There Is one thing My Mother Forgot To Mention vente de garage


There Is one thing My Mother Forgot To Mention vente de garage
poetry POÉSIE
There Is One Thing
My Mother Forgot
To Mention
By Jack Joseph
There is one thing my mother
forgot to mention
She was always, always in
a hurry
Love is worth more than
a full pension.
To bear three children was
not her intention
She never complained of
chronic injury
There is one thing my mother
forgot to mention.
With my father she got love
and tension
The line between them
so often blurry
Love is worth more than
a full pension.
Despite cause, her anger
hid in suspension
How she controlled it is
a mystery
There is one thing my mother
forgot to mention.
A mother is a miraculous
A gift when children rub like
Love is worth more than
a full pension.
Make good use of the time you’ve
saved — enjoy delicious food and
luxurious accommodations at the
Metropolitan, all within easy access
to where you work and play.
She loved us kids without
Even though, each day we
delivered worry
There is one thing my
mother forgot to mention
Love is worth more than
a full pension.
Vente de garage
Elle a sorti son monde sur le trottoir
suspendu sa garde-robe à une corde à linge
sa robe de mariée, son costume de voyage de noces
ses déshabillés pelucheux
de quoi meubler aussi un intérieur
une machine à écrire
un Commodore 64
un tableau Fisher Price
son plan de carrière laminé or
les prix sont indiqués en dollars et en cents
elle accepte les chèques
les paiements différés
la carte Visa
elle est prête à tout
pour se faire des amis