“Les problèmes”: Use the vocab sheet (Resource 5.31


“Les problèmes”: Use the vocab sheet (Resource 5.31
This is a BRONZE task:
“Les problèmes”: Use the vocab sheet (Resource 5.31) to help. Circle/highlight the correct
translation (or delete the incorrect one)
1) J’ai honte de mes vêtements démodés
a. I’m ashamed of my unfashionable clothes
b. I hate my terrible life
2) Mes ami(e)s se moquent de moi
a. My friends are the making of me
b. My friends make fun of me
3) Je n’ai pas assez d’argent
a. I need some more silver
b. I don’t have enough money
4) Mon petit frère / ma petite soeur m’énerve
a. My brother / sister is a nerd
b. My brother / sister annoys me
5) Je me dispute avec mes parents car ils sont bêtes
a. I am divorcing my beastly parents
b. I argue with my parents because they are stupid
6) Je n’ai pas de petit(e) copain / copine
a. I haven’t got a boy/girlfriend
b. I haven’t got any small change
7) Je suis accro à surfer l’internet
a. I’m a wannabe surfer
b. I am addicted to surfing the net
8) Je fume trop et je m’en fiche
a. I am fuming about my French exam
b. I smoke too much and I don’t care
9) Je transpire trop
a. It transpires that I am a little over the top
b. I sweat too much
10) J’en ai marre de mes boutons
a. I’m fed up with my spots
b. I still can’t do up my coat buttons
11) Je pense que je suis trop gros(se)
a. I am totally gross
b. I think that I am too fat