child and Adolescent Development Psychology. Clinical and medical psychologist, working in
the field of assisted reproductive technologies and infertility treatment adherence and compliance. She is also
a counselor, implementing research based on therapeutic practices in clinical and non-clinical environment.
Main interests: Reproductive psychology, Psychological counselling and therapy in infertility and medically
assisted reproductive technologies (mainly IVF), PCC&PSC in ART (involving third-party reproduction), eggdonation-openness and anonymity, absence of genetic link and Surrogacy-psychological assessment),
recurrent miscarriages (ART-IUI, IVF/ICSI), egg-freezing for social reasons, cross-border infertility treatment,
perinatal and postnatal post-ART attachment disorders.
Savova V., 2015, “Model of Psychological Counselling of Patients Commissioning Gestational Surrogacy
Procedure”. Clinical and Counseling Psychology Journal, VII/ 1 (23).
Savova V., 2014, “The Conflict Between Psychology and Medicine - Social Freezing Motivation and
Consequences”, O-141, Human Reproduction, 29, Supp 1, June, i60.
Savova V., 2013, “Psychological Significance of Genetic Link in Egg Donation and Surrogacy”. Clinical and
Counseling Psychology Journal, V/ 3 (17).
Savova V., 2013, “Ethical Argumentation in Family Legal Arrangements, Arising in Surrogacy Procedures. Ethics
in the Bulgarian Legal System, May.
Savova V., 2012, “The Existential Crisis of Sterility. The Diagnosis”. Clinical and Counseling Psychology Journal,
IV/ 4 (14).
[email protected]
Francoise Shenfield is an Infertility specialist at University College London Hospital, UK, providing infertility
treatments for over 30 years, and involved in the field of ethics and law of Assisted Reproductive Technologies,
for over 20 years. She has performed numerous activities for the European Society for Human Reproduction
and Embryology (ESHRE), on its executive committee between 2007-2013, in addition to being a founder
member of its Special Interest Group for Ethics and Law, and its “Taskforce” which has published over 20
considerations in the field from the status of the embryo, to surrogacy and PGD. She is also a past member of
the HFEA, and of FIGO’s ethics committee. Current research interest: cross border reproductive care, surrogacy
and cryopreservation of oocytes for medical and non-medical reasons.
Shenfield F., de Mouzon J., Pennings G., Ferraretti A.P., Nyboe Anderson A., de Wert G., Goossens V., the
ESHRE Taskforce on Cross Border Reproductive Care, 2010, “Cross border reproductive care in six European
countries”, Human Reproduction, 25(6): 1361-1368.
Shenfield F., Pennings G., de Mouzon J., Ferraretti A.P., Goossens V., on behalf of the ESHRE Task Force ‘Cross
Border Reproductive Care’ (CBRC), 2011, “ESHRE’s good practice guide for cross-border reproductive care
for centers and practitioners”. Human Reproduction, 26, 1625-1627.
De Wert G., Dondorp W., Shenfield F., Barri P., Devroey P., Diedrich K., Tarlatzis B., Provoost V., Pennings G.,
2014, “ESHRE Task Force on Ethics and Law: medically assisted reproduction in singles, lesbian and gay
couples, and transsexual people”, Human Reproduction, 29(9): 1859-1865.
Pennings G., de Mouzon J., Shenfield F., Ferraretti A.P., Mardesic T., Ruiz A., Goossens V., 2014, “Sociodemographic and fertility-related characteristics and motivations of oocyte donors in eleven European
countries”, Human Reproduction, 29(05): 1076–1089.
Shenfield F., 2015, “Ethical aspects and legal problems when parents return home to Europe after cross border
surrogacy” in Rozée V., Unisa S., (eds), Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South and North:
Issues, Challenges and the Future. Routledge, pp. 128-136.
[email protected]
Elly Teman is a Senior Lecturer in Anthropology at Ruppin Academic Center, Israel. Her ethnography of
gestational surrogacy in Israel, Birthing a Mother: the Surrogate Body and the Pregnant Self (Berkeley: UCPress
2010) won several book prizes from the American Anthropological Association.
Teman E., 2016, “Local Surrogacy in a Global Circuit: The Embodied Intimacies of Israeli Surrogacy Arrangements.”
In: Rozée Gomez V. and Unisa S. (eds), Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the Global South and North:
Issues, Challenges and the Future. Routledge.
Teman E., 2016 (Forthcoming), “State-Monitored Surrogacy: Modern Issues in Israel” In: Sills E.S. (ed.), Handbook
of Gestational Surrogacy: International Clinical Practice & Policy Issues Cambridge University Press.
Teman E., Ivry T., Goren H., 2016. “Obligatory Effort [Hishtadlut] As An Explanatory Model: A Critique of
Reproductive Choice and Control”. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 40(2): 268-288.
Teman E., 2010, Birthing a Mother: The Surrogate Body and the Pregnant Self. Berkeley: University of California
Teman E., 2010, “My Bun, Her Oven”. Anthropology Now 2(2): 33-41.
[email protected]
Irène Théry is a sociologist of law, and research director at l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
(EHESS). She is also a Professor (Agrégée) of literature and a doctor of sociology, and specializes in
contemporary transformations of family and parenthood. She has published extensively on the history of family
law, the legal use of criteria in determining the best interest of a child, psychological expertise as applied to
divorce, stepfamilies, bioethics law, and assisted reproductive technologies. She also specializes in gender
theory, and advocates a “relational” approach in line with the work of Marcel Mauss. She also co-chaired
the working group that provided the « Filiation, origines et parentalité - Le droit face aux nouvelles valeurs
de responsabilité générationnelle » (“Filiation, Origins, and Parenthood – Law and New Values Concerning
Generational Responsibility”) report to the French government in 2014.
Théry I., 2007, La Distinction de sexe, une nouvelle approche de l’égalité, Paris : ed. Odile Jacob.
Théry I., 2010, Des humains comme les autres, bioéthique, anonymat et genre du don, Paris : éd. de l’EHESS.
Théry I. (dir.), 2013, Mariage de même sexe et filiation, Paris, ed. de l’EHESS.
Théry I., Leroyer A.M., 2014, Filiation, origines, parentalité. Le droit face aux nouvelles valeurs de responsabilité
générationnelle, Rapport au gouvernement, Paris : ed. Odile Jacob.
Théry I., 2016, Mariage et filiation pour tous, une métamorphose inachevée, Paris : Seuil.
Jacques TOUBON
After obtaining a degree in public law from the Institut d’études politiques from Lyon and the École National
d’Administration (ENA), Jacques Toubon began his career at the Ministry of Overseas France. Next, he joined
the cabinet of Jacques Chirac, where he worked in the Ministry of Relations with Parliament, the Ministry of
Agriculture, and the Ministry of the Interior, as well as in the Office of the Prime Minister. While working in these
departments, he prepared the 1975 law on divorce by joint request, followed by the reform which set the age
of majority at 18 while working for the Giscard administration. He was elected member the National Assembly
of France for Paris, and served as mayor of the city’s 13th arrondissement from 1983 to 2001. In 1993, he
succeeded Jack Lang as the Minister of Culture of the Balladur administration. Notably, he worked to protect
the French language in French-speaking countries by proposing the 1994 Law relating to usage of the French
He was appointed Minister of Justice in 1995, and was subsequently Member of the European Parliament. He
served on the Brussels Parliament from 2004 to 2009, and from 2005 to 2014 was chairman of the orientation
committee of the Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, a committee he had also co-founded. He was also
a member of both the Haut Conseil à l’Intégration (High Council on Integration), and the Haute autorité pour la
diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur internet (HADOPI). He has been the French government’s
official Human Rights Defender since 2014.
[email protected]
Laurent Toulemon is the research director at the National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), head of
the “Fertility, Family and Sexuality” research group, and co-editor-in-chief of the journal Population. He has
led and participated in numerous socio-demographic surveys in France, focusing on domestic situations, the
behaviors linked fertility and contraceptive use, and abortion. He currently coordinates INED’s participation in
the “Families and Societies” collaborative research project, which is funded by the European Commission on
social issues and family changes.
Toulemon L., 2014, « Discrimination salariale à l’encontre des homosexuels : de quoi et de qui parle-t-on ? »,
Economie et statistique, n° 464-465-466, p. 135-139.
Mazuy M., Toulemon L., Baril E., 2014, « Le nombre d’IVG en France est stable, mais moins de femmes y ont
recours », Population-F, Vol 69, n° 3, p. 365-398.
Meslé F., Toulemon L., Veron J., 2011 (eds.), Dictionnaire de démographie et des sciences de la population.
Paris : Armand Colin, 526 pages.
Toulemon L., 2011, « Individus, familles, ménages et logements : les compter, les décrire », Travail, genre et
sociétés, n° 26, p. 47-66.
Toulemon L., Pailhé A., Rossier C., 2008, “France: High and Stable Fertility”, Demographic Research 19(16):
503-556. Special Collection 7: Childbearing Trends and Policies in Europe.
Toulemon L., 2005, « Enfants et beaux-enfants des hommes et des femmes », chapitre 3 in Lefevre C. et Filhon
A. (dir.), Histoires de familles, histoires familiales. Les résultats de l’enquête Famille de 1999, Les Cahiers de
l’INED, N° 156. PARIS : Ined, p. 59-77.
[email protected]
Associate Professor, Andrea Whittaker is ARC Future Fellow and Convenor of Anthropology at the School of
Social Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. She is a medical anthropologist working primarily
in the fields of reproductive health and biotechnologies with a special interest in Thailand and South-East
Asia. Her Australian Research Council Future Fellowship studies the reproductive travel in Thailand and the
region for sex selection and surrogacy. In addition, she is currently undertaking collaborative research on
contraceptive use among migrant women in Melbourne through an ARC Linkage project and is part of another
ARC Linkage project working on a longitudinal qualitative study of people living with HIV in rural and regional
Queensland. She received her PhD from the University of Queensland in 1995.
Whittaker A., 2000, Intimate Knowledge: Women and their Health in Northeast Thailand. Women in Asia
Publication Series, Melbourne: Allen and Unwin.
Whittaker A. (ed), 2002, Women’s Health in Mainland South-east Asia. Haworth Press: West Hazelton
(simultaneously co-published as a Special Issue of Women and Health).
Whittaker A., 2004, Abortion, Sin and the State in Thailand. London: Routledge-Curzon.
Whittaker A. (ed), 2010, Abortion in Asia: Local Dilemmas, Global Politics. London: Berghahn Books.
Whittaker A., 2015, Thai In Vitro: Assisted reproductive Technologies in Thailand. London: Berghahn Books.