bulsept25 11 - Diocese of London


bulsept25 11 - Diocese of London
Mass — INTENTIONS — Messes
lundi/Monday Sept. 26
mardi/Tuesday Sept. 27
mercredi/Wednesday Sept. 28
No Masses!
Pas de messe!
jeudi/Thursday Sept. 29, 2011
8:30 am (E)
Patrick Girard
by Mr. & Mrs. Harry Derikx & family
Wilfrid Bellemore (8th ann)
by Gerald & family
Frank Zemmicky (11th ann)
by Marlene & family
vendredi/Friday Sept. 30, 2011
9:30 am (E) Social time following mass
Rena Comartin
by Ray & Marcella Bellemore
Meryl Corriveau (6th ann)
by Theresa McLeod
Guy Bulley (24th ann)
by his parents
samedi/Saturday Oct. 1, 2011
11:30 - noon Confessions
2:00pm (E)
Wedding Anniversary Mass - Bishop Fabbro Celebrant
5:00 pm (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
dimanche/Sunday Oct. 2, 2011
9:00 am (F)
Pour les intentions du peuple de Dieu
11:00 am (E)
For the intentions of the people of God
Please pray for...Prions pour…
The deceased...Les défunts et défuntes
Germaine Robert, mother of Marcel Robert
& Diane Marcoux
Club de l’Âge d’Or Le Foyer:
Nous acceptons maintenant les cotisations pour 2012 (8$). Veuillez les payer au club le mercredi de 13h à 16h30.
Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à tous les gens d’expression française
de nous rejoindre.
Parish Office / Bureau Paroissial
Office Hours:
9am to 12 noon…...1 pm to 4pm
5407 Comber Sideroad, P.O. Box 220
Comber, Ontario
N0P 1J0
Pastoral Team
Rev. Robert Champagne, Pastor/curé
Jamie Soullière, Pastoral Minister/Agent de pastoral
The sick...Les malades
Baby Felix Deschênes, Dave Duquette,
Clarence & Rita Knapp, Donald Kreitzer,
Felix Laporte, Norm Long,
Margaret McLeod, Denise Rivest,
Sherri Roy, John Yoworski
We wish to thank our parish family
for the many cards, mass offerings
and thoughtful gestures at the time
of our mother & grandmother’s
death. Your kindness is greatly
appreciated and eased a difficult time for us.
Merci de tous notre cœur pour vos gentillesses et
expressions d’amour au temps du décès de notre
mère et grand'mère.
John Mackay & family
‘I shall pass through this world but once. Any
good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I
can show to any human being let me do it now. Let
me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this
way again.’
(519) 687-3118
(519) 687-2076
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.visitation.dol.ca
Parish Staff
Marie Tremblay, Financial Secretary
Thérèse Mackay, Secretary/Receptionist
John Robinson, Music Director
Debbie Rubin, Caretaker
Randy Barrette, Maintenance
Mariette Comartin, Housekeeper
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5pm (E)
dimanche 9h (F)
Sunday 11 am (E)
The Tilbury District Family Health Team…
invites you to their 5th Anniversary Open House, at 22 Mill St., W.,
Tilbury on Tuesday, Sept. 27 from 9-11 am. Learn about programmes
and services offered & meet the health care providers. Refreshments,
door prizes & tours provided.
Paroisse de la Visitation Parish
Our Collections
September 18, 2011
Envelopes $5,729.00
+ loose 228.81
Total $5957.81
Diocesan Assessment………..$55.00
Building Fund
Donations ………………...$1,125.00
Pledge payments ……………..$20.00
Visitors’ Envelopes…………. $32.25
200th Anniversary of Blessed Marie Rose Durocher: Come celebrate with the Sisters of the Holy Names. This
Merci - Thank you!
Canadian foundress of our Congregation, a lay person and religious,
was prophetic in her actions, taught in her parish, formed youth
groups and involved them in social actions. Marie Rose’s mission
was education and the full development of the human person. She
was always concerned about the poor, disadvantaged and inspired us
to be Gospel Women for liberating action. Please join us on October
6th at Assumption Church, Windsor, for 6:30 pm Eucharist.
The second son in today’s Gospel said he would do
his father’s will but did not. Initially, the first son
balked at the request, but then repented and did as
he was asked. How do you respond to God’s will in
your life? To what service is God calling you?
Good stewards joyfully and generously respond to
the personal vocations to which they are called.
Stewardship Office, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg
Celebrated once a month
during weekend masses.
Registration in the parish is required.
Preparation is mandatory.
Saturday 11:30 to 12 noon
or by appointment.
At least one party must be a registered
member of the parish.
Minimum 6 months notification.
Mandatory marriage preparation course.
Ministry to the Sick
Communion to shut-ins every first Friday.
Hospital visits upon request.
Sacrament of the Sick upon request.
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
26e dimanche du temps ordinaire
September 25, 2011
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
Today, let’s not only talk the talk, but walk the
walk! Let us be vigilant of what the Lord asks of
us. The next step is to respond affirmatively to
His call.
26e dimanche du temps ordinaire:
En ce
dimanche, nous mettons en valeur les efforts de cohérence
des membres de la communauté chrétienne qui répondent
par leurs actions aux interpellations du Seigneur.
Priests’ Study Days:
The priests of the Diocese
will meet this coming week in London. Please keep them in
your prayers.
Journées d’études pour le clergé:
garder nos prêtres dans vos prières, pendant leurs journées
d’études à London.
Please Note: Friday’s mass is at 9:30am, followed by
social time especially for those dealing with the loss of a
loved one. All are welcome.
First Reconciliation and First
Communion: All registered parishioners
with children in Grade 2 are asked to attend a
mandatory information and registration meeting for these sacraments on Wednesday, October 5th at 6:30 pm in the parish hall. This also includes parents of students who missed receiving these sacraments previously.
Première Réconciliation et Première
Communion: Tous les parents enregistrés dans notre
paroisse qui ont des enfants en 2e année sont demandés
d’assister à une réunion obligatoire d’informations et enregistrements pour les sacrements de 1ère réconciliation et
1ère communion ...le mercredi 5 octobre à 18h30 dans la
salle paroissiale. Les parents de ceux et celles qui ont peutêtre manqué de recevoir ces sacrements auparavant sont
aussi demandés d’assister.
New to the Parish?
We would like to welcome
many new families to our parish. We are happy to welcome
you and hope you will feel at home here! We also ask that
you please register with us! Registration packages are available for you in the hall foyer that provide information or you
can call the parish office at 519-687-3118. Please remember that registration is important in order to receive the sacraments such as First Reconciliation, First Communion,
Confirmation, Marriage.
Nouveau/nouvelle à la paroisse?
Nous vous
souhaitons la bienvenue. Nous espérons que vous vous sentirez à l’aise parmi nous. Passez par le bureau sur semaine
pour vous introduire et vous inscrire ou bien téléphoneznous au 519-687-3118. Nous avons aussi des enveloppes
d’enregistrement disponibles avec maintes informations
pour vous donner. Elles se trouvent sur la table dans le
foyer de la salle.
Cemetery Sunday:
Everyone is invited to join in
prayerful remembrance of the deceased, Sunday, October 2,
2011. We will remember in a special way all those who
have been laid to rest in Annonciation Cemetery since Sept.
2009. Please join us for the 11 am mass at Visitation Parish
Church followed by a bilingual prayer service at the cemetery in Stoney Point beginning at 1pm. We encourage you
to bring a lawn chair for the prayers at the cemetery. In the
event of rain or poor weather conditions, the prayer service
will take place at the church. All are welcome.
Réunions...Meetings this week…
Wed. Sept. 28
@ 7:30 pm
@ 7:30 pm
Pratique de la chorale
Squirettes, hall A
COR 39:
Our next COR will take place November 18,
19, 20, 2011 at l’Essor High School, St. Clair Beach. Applications are now available! Don’t miss out...apply early!
COR Food Donations:
Cimetière de l’Annonciation:
Le comité du
Cimetière de l’Annonciation à Pointe-aux-Roches vous invite avec votre famille de vous rassembler avec nous en prière
en honneur de ceux et celles qui nous ont quittés. Nous porterons souvenir à toutes les personnes inhumés dans notre
cimetière depuis le mois de septembre 2009. Nous débuterons avec la messe à 11h dans l’église de la Paroisse de la
Visitation, suivit d’un service de prières bilingue au cimetière à Pointe-aux-Roches commençant à 13h. Si vous voulez,
n’hésitez-pas d’apporter une chaise pour vous asseoir pendant le service au cimetière. Bienvenue à tous.
We ask our parishioners to
once again help with the food needed on the COR weekend.
Turkeys (cooked and carved), home-made pies, fruits, vegetables etc are needed. Please call the parish office if you can
donate some items. (519-687-3118)
A reminder that the Kent Essex Deanery
Cemetery Board Meeting...will be held on Sunday
September 25 at 1pm in our parish hall.
Bereavement Committee:
Golf Tournament: This year’s second tournament
is being held INDOORS at ‘On the Green’ in Tecumseh on
Sunday, October 23rd, 2011.
This tournament, taking place from 4 to 8 pm, includes a
large pizza per foursome as well as refreshments. Total
cost is a mere $35.00 per person! There are only 48 golf
openings available, so don’t be disappointed...register your
foursome early!
Applications will be available September 23/24 and October 1/2 weekends, after masses.
Life Chain:
Please join us at the annual Life Chain Silent Prayer in Belle River, on Sunday, October 2, 2011. This
event, in support of the unborn, takes place on Notre Dame
St. from 2:30 - 3:30 pm.
What is Life Chain? It is a peaceful, prayerful, witness to
the sanctity of human life.
Thanksgiving Parish Appeal: The weekend of
October 8/9, 2011, this special collection is held. The
money brought in stays within the parish. It is a very effective way of supporting ministry in our parish. Please consider making a donation to this year’s Thanksgiving Parish
The Bereavement
Committee Team will meet Wednesday, October 5th at 9am
in the library. All team members are asked to attend.
Who should attend? All those who are willing to defend
the innocent human life against abortion! Bring the whole
Le comité…qui
Campagne d’action de grâce: La fin de semai-
Guatemala Hope - School Supplies
Walk for Life: 22nd Annual 8km Walkathon takes place Sat.
Sept. 24, 2011. Registration from 9 to 10:30am Food &
refreshments - 11am.
38th Anniversary Dinner: Windsor Essex Right to Life Friday, October 21st, 2011. Guest speaker: Al Kresta.
ne du 8 et 9 octobre, nous aurons la Campagne d’action de
grâce. Tous les fonds ramassés resteront dans la paroisse.
Votre don pourra aider notre paroisse à continuer à répondre
à nos besoins financiers de jour en jour. Merci de votre appui.
Every fall we conduct our education program,
including our Student Sponsorship Program.
Over 100 bursary students receive school supplies from Canada including the following items:
Holy Land Wood Art:
The main income for the
Christian community of Bethlehem is selling their hand
crafted olive wood religious items to the pilgrims who visit
the area. The past few years have been extremely hard for
the community as a result of declining tourism. Some Christians responded by fleeing the Holy Land, and the absence of
a living Christian community is very dangerous for the Holy
Sites such as the Church of the Nativity.
On Oct. 8th & 9th, we will be having some of their beautiful art held for sale in an effort to strengthen the Christian
presence in the Holy Land.
Sunday School: Children ages 4 to 7 years are welcome to attend Sunday School at the 11 am mass. Registrations are still being accepted. We welcome all our students
and hope you have a wonderful year.
Teachers and helpers are still needed. Please see Jody or
Denise in the Sunday School room for more information.
‘Va en paix et que le Seigneur soit avec toi.’
1 Sa 17, 37
s’occupe des personnes en deuil se
réunira mercredi le 5 octobre à 9h au bureau paroissial.
Student backpacks
Cloth pencil cases
Colour pencils
Colour markers
Glue Sticks
6” rulers
Pencil sharpeners
Small calculators
If you can help with any of these items, please place them in
the boxes in the church foyer by October 9th or contact
Rosemarie Dulong 519 682-1813 or [email protected]
We will be arriving in Guatemala on October 21st. Your
prayer support for a successful and safe trip is appreciated.
Ministry Schedules:
Schedules have been prepared to cover the months of October through December.
They are available on-line or in the sacristy. The phone
number list is available in the sacristy ONLY!
Les horaires...pour
les ministères sont maintenant
prêts. La liste avec les numéros de téléphone est disponible
dans la sacristie SEULEMENT, tandis que les horaires peuvent être trouvés à l’internet ou dans la sacristie.
See the posters on the bulletin board for details or go to
Blood Donor Clinic...takes
place Tuesday, Sept. 27th from 5 to 8
pm in the parish hall. Please call 1-8882 DONATE to make your appointment.
Clinique de prise de sang…
aura lieu le mardi 27 septembre de 17h à 20h dans la salle
paroissiale. Veuillez svp téléphoner 1-888-2DONATE pour
un rendez-vous.
Families Stories Day & Writing Workshop: The CWL invite all adults from our parish to a talk
and workshop on turning family stories into interesting reading! The day will be facilitated by Denyse Gervais Regan
who turned her family stories into a novel and play called: The Thirteenth One-. There is no charge for this event, however, please contact Carol Lefaive by Wednesday, October
19th, 2011 at 519-798-3655 to reserve your spot, as space is
Mark your calendar..
Time: 9:30 - 1 pm
When: Saturday October 22, 2011
Place: Visitation Parish Hall

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