bibliography - MIT Libraries


bibliography - MIT Libraries
Online Resources
The ARTFL Encyclopédie Project, at the University of Chicago. [Full-text, original Frenchlanguage, online version of the Encyclopédie]:
The Encyclopedia of Diderot and d’Alembert: Collaborative Translation Project, at the
University of Michigan. [English-language translations of selected Encyclopédie articles]:
General Print Works on the Encyclopédie
Barthes, Roland, Robert Mazui, and Jean-Pierre Seguin, eds., L'Univers de l'Encyclopédie
(Paris, 1964)
Brewer, Daniel and Julie Candler Hayes ,eds. Using the Encyclopédie: Ways of Knowing, Ways
of Reading. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 2002.
Darnton, Robert. “The Encyclopédie Wars of Prerevolutionary France,” American Historical
Review 78 (December 1973): 1331-1352.
Darnton, Robert. The Business of the Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie,
1775-1800. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1979.
Kafker, F. A., ed. Notable Encyclopedias of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Nine
Predecessors of the Encyclopédie. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1981.
Kafker, F. A., & Kafker, S. L. The Encyclopédists as Individuals: A Biographical Dictionary of
the Authors of the Encyclopédie. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation, 1988.
Lough, John. Essays on the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d’Alembert. London: Oxford
University Press, 1968.
Pinault, Madeleine. L’Encyclopédie, Presses Universitaires de France. Que sais-je? no. 279,
The Mechanical Arts, Work, and the Illustrations in the Encyclopédie
Barthes, Roland, “Image, raison, déraison,” in Roland Barthes, Robert Mazui, and Jean-Pierre
Seguin, eds.. L'Univers de l'Encyclopédie (Paris, 1964), 11-16.
Bender, John and Michael Marrinan. “Scenario,” and “Diagram,” in The Culture of Diagram,
Stanford: Stanford University, 2010, pp. 1-52.
Benrekassa, Georges. “Didactique encyclopédique et savoir philosophique: l’ensemble épingleépinglier dans l’Encyclopédie,” in L’Encyclopédisme. Actes du colloque de Caen, 12-16 jan.
1987 Annie Becq, ed. Klincksieck, 1991, 291-308.
Birn, Raymond. “Words and Pictures: Diderot’s Vision and Publishers’ Perceptions of Popular
and Learned Culture in the Encyclopédie,” in Marc Bertrand, ed. Popular Traditions and
Learned Culture in France From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Stanford: Anma Libri,
1985, 73-92.
Fox, Celina. “Publications: Rational Explanation, Visual Exposition” in The Arts of Industry in
the Age of Enlightenment, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009.
Gille, B. “L'Encyclopédie," dictionnaire technique,” in S. Delorme & R. Taton, eds.,
"L'Encyclopédie" et le progrès des sciences et des techniques. Paris: Presses Universitaires de
France, 1952, pp. 185-214.
Huard, Georges. “Les Planches de l’Encyclopédie et celles de la Description des Arts et Métiers
de l’Académie des Sciences,” Revue d’Histoire des sciences et de leurs applications IV (1951):
Koepp, Cynthia. “The Alphabetical Order: Work in Diderot’s Encyclopédie,” in Steven
Laurence Kaplan and Cynthia J. Koepp, eds., Work in France: Representations, Meaning,
Organization, and Practice. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1986, pp. 229-57.
Koepp, Cynthia. "Making Money: Artisans and Entrepreneurs in Diderot's Encyclopédie." in
Daniel Brewer and Julie Candler Hayes,eds. Using the Encyclopédie: Ways of Knowing, Ways of
Reading (SVEC 2002:05).
May, Louis-Philippe. “Histoire et sources de l’Encyclopédie d’après le registre de délibérations
et de comptes des éditeurs et un mémoire inédit,” Revue de Synthèse 1938, vol. 15, nos. 1-3 and
vol. 16 nos. 1-2.
Pannabecker, John R. “Representing Mechanical Arts in Diderot's Encyclopédie,” Technology
and Culture 39:1 (Jan 1998), pp. 33-73.
Pannabecker, John R. “Diderot, the Mechanical Arts, and the Encyclopédie: In Search of the
Heritage of Technology Education,” Journal of Technology Education 6:1 (Fall 1994): 45-57.
Pinault, Madeleine. “Diderot et les illustrateurs de l’Encyclopédie,” Revue de l’Art, no. 66
(1984): 17-38.
Pinault, Madeleine. “Les chapitres artistiques des volumes de planches de l’Encyclopédie,” in
Diderot, les Beaux-Arts et la Musique, Actes du colloque international, Aix-en-Provence, 14-16
Dec. 1984. Aix-en-Provence 1986, 67-91.
Pinault, Madeleine. “A propos des planches de l’Encyclopédie,” in Editer Diderot. Studies on
Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century no. 254 (1988): 351-61.
Pinault, Madeleine. “Sur les planches de l’Encyclopédie de d’Alembert et de Diderot,” in
L’Encyclopédisme. Actes du colloque de Caen, 12-16 jan. 1987 Annie Becq, ed. Klincksieck,
1991, 355-62.
Pinault, Madeleine. “Les Métamporphoses des planches de l’Encyclopédie: quelques exemples,”
Recherches sur Diderot et sur l’Encyclopédie 12 (avril 1992): 99-112.
Proust, Jacques. "L'Image du peuple au travail dans les planches de l'Encyclopédie," in Images
du peuple au dix-huitième siècle. Paris: Armand Colin, 1973, 65-85.
Seguin, Jean-Pierre. “Courte histoire des planches de l’Encyclopédie,” in Roland Barthes,
Robert Mazui, and Jean-Pierre Seguin, eds.. L'Univers de l'Encyclopédie (Paris, 1964), 25-34.
Sewell, William H. "Visions of Labor: Illustrations of the Mechanical Arts Before, In, and After
Diderot's Encyclopedie." in Steven Laurence Kaplan and Cynthia J. Koepp, eds., Work in
France: Representations, Meaning, Organization, and Practice. Ithaca and London: Cornell
University Press, 19__, 258-86.
Stalnaker, Joanna. “Diderot's Word Machine,” in The Unfinished Enlightenment: Description in
the Age of the Encyclopedia Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2010, pp. 99-123.
Stewart, Philip. "Illustrations encyclopédique: de la Cyclopaedia à l'Encyclopédie," Recherches
sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 12 (avril 1992): 71-97.
Vidler, Anthony. “”Spaces of Production: Factories and Workshops in the Encyclopédie,” in The
Writing of the Walls: Architectural Theory in the Late Enlightenment Princeton: Princeton
Architectural Press, 1987, pp. 23-33.

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