Liscence Carte Neige - Trans


Liscence Carte Neige - Trans
Liscence Carte Neige (FFS)-­‐ What Activities are Guaranteed / Insured? Options Primo & Medium insured cover in case of personal injury occurring anywhere in the world, because of the practice as an amateur of the following: -­‐ skiing in all its forms, including, without this list being exhaustive: Alpine skiing, cross-­‐country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, Nordic combined, freestyle skiing, snowboarding, telemark, speed skiing, grass skiing, rollerski, cross-­‐country skiing, snowshoeing, -­‐ hiking, including raids and mountain biking. Individual practice of these activities are limited to within Europe. The performance of other activities within the federal framework, although they do not directly fall within the field of sports, including: the physical activities under the control or supervision of the FFS, its Regional Committees, its clubs or any other person appointed by it, except contractual exclusions. sports and other activities organized collectively by and under the responsibility of an association or an affiliate of the FFS, except contractual exclusions (see summary of Insurance Coverage and Support) group. In any case, participation in official competition organized under the auspices of a sports federation other than ski federation is guaranteed. Cover options: Note that Option Primo is sufficient to enter the race, although this will not include repatriation assistance (the costs incurred to arrange transport back to your home country in the event that you are unable to travel without medical assistance, or you miss your original homebound travel plans due to an accident). Insurance options Carte Neige License Any holder of a Snow Card License is immediately insured Liability and Defense Use in safeguards activities. Option Primo Personal Liability Insurance -­‐ Defense / Appeal Mountain search & rescue, and first medical transport, Costs of medical transport. Option Medium Personal Liability Insurance -­‐ Defense / Appeal Mountain search & rescue, and first medical transport, Costs of medical transport. Refund lift passes and ski lessons Loss or theft of season passes, Care costs, Personal accident (capital in case of death, capital in case of permanent disability) Support in case of broken skis personnel, renting an equivalent material for a maximum of 8 days in a resort shop SPORT 2000 Assistance – Repatriation How to subscribe online: -­‐ Click “Continuer” *********************************************************************************** CREEZ VOTRE LICENCE
Type de Licence Carte Neige
Select Option Primo or Medium from the menu:
We recommend the MEDIUM option to be additionally covered for
medical repatriation to your home country should you need it.
. Loisir - Assurance PRIMO
. Loisir - Assurance MEDIUM
Adult Prices 2013: Licence Carte Neige Loisir
+ option Assurance Primo[1] (11,45 €)
47,55 €
Licence Carte Neige Loisir
+ option Assurance Medium[1] (20,30 €)
56,40 €
NB there are additional club and admin fees of approx. 10Euros to pay in addition to the above Click “Continuer” *********************************************************************************** CHOISISSEZ UN CLUB
Sélection du département
Select “73” (This is the Savoie Region) (Continuer) Then select club: (ville) VALMOREL / (club) CLUB DE SKI VALMOREL
*********************************************************************************** Complete your personal details (NB: “Nom” is Family name / Surname, “Prenom” is your first name). Click “Continuer” *********************************************************************************** RECAPITULATIF DE VOTRE COMMANDE
You should see a summary of your details. Please ensure to check the three boxes at the bottom of the page which confirm you accept the confitions, you are aware of the level of cover, and you posess a non-­‐contra indication medical certificate. .
J’accepte les conditions générales de vente
Je certifie avoir pris connaissance des garanties d’assurance et d’assistance proposées
Je certifie être en possession d’un certificat médical attestant de l’absence de contre indication à
la pratique du ski [1] et je m’engage à le (les) faire parvenir dans un délai de quinze jours
au service Vie Fédérale de la FFS, 50 rue des Marquisats, BP 2451, 74011 Annecy cedex
Click “Valider”
**************************************************************************** FINALISEZ VOTRE COMMANDE
Le règlement de votre Commande s'effectue via la plateforme de
paiement sécurisée Systempay de la Caisse d'Épargne incluant le
protocole 3-D Secure.
Click “Paiement” to proceed to the card payment page **************************************************************************** Complete your payment via card (Select your card type first) NB the “Cryptogramme Visuel” is the three-­‐digit security code on the signature strip on the reverse of your card. There are any language options for this interface – click the flags at the bottom of the page! IMPORTANT: Make a note of the transaction reference info: Site identifier :
: 000851
Order identifier : 4018
**************************************************************************** IMPORTANT: You must send a copy of of your non-­‐contra-­‐indication medical document to the following: Include your transaction details (above) and the name of the club : VALMOREL / CLUB DE SKI VALMOREL Service Vie Fédérale de la FFS,
50 rue des Marquisats,
BP 2451,
74011 Annecy