Book Review(s) - McGill Law Journal


Book Review(s) - McGill Law Journal
R.H. Bartlett, Indian Reserves and Aboriginal Lands in Canada:A Homeland
- A Study in Law and History (Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Native
Law Centre, 1990).
M. Boivin, J. Manwaring & D. Proulx, eds, CanadianHuman Rights Yearbook
1989-1990 (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1990).
L.G. Boucher et D. Brochu, Droit du travail,Montreal, Wilson & Lafleur, 1990.
D. Bourque, L'6nergie nuclaireet le droit : les autorisations,l'environnement,
les contr6les judiciaires et politques, Cowansville, Yvon Blais, 1990.
. Brabant et M. Denis, Aide mmoire : cour d'appel en matidres criminelles,
Montr6al, Wilson & Lafleur, 1990.
J. Burton, The Sources of Islamic Law: Islamic Theories of Abrogation (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1990).
T.E. Carbonneau, Alternative Dispute Resolution:Melting the Lances and Dismounting the Steeds (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1989).
J. Callwood, The Sleepwalker (Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1990).
B. Clark, Native Liberty, Crown Sovereignty: The Existing Aboriginal Right of
Self-Government in Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press,
P. Comeau & A. Santin, The First Canadians:A Profile of Canada's Native
People Today (Toronto: James Lorimer & Co., 1990).
C.M. Condit, Decoding Abortion Rhetoric: Communicating Social Change
(Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1990).
R. Cotterrell, The Politics of Jurisprudence:A CriticalIntroduction to Legal
Philosophy (London: Butterworths, 1990).
G. Dacks, ed., Devolution and Constitutional Development in the Canadian
North (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1990).
J. Deslauriers, Pricis de droit des saret~s, Montr6al, Wilson & Lafleur, 1990.
R. Devlin, ed., CanadianPerspectiveson Legal Theory (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1990).
C. Emanuelli, Droitinternationalpublic : lesfondements, les sources, les Etats,
t.1, Montreal, Wilson & Lafleur, 1990.
E. Frankel-Paul, F.D. Miller Jr. & J. Paul, eds, Crime, Culpability and Remedy
(Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990).
S.L. Gabriel & I. Smithson, Gender in the Classroom: Power and Pedagogy
(Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1990).
A. Gazaille, Guide des regimes de retraite : les rgimes priv~s, Montr6al, Wilson & Lafleur, 1990.
M. Goulet, Le nantissement commmercial, Montr6al, Wilson & Lafleur Martel,
J. Hamblin et al., eds, Responding to HIV/AIDS in Canada (Toronto: Carswell,
H. Hannum, Autonomy, Sovereignty, and Self-Determination:The Accommodation of Conflicting Rights (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
K. Hawkins & J.M. Thomas, eds, Making Regulatory Policy (Pittsburgh: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989).
A. Heard, Canadian Constitutional Conventions: The Marriage of Law and
Politics (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991).
N. Heer, Islamic Law and Jurisprudence (Seattle: University of Washington
Press, 1990).
W. Janzen, Limits on Liberty: The Experience of Mennonite, Hutterite, and
Doukhobor Communities in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press,
[Vol. 36
V. Krishna, The Fundamentals of Canadian Income Tax: An Introduction
(Toronto: Carswell, 1989).
L. Lamarche, Les programmes d'accs a l'galit9 en emploi, Montr6al, Louise
Courteau, 1990.
P. Lesage-Jarjoura, La cessation de traitement : au carrefour du droit et de la
m~decine, Cowansville, Yvon Blais, 1990.
L. Lipschitz & D. McDonald, eds, German Unification: Economic Issues
(Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1990).
P. McCormick & I. Greene, Judges and Judging: Inside the CanadianJudicial
System (Toronto: James Lorimer & Co., 1990).
C. Maclaine & M. Baxendale, This Land is Our Land: The Mohawk Revolt at
Oka (Montreal: Optimum Publishing International, 1990).
M. Martel et P. Martel, La compagnie au Qu6bec: les aspectsjuridiques, Montr6al, Wilson & Lafleur Martel, 1990.
Middle East Watch, Human Rights in Iraq (New Haven: Yale University Press,
J. Nedelsky, PrivatePropertyand the Limits of American Consitutionalism:The
MadisonianFrameworkand Its Legacy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
New Zealand Law Commission, A New InterpretationAct: To Avoid "Prolixity
and Tautology" (Report 17) (Wellington: New Zealand Law Commission,
R. Paehlke & D. Torgeson, Managing Leviathan: Environmental Politics and
the Administrative State (Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1990).
J.H. Perry, Taxation in Canada:Canadian Tax PaperNo. 89, 5th ed. (Toronto:
Canadian Tax Foundation, 1990).
W.H. Posner, The Leasing Process: A Guidefor the Commercial Tenant (North
York: Captus Press, 1990).
F.P. Prucha, Atlas of American Indian Affairs (Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press, 1990)
F.P. Prucha, Documents of United States Indian Policy, rev'd 2d ed. (Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1990).
J. Rh6aume, Droits et liberts de lapersonne et de lafamille, Montr6al, Wilson
& Lafleur, 1990.
D. Saxe, Ontario Environmental Protection Act Annotated (Aurora: Canada
Law Book, 1990).
R. Sirard, La rdactiondu contrat individuel de travail : pourquoi et comment,
Montreal, Wilson & Lafleur, 1990.
M. Torgov, St. Farb'sDay (Toronto: Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1990).
J.-M. Trigeaud, Philosophiejuridique europiene, Bordeaux, Biere, 1990.
C.L. Vincent, Police Officer (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1990).
A. Watson, Slave Law in the Americas (Athens: University of Georgia Press,
Wilson & Lafleur, L' animal, son bien-6tre et la loi au Quibec, Montr6al, Wilson
& Lafleur, 1990.
Wilson & Lafleur Martel, Loi et reglement sur la faillite, Montr6al, Wilson &
Lafleur, 1990.