ordre en conseil - Guernsey Legal Resources


ordre en conseil - Guernsey Legal Resources
Ratifiant un Projet de Loi intitule
Loi relative aux Pensions et Allocations
Navales et Militaires.
(Enreglstre sur les Records de l'Ue de Guernesey Ie
9 novembre 1918.)
DE BroHARD, I,um"".
',*,r--"--i .
Le ne1!f novembre mil !wit ceut di.1.: -IUlit, pm'devaut
Edward Cluqmlell OzamU!) /('uye1', .lJm'llij'; pte. . .
senls: Ernest Collas, GI'O)'.ge Hen'bert Le ll:[ottee,
Julius ll£slwl', .fohn Bonam~'l/ Collings, Adolphus
John I-locart, John 1~e(J.ze, Tlumuu; FVilh'mn lltansell
de (}w!1'in, Lionel ..'Narie Carey, Jal1U:s. Esien de
Jel'$8?;' Ilubert George de CUl'te1'et. Stevens Guille
et William de P'I'ehl.z (}'}'ollsaz, eC71,ye'l's, Jures.
Monsieur Ie Baillif ay~U1t ce jour cornml~nique it la
Cour un Orelre ele Sa Majesta en Conscil en dat~ elu
23 octohre 1918, I'atifiant nn Projct de Loi jntituJe
, • .Loi relative anx Pensions ct Allocations Navnles ct
LVlilitaires,-·-'La. Cour, npros avoil' eu lecture du dit
Ol'dre, ouies les conclusiOlls des Oflicjel's du Roi, a.
ordonne que; Ie dit, Orc1rc sera enregistrc sarles
ll.ocol'ds de cette 110, et qu'un extrait des Rcgistl'es
eontenant ce present [tete, fLvec nn exemplail'e du dit
Orcll'e sera. expeclie par Ie Greffier du Roi a :Monsicul'
Ie Senecha.l GO Pile de Sel'(~q llOur 8tl'e enl'egistre sur
les Records de la elite 11e ele Scrcq; eluq uel Ordre la
tencul' suit:
:Jt tl}4)
at @ttdthtlll}am
The 231'd day of October, 1918.
$1 I'f5rnt,
\1);l}4) ~~htll'" ~c"t (l!ixuU.ent !ttai4)"tl1
~l:r.er.ea" there was this dny react at the Boarel
a Report from the Right Honourahle the Lords of
the Committee of Council for the Affairs of Guernsey
and .Jersey, dated the 4th day of October, 1918, in
the words follO\yillg, viz. ; -
" ~J (tttt' ~tltf~~t!! having been pleased, by
Yom Geneml Order of Reference of the lOth day of
~lay, uno, to refer nnto this Committee the humble
Pe6tion of the States 01 the Islu.lld of Guernsey, ~etting
forth :-(1) That OIl the 22nd June, 1916, His Excellency the Licntenant-Govel'l1Ol' addressed a lettcl'to the
Ihiliff' lorwarding a lette,' fl'Om the Home Office dated
the 17th t1une, 1916, enclosing a commnnication dated
the 14th Jane, 1916, from the ,VaT Pensions, &cStatntol'Y Committee, inviting Legislation nilapting'
tho Naval and Military War Pensions, &e, Act, 1915,
to local "onditions: (2) that on the 29th .July, 1916,
a Projet de 1,oi all the subjcct, prepared by the Law
OHicel's of the Crown, was considered and a,pprovcd
by the Royal COllrt, anel on the 7th August, 1916,
the Pl'ojct as a.pproved ·was forwarded to His
Bxcellency the Lieutenant-Ci-overnor for transmission
to the St!ttutor'y Committee for their approval before
being submitted to 'he said States: (3) that on the lOth
September, 1917, the Secretary to the Government
arldressed a letter to the Bailiff enclosing a copy of a
let.ter to the Under-Secretary of State ,htcd the 31st
Allg'ust 1917, from the 'Val' Pensions, &c. Statutory
Committee suggesting that as the Nav~l and :J1ilitar},
War Pensions, &c. (Ti'ansfel' of Powers Act), 1917,
had in the meantime been passed, some modification
of the proposals as regards these Islands seemed
necessary: (4) that consequently, on the 27th April,
'1918, a PJ'ojct de Loi, modified in accordance with
the suggestions of the vVat' Pcnsions, &c. Statutory
Committee, was submitted to and approved by the
Royal COUl't, and the Bailiff' was requested to submit
the same to the States for their appl'oval: (5) that
on the 24th May, 1918, the said Projet de Loi was
submitted to awl approved by the States, and the
President was authorized to present a humble Petition
to Yom Majesty in COHncil praying for Your Royal
Sanction thereto: (6) t)u,t the said Projet de Loi, as
adopted by the States) is intituled 'Loi relative aux
Pellsions et Alloeations. N avalc-~ et :JiElituil'es,' anel is
in the ,yords ftwl -fignres as annexed to tho said
Petition: Alld humbly pl'aying that Your ~1:1jesty
·would be graeiou~ly pleased to ratify allel cOlliirlll the
said Pl'ojet de Loi, and to order and direct that, from
L:e dale of the Registl'a.tiol1 thereof on the Records
of the Island of (Juerllsey, the same might have"'! the
force of law wit.hin the Islands of Gnernsey, Sark,
Herrn, and ,T ethol! :
tire Qtcmmittee, in
obedience to Your )ia.jesty's said Order of Re£el'ence~
have taken the sa.irl .Petition and Pl'ojet de Lai
into consideration, ,mel do this (lay ngrec humbly
to report, as their opinion, to Your iVlajesty, tllLLt i.t
may be advisable faT Your Majesty to comply with
the pra yei' or the said Petition, and to appl'oye of and
ratify the saia Projet c1e Loi."
~ t\'i ~htie\'itu, having taken the sai(l Report
into cOl\~ider8,t,ionj is pleased, by and ,yith the advice
of His. Privy Council, to approve of a.nd ratify the
said Projet de Loi, ,mel to order, as ji; is bereby
ordered, thnt~ from the dnte of the Hegi::--tration
th81'cof on the Records of the Island of Guernsey,
the same shall lJaYC the force of La"Y withiu the
Islands of Guernsey, Sark, Herm, and If etholl.
~l1tr @ i\'i ~Clie\'itu cloth hereby Ilirther direct
that this Order, and the sai,l Projet de Loi (a copy
whereof is hCl'clttlto n.Illlexecl) bt~ entered upon the
Hegistel' of the Island of GllCl'BSCY aud observed
And the Licllteuan-t-Govel'l1ol' or Commander-inChief OI the I~1nnd of GU(~rllsey, the Bailiff a.nd
J urats, ~l.lla all other His :.Majesty's OfHcers, for the.
time beillg, in the said IshLlld, and all other persons
w hom it may concernl are to take llotice ana govern
themselves aecol'dillgly.
PROJET DE LO!" referred to in the foregoing
Order in Council.
Vu l'Acte c1u Parl81nent 13ritaunique intitu16" Naval
anll Military \Val' Pensions, &c" Act, 191;5," '(5 &. u
Geo. V. eh. S:-}) , amellde par les Aetes <Ie Pal'lament
"Naval and Military War Pensions, &c. (Expenses) Act,
1916," (ti Oeo. V. ell. 4), !vIiniHky of Pensions Act,
1910," (G & 7 Geo. V. eh. 65)~ H Naval and :J1i1ital'y"Var
Pensions, &0. (Aclministrative Expenses) Act, 1917/'
(7 & 8 Geo. V. ell. 1:1),'" Nav~\'l and ::\filital'Y War Perl
sions, &c. (rrl'ansfer of Po-weI's) Act, 1~n7," (7 & 8 Geo.
V. eh. 37), et ., Xaval anLl "Military ';Val' Pensions, &0.
(Committees) Act, 1817," (7 & 8 Geo. V. ell. 54).
COllsidel'ant qu'il j' a lien de facilitel' autant que
possible l'oprl'H.ti.on des sl1sdiLs Actes do Parlcrnellt en
ce qui regrll'cle let! pCTsoLlnes l'f.SiUl111t en cette He, et
dalls les iles d.e Sercq, crHerm, et de J ethon, snjet aux
modifications Cluj, sont w?ccSf.;all'Bs alill de rendre les
prescriptions desdits ActeB de PaL'lemellt applicahles
al1X institutions insulaires :
I.-II sera constitu8 un OOlliite cfan moins dix membres dont deux Seront HOmmeS pa.r Son Rxcellence 1e
Lieutellant-Gouvel'neur et lcH antres seront Hommes pal'
les lttats. Les memDl'eR nOn1.IIH~S par les ]::tats seront
chhmis parmi les habitallts lie C(-;tte 110, ou des iles de
Bercq, c1 1 Hel'm, ou de ,Jethou, et cornprcndTvnt autant
que potisible : (a) Des pCl'sonnes qui commc membres de l'association elite •• rrhe Soldiers' and Sailors' Family
AssociaLion " on ,1e celh dite " rrhe Soldiers' and
Sailors' Help Society'\ on autroment ont deja.
excrce deH fonctions sernblahles a colles qui sont
aLtribnees au dit eomHe en vortu de la pl'esonte
(1;) Des eLtmeN eL des representants dn tl'avaH ;
(c) 1;1) ou deux hommes qui, ont eM ttecharges de la
Marine ou de fArmee de Sa ~1ajeste en conse~
quenco de blcssures Oll de maladies cOlltN't.ctees
dans 1a presente guerre, et une femme qui re90it
une pension on allocation comme -venve on autre
dependant d'un individu qui est mort d'une
cause relevant de 1a }Jl'€sente guerra.
Le Oomite ainsi constitne sera cMsigW3 "The Local
(Guernsey) 00111mittce Naval and l\fil.ital'i 'Val' Pen~
sions. '1
2.-I~e dit Oomite pouna l10mmer des sous-comites
soit pour a.ncune des ditos iles soit ponl' aUCllIle partie
de cette He.
3.-Les fOllctions du dit Comite Sel'Ollt celles speci ..
nees d[lns 1a cedule arllloxoe a )a presente 10i et toutes
autres fonctions atkibuecs aux Oomites locaux par les
snsdits Aetes de Parlement.
4.-1...e8 d6houl's et menus fnlis cfadministration, s'il
y en tl, seront payes par les Etats.
5.-(1) Sera coupable d\1l1e offense et pUllissable en
Police Oorreetionnellc d'une amende, a discrction uu
Justice, 'qui n'excedera pas cin(llivres sterling:(a) Ce1ui qui dans Ie Jessoin (Pobtenil' une pension,
sub'vention ou a,lIocation quelCOlH!Ue fait au se
sert el'anenne rlcmande, declaration, on autre
piece ecrite, Saehftllt que telle demanue, declara~
tion on pi(~ce est fansse ;
(b) Colni <Ill], avant Ia passation de Ja presente Joi,
f;;::t dans Ie meme dessein que dessus 1 a fait on
s'est aervi chmcune demandc, (leclaration ou
.. autre piece ecrite, sachant que tolle demande,
declaration on ~1Utre piece eCl'He etait fanase.
(2) La elite offen&e sera censBe avoil' ete eommise, et
lea ponrsnites eontr(~ ]e uehllquant pourront &ire intentees, soit dans 1~ lien 011 Ja elite offense a eM actuellemellt commise so it dans tout autre lieu 01\ Ie de1inquant
poul'ra f:le t,rouvel' de temps a flnhe.
(3) Dans 1es poursuites Ull eerti-ficat sur la forme
omeielle COD venable, timbre du timbre offieiel dit
"office stamp" de l'Amiraute ou du Conseil de PArmee
(allgliee "r:t'he Army Council") ou d1aucnn sous-departement de l'Amiraute ou du Conseil de l'Armee et
pm'tant une date posterieure a celIe portee par la
demande, declaration, on piece en question sera reyu
comme vreuve que la dito demandc, declaration, ou
piece a €lte usitee dalls Ie dessein d'obtenir une pension,
subvention, on allocation, et tel certificat fora foi jusqu'a preuve contraire.
(4) Les amendes seront applicables moitie a Sa
Majestc et moitie au a.elatenr.
(u) To enquire into any case referred to them by
the Ministry of Pensions or by the "Special Grants
Committee" appointed under the Naval and Military
War Pensions (Transfer of Powers) Act, 1917, and to
report their advice and recommendations with respect
(b) To collect and furnish to the Ministry of
Pensions or to the Special Grants Committee sllch
information as may be roquh'ed with respect to any
matter, and to furnish applicants for pensions 01' grants
or separation allo"\vances I,:vith information and advice,
especially in the event of payment being uuduly
(c) fro distribute any supplementary grants made by
the Minister of Pensiolls or by the Special Grants
Committee the distribution of -\vhich has been lielegated to the Local Committee.
(d) Out of any funds at their disposal for the
purpose to make any contribution towards the funds
administered by the MJnister of Pensions or by the
Special Grants Committee; to increase pensions, grants,
and separation allowances; and to make grants or
allowances whore no pensions, grants, 01' separa-bloll
allowances a.re othenvise payabJe.
( e) Out of the funds at their disposal to make
advances on account o:E pensions or grants or separation
allowances due to any' persons out of public funds
during an)' interv~l before the payment thereof actually
commences, or durillg which the paYlnent thereof has
been accidentally int91'ruptcd.
(f) To make provision, subject to the approval of
tho lVIinistei' of Pensions, or of the Special Grants
Oommittee, as the case may be, for the care of disabled
officers and men after they have left the service,
including provision for their health, training, and
(g) To solicit and receive from the public contributions towards any such purposes as aforesaid.
(Extrait des Registres),
Greffier du Roi.

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