Descriptions UNIT VOCAB


Descriptions UNIT VOCAB
Nom:__________________________________________________ Heure: _____________ Descriptions novembre Français 135 Qui suis-­je? Students will be able to…. Describe themselves and others using adjectives. Compose complete sentences using the irregular verbs être (to be) & avoir (to have) Employ the correct use masculine & feminine adjectives. Identify & describe parts of the body. Create a collage and acrostic poem about themselves. Locate countries in the Francophone world. o Verbs Avoir (to have) Être (to be) J’ai = I have Nous avons = We have Nous sommes = We are Je suis = I am Tu es = You are Tu as = You have Vous avez = You have Vous êtes = You are Il a = He has Ils ont = They have Ils sont = They are Il est = He is Elle est = She is Elle a = She has Elles ont = They have Elles sont = They are o
o Adjectives Masc. Fem. Masc. Fem. *grand grande = tall *petit petite = short *intelligent intelligente = intelligent/smart *stupide stupide = stupid *amusant amusante = funny *bête bête = dumb/stupid *beau belle = handsome/beautiful *laid laide = ugly *drôle drôle = funny *timide timide = shy *sympa sympa = nice *méchant méchante = mean *gros grosse = fat *mince mince = skinny *fort forte = strong *créatif créative = creative *content contente = happy *triste triste = sad *jeune jeune = young *âgé âgée = old *mignon mignonne = cute *sportif sportive = athletic *pénible pénible = annoying *embêtant embêtante = annoying *blond blonde = blond *brun brune = brunette *roux rousse = redheaded *joli jolie = pretty *fâché fâchée = angry *poli polie = polite *bon bonne = good *mauvais mauvaise = bad *paresseux parasseuse = lazy *fou folle = crazy *cool = cool *bizarre = weird *ennuyeux ennuyeuse = boring Nom:__________________________________________________ Heure: _____________ To ask what someone is like… To describe & characterize someone Il est comment? — What is he like? Il n’est ni grand ni petit.— He is neither tall or short. Elle est comment? — What is she like? Elle est brune. – She is a brunette. Comment es-­tu? – What are you like? Il est pénible. – He is a pain in the neck. Elle est timide. – She is shy. Je suis intelligente. – I’m smart. o Body La Tête—the head Le Corps—the body Le Bras—the arm le visage—face l’estomac—the stomach la main—the hand le nez—nose le ventre—belly le doigt—the finger les yeux—the eyes les épaules—the shoulders les doigts—fingers la bouche—the mouth le cou—neckle le puce—the thumb les dents—teeth le coude—elbow les orielles—the ears les cheveux—hair La Jambe—the leg le genou—the knee le pied—the foot les orteils—toes Body Phrases J’ai mal à la tête. I have a head ache. J’ai mal au ventre. I have a belly ache. J’ai mal aux dents. I have tooth ache. Je suis malade. I’m sick. Je suis fatigué(e). I’m tired. Je suis en pleine forme. I’m in good shape. J’ai les cheveux marron. I have brown hair. J’ai les yeux bleus. I have blue eyes. 

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