k - Directory of scholars in European Studies


k - Directory of scholars in European Studies
KALOSPYROS Nicholas Adjunct Professor of Classics and Literature, Dept. of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens (Greece). Field of interest: History of Classical Scholarship in Modern Europe from the Renaissance onward (Porson, Dutch philologists, Corais, Housman, etc.). At the present I'm working on a handbook for Irish Scholarship. E.mail: [email protected] KARDAMIS Konstantinos University affiliation: Ionian University, Department of Music. Field of interest: music in Greece in late 18th and 19th century, opera, music theatre, wind‐band music, interaction of music, society and politics. E.mail: [email protected] http://www.ionio.gr/~kardamis/eng/ Postal address: Dr. Konstantinos Kardamis, Ioannou Foka 3, Corfu, GR‐49100, Ionian Islands, Greece KASTELLANOU‐FOTEINI Gkratsiela Department of Language and French Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). French and European Civilization, French and Greek Literature, Globalization as well as the links that combine Science to Literature and vice versa. Apart from a considerable number of articles, she has also published: Maurice Maeterlinck and his thoughts, Surrealisme, Quantum Physics. Afroditis 104, Palaio Faliro 17562 ‐ Greece E.mail: [email protected] KATSIARDI‐HERING Olga Faculty of History and Archaeology, University of Athens. Field of interest: Greek‐Italian relations in the XVIIIth century. http://users.uoa.gr/~olkats/katsiardi_en.p
df Prof. Katsiardi is a member of the International Scientific Committee of the Institute for Economic History 'F. Datini', in Prato, Italy. E.mail: [email protected] KECHAGIOGLOU Georgios Professor of Modern Greek Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Fields of interest: Modern Greek and Cypriot Literature, Greek Orientalism, Comparative Literature. School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Campus, 54124 Thessaloniki, Greece. E.mail: [email protected] KINGSTON Rebecca Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Toronto. Research interests relevant to the 18th century: Montesquieu; philosophy of emotions, Plutarch and 18th century thought. Rebecca Kingston, 100 St. George Street,Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G3 E.mail: [email protected] KIRILLINA Larissa Musicologist, Moscow State Conservatory "P.I.Tchaikovsky", State Institute for Art Research (Moscow). Main fields of interest: music of the 18th and early 19th century, history of musicology (especially in the 18th‐century musicology), life and works of Beethoven. Main publications (in Russian): Reform Operas of Gluck (Moscow, 2006), The Classical Style in Music of the XVIII ‐ early XIX centuries (3 Parts; Moscow, 1996, 2007, 2007); Beethoven. Life and Works (2 vols. Moscow, 2009). E.mail: [email protected] http://www.mosconsv.ru/ru/person.aspx?
id=9010 KLINGE Matti Professeur associé à la Sorbonne 1970‐‐
1972, professeur titulaire d'histoire générale et nordique à l'université de Helsinki 1975‐‐2001. Membre de plusieurs académies. Décoré dans plusieurs pays, dont la Légion d'Honneur. Livres sur les XVIIIe, XIXe, XXe siècles, publiés en finlandais et en suédois, avec des traductions, e.g. en allemand (Eine Nordische Universität), en anglais (A European University), en russe (Imperskaja Finljandija), collections d'essais historiques aussi en anglais et en polonais, survol de l'histoire de la région baltique en 8 langues, nouvelles éditions en allemand (Die Ostseewelt) et en anglais (The Baltic World), sur l'historiographie, sur l'histoire de Helsinki comme symbole de l'état de Finlande (sous presse en finlandais, suédois, russe) &c. Ullankatu3, FIN‐00140 Helsinki ‐ Finlande; E.mail: [email protected] KRAUS Sabine Architect, Doctoral thesis, Paris: The Vitalist Thought in the Age of Enlightenment: Edinburgh and Montpellier. First training: Architecture, essentially the theory and language of the architecture of the city as a whole, by Aldo Rossi (1931‐
1997); Visual Arts: video and digital art. From architecture to medicine: the history and theory of Vitalism, the medical philosophy in the age of Enlightenment, from a comparative study of Edinburgh and Montpellier, the two leading centers of medical training in Europe, with Vienna, against the mechanical explanation of all phenomena of Life. 23, Rue du Faubourg Boutonnet, 34090 Montpellier, France E.mail: [email protected]