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List of books published in 2012 in the Francophone countries of West
Africa, available at the Library of Congress
Békoutou, Nahounngar Bélemgoto. - La Décentralisation : Manuel d'information des acteurs de base,
Ndjamena, CEFOD, 2012, 56 p.
Brief Summary: Information brochure on decentralization that caters to a wide audience. It provides a
historical overview on the institutional and administrative decentralization in Chad.
Country: Chad
Conté, Alassane . - Guide pratique de la rédaction administrative, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, 175 p.
Brief Summary: Practical guide to business writing
Country : Guinea Conakry
Sidibé, Saïdou. - Les réformes économiques au Niger : L'autre face, Niamey, Editions Alpha, 2012, 134 p.
Brief summary : The author explains the failures of liberalization in areas such as education, health, water.
He also invites to reflection on the role of government in our country.
Country: Niger
Tossou, Okri . – Syram, Cotonou, CAAREC Editions, 2012, 126 p.
Brief summary: Fiction featuring a crying Africa afflicted by drought, civil war and its tragic consequences
when the Great of this world are moved and pretend to rescue.
Country: Benin
Kafando, Mady . - La résistance légendaire de Tiefo Amoro : Bande dessinée, Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan,
2012, 71 p.
Brief Summary: The story of a Burkinabe resistant to colonization in comics
Country: Burkina Faso
Akili, Adama . - Kirari : Recueil de six pièces théâtrales, Niamey, Afrique Lecture, 2012, 93 p.
Brief summary: Collection of six theater plays
Country: Niger
Bodoumi, M. Ahmat Saleh . - Kîdirii ou la vie du singe : Conte bilingue Dazaga-Français, Ndjamena, Al Mouna,
2012, 19 p.
Brief summary:
Dazaga-French bilingual tale
Country: Chad
Derive, Jean . - L'art du verbe dans l'oralité africaine, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, 224 p.
Brief summary:
This book deals with orality in African culture.
Country : Guinea Conakry
Kadade Mamane, Oumarou . - Amours en larmes, Niamey, Afrique Lecture, 2012, 73 p.
Brief summary: In this poem the author describes life in its most painful but also the happiest aspects.
Country: Niger
Kafando, Mady . - Une mine coupable
Brief summary: Cartoon
Country: Burkina Faso
, Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan, 2012, 33 p.
Kafando, Mady . – Samossi, Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan, 2012, 30 p.
Brief summary: Cartoon
Country: Burkina Faso
Kafando, Mady . - Les aventures de Soamba le lièvre et de Katré la hyène Tome 1, Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan,
2012, 50 p.
Brief summary: Cartoon (volume 1)
Country: Burkina Faso
Kafando, Mady . - Les aventures de Soamba le lièvre et de Katré la hyène Tome 2, Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan,
2012, 42 p.
Brief summary: Cartoon
Country: Burkina Faso
Kafando, Mady . - Belle mère sanglante, Ouagadougou, L'Harmattan, 2012, 43 p.
Brief summary: Cartoon
Country: Burkina Faso
Kounta, Albakaye Ousmane . - Au fil du temps, Bamako, Jamana, 2012, 164 p.
Brief summary: Over time, through the cities and countryside and different characters of Malian society, the
author tries to peer into Malian society in its beauty and what it wrong.
Country: Mali
Oussou, Reine. - Passions en Chœur, Cotonou, Star Editions, 2012, 173 p.
Brief summary: This novel takes us into the lives of men and women in an unfavorable environment.
Country: Benin
Ramadane, Amina . - Lien sacré, Ndjamena, Editions SAO, 2012, 111 p.
Brief summary: This novel tells the story of two lovers in their youth who meet after many years marked by
disappointments on both sides to finally start a family dream.
Country: Chad
Sambe, Fara . - Lettre du retour au pays natal, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, 267 p.
Brief summary: The story told in this book happens in Casamance, southern Senegal, in the grip of an armed
rebellion since the early 1980s. The book showcases Senegalese people with diverse backgrounds seeking a
re-socialization therapy through the use of certain mechanisms of social regulation specific to the country.
Country: Senegal
Théra, Yacouba . - Mémoire d'un Sous-préfet, Bamako, Jamana, 2012, 300 p.
Brief summary: The author is a living witness of the various transformations of Malian society from
colonization to the present gives us here his memories.
Country: Mali
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Bodoumi, Ahmat Saleh . - Troubles et guerres entre Toubous et Zoueiya à Koufra en libye, Ndjamena, Al
Mouna, 2012, 15 p.
Brief summary: The author recounts the war between the Toubou from Chad and the Zoueiya from
Libya that occurred in February 2012. He traces the distant and immediate causes of the
conflict and gives some tips to build confidence between the two ethnic groups.
Country: Chad
Fall, François Lonsény . - Guinée : l'aurore d'une démocratie, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, 82 p.
Brief summary: After attending the first democratic election, the author, a prominent politician, looks wise
on the democratic process in Guinea.
Country: Guinea Conakry
Houssou, Brice . - Les secrets du K.O. : Election présidentielle de mars 2011 au Bénin, Cotonou, Editions
COPEF, 2012, 490 p.
Brief summary: In this book the author gives valuable information on the elections in Benin, including the
presidential election of March 2011.
Country: Benin
Kamara, Lamine . - Les racines de l'avenir : Réflexions sur la première République de Guinée, Paris,
L'Harmattan, 2012, 112 p.
Brief summary: Analysis establishing the facts and deciphering the mechanisms of operation of the First
Republic of Guinea while revealing the methods and practices of dictatorship and then by placing the
responsibilities of each other.
Country: Guinea Conakry
Kamara, Lamine . - Guinée - Sous les verrous de la révolution : Autobiographie, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, 222
Brief summary: In this autobiography, the author who is a former political prisoner reflects on the dramatic
events that took place in Guinea during the period of the revolution.
Country: Guinea Conakry
Keïta, Abdourahmane . - Le marché politique sénégalais : un capharnaüm, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, 93 p.
Brief summary: Are citizens entitled to base their hopes on politicians to overcome countless challenges?
What strategies do candidates have to implement to gain or maintain power? These are questions that the
author attempts to provide answers for better analysis of voting behavior and legitimating of political
Country: Senegal
Madou, Nadji. - Les partis politiques au Tchad : Expression d'une citoyenneté responsable, Ndjamena, SAO,
2012, 215 p.
Brief summary: The book traces the history of political parties in Chad, from birth to dissolution through
their organization and functioning.
Country: Chad
Mara, Moussa . - L'Etat au Mali, Bamako, EDIM, 2012, 504 p.
Brief summary: After a first volume on the mechanisms and functioning of the state in Mali, the author
offers solutions for improvement.
Country: Mali
Ngaïdé, Abderrahmane . - Entretien avec Amady Aly Dieng : Lecture critique d'un demi-siècle de paradoxes,
, CODESRIA, 2012, 148 p.
Brief summary: This is the author's interview with the Senegalese scholar Amady Aly Dieng on half a century
full of turmoil and hopes, but also of uncertainties essentially based on questions about the future of the
African continent.
Country: Senegal
Savané, Ibrahim Sy . - D'espérance et de douleurs vives : Au cœur de la tourmente ivoirienne, Abidjan, MICIEMBACI, 2012, 186 p.
Brief summary: The author has been a key actor draws on his own perception of the Ivorian crisis to attempt
some analysis.
Country: Côte d'Ivoire
Sy, Amadou Alpha . - Le 23 juin au Sénégal (ou la souveraineté reconquise)
, Dakar, L'Harmattan,
2012, 153 p.
Brief summary: Monitoring work for a permanent institutional reframing of public policy and reading of
movements waving the Senegalese society
Country: Senegal
Sy, Hamet Baba . - Pauvre Mali ! Il est grand temps !, Bamako, At the author, 2012, 76 p.
Brief summary:
In this book the author offers some thoughts on the economic and political situation of
Country: Mali
Thiam, Mamadou .- Chroniques politiques sénégalaises : Il était une fois…Abdoulaye Wade, Paris,
L'Harmattan, 2012, 118 p.
Brief summary: Through several texts written and published under the presidency of Abdoulaye Wade, the
author delineates a management often not happy, provides recommendations and suggests the imminent
demise of the liberal regime.
Country: Senegal
Adjadohoun, Alphonse . -L'Alléluia d'une vie : Abbé Gilbert Dagnon 18 août 1926 - 14 juin 2012, Cotonou,
Imprimerie Notre-Dame, 2012, 35 p.
Brief summary: Testimonials and tributes to Abbot Gilbert Dagnon, author of the national anthem of Benin
Country: Benin
Bari, Nadine . - Cuisines de Guinée, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, 161 p.
Brief summary: Recipes from Guinea
Country: Guinea Conakry
Diop, Abdoulatif . - Bocandé : l'éternelle legend, Thiès, Senegal, Fama Editions, 2012, 137 p.
Brief summary: This book is a biography of Jules Francois Bocandé, Senegalese football star of the 1980s and
Country: Senegal
Fadoul Khidir, Zakaria . - Anthropologie des populations tchadiennes : Tome 1: Les Beri du Tchad, Ndjamena,
Editions SAO, 2012, 284 p.
Brief summary: This book which constitutes the first volume of a study on different social groups in Chad is
dedicated to the Beri ethnic group.
Country: Chad
Gouabal, Mamade . - Les Garap : Histoire, pouvoir et mythologie, Ndjamena, Centre Al-Mouna/Editions SAO,
2012, 96 p.
Brief summary: The book presents the history of the Garap, an ethnic group scattered in southern Chad: its
origins, power and mythology.
Country: Chad
Koita, Souaibou . - La Java Africa ! : Recettes d'Afrique noire, s.l, Editions Sud-Ouest, 2012, 77 p.
Brief summary: Recipes of Black Africa
Country : Mali
Kouyaté, Mamadou . - Sory Kandia Kouyaté chantre immortel d'une Afrique éternelle, Paris, L'Harmattan,
2012, 123 p.
Brief summary: Biography of the Guinean artist Sory Kandia Kouyaté
Country: Guinea Conakry
Nanadjingue, Frédéric . - La Diya au Tchad : Entre tradition et légalité, Ndjamena, Centre Al-Mouna, 2012, 32
Brief summary: This book addresses the issue of the Diya, an amount paid for repairing the harm caused to
others by virtue of inter-tribal agreements.
Country: Chad
Sedegan, Emmanuel . - Veux-tu être leader ou suiveur ? Lève-toi et brille !, Cotonou, SOGECIL Editions, 2012,
176 p.
Brief summary: Invitation of the author to take individual and collective consciousness in achieving our
Country: Benin
Sidibé, Modibo . - Fily-Dabo Sissoko, un grand sage africain, Bamako, Imprim-Color, 2012, 120 p.
Brief summary: Biography of Fily-Dabo Sissoko, a renowned Malian politician during the French colonial
Country: Mali
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