December 2010 Grammar Corner: Linking Words


December 2010 Grammar Corner: Linking Words
December 2010 Grammar Corner: Linking Words Part 3
Think French Grammar Corner is brought to you by Camille Chevalier-Karfis.
Camille has been
teaching adults in private and group classes for over 15 years. After years of observing her students
struggle with existing teaching methods, Camille developed her own French method geared towards
adult speakers. To complement this unique teaching approach, Camille has written two audio books
and has created more than 60 hours of French audio training material. All of Camille’s audio books,
podcasts, audio lessons can be found on her site Camille is also available
for private lessons worldwide via phone or Skype.
Linking words often make THE difference in language fluency. Here is a list of 10
linking words with exemple and audio recording. We started this lesson 2 months ago
and this is the part three of a three part series. Enjoy!
30 - avec (with)
Il est avec elle. (He is with her.)
31 - sans (without)
Il ne peut pas lire sans lunettes. (He cannot read without glasses.)
32 - pour (for, in order to)
Je travaille pour elle. (I work for her).
Je travaille pour gagner de l’argent. (I work in order to earn money.)
33 - mais (but)
Je parle français mais je ne parle pas espagnol.
(I speak French, but I don’t speak Spanish.)
34 - contre (against)
Mettez la table contre le mur. (Put the table against the wall.)
Il est contre le racisme. (He is against racism.)
35 - au contraire (on the contrary)
Il pense que j’aime Paul. Au contraire, je le déteste !
(He thinks I am in love with Paul. On the contrary, I hate him !)
36 - en fait (in fact)
En fait, je le trouve stupide. (In fact, I think he is stupid.)
37 - en plus (furthermore)
En plus, il sent mauvais. (Furthermore, he smells bad.)
Think French - Décembre 2010
38 - quant à (as for)
Quant à Pierre, il est laid. (As for Pierre, he is ugly.)
39 - en effet (indeed)
En effet, tu es difficile (You are picky, indeed.)
40 - au sujet de (about, concerning)
Je dois vous parlez au sujet d’Anne. (I have to tell you about Anne.)
41 - d’après / suivant / selon (according to)
D’après lui, elle n’est pas française. (According to him, she’s not French.)
Selon moi, la vie est magnifique. (According to me, life is beautiful.)
42 - presque (almost)
Il est presque minuit. (It’s almost midnight.)
43 - parce que (because - as an answer to pourquoi)
Pourquoi est-ce que vous étudiez l’espagnol ? (Why are you studying Spanish ?)
Parce que je veux habiter en Espagne. (Because I want to live in Spain.)
44 - car (because - inside a sentence - volunteering some additional info)
J’étudie l’espagnol car je veux habiter en Espagne.
(I study Spanish because I want to live in Spain.)
45 - puisque (since)
Puisque tu ne parles pas espagnol, tu ne peux pas travailler en Espagne.
(Since you don’t speak Spanish, you cannot work in Spain)
46 - alors (then)
Alors, je suis partie. (Then, I left.)
47- donc (therefore, so)
Je pense, donc je suis. (I think, therefore I am.)
48 - si ? sinon (if ? if not)
Si Pierre gagne, c’est formidable, sinon, ce n’est pas la fin du monde.
(If Pierre wins, it’s great, if not, it is not the end of the world.)
49 - enfin (anyway / at last)
Enfin, tu comprends ? (anyway, you understand ?)
J’ai enfin teminé cette liste. (At last, I finished that list.)