Commission Scolaire Riverside St. Jude Elementary


Commission Scolaire Riverside St. Jude Elementary
Commission Scolaire Riverside
St. Jude Elementary
Have a child starting school next year?
Come and visit St. Jude Elementary on February 27th at 6pm for its Open House
St. Jude Elementary a community school since 1962 offers the choice of two programs: English or Early Immersion. During the open house there will be a brief presenta on by the principal, a school tour and an opportunity to meet the kindergarten teachers. St-Jude, une école au coeur de la communauté depuis 1962. Nous offrons le choix de deux programmes: anglais ou immersion. St. Jude Elementary 781 Miller Street La soirée portes ouvertes vous offre l’occasion unique d’assister à une présenta on du directeur, de faire une visite guidée de l’école et de rencontrer les enseignantes de maternelle. Greenfield Park, Qc. J4V 1W8 Telephone: (450) 672-2090 “Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education.”
Martin Luther King Jr.