Bonjour! Aujourd`hui on va apprendre des moyens de


Bonjour! Aujourd`hui on va apprendre des moyens de
Bonjour! Aujourd'hui on va apprendre des moyens de saluer tout
le monde et de maintenir et completer une conversation.
Comment t’appelles-tu? Quel est ton nom? ________________
Now, what did I just ask? Please, write down the transations.
Comment t’appelles-tu? = ____________
Quel est ton nom? = __________
Les salutations (greetings):
bonjour (hello) (you knew this one already!)
salut (hi).
au revoir (goodbye)
à bientôt (see you soon)
à tout à l'heure (see you soon)
bonsoir (good evening)
à plus tard (see you later)
bonne nuit (good night)
Des questions (questions):
Comment ça va? (How is it going? How are you?)
Comment vas-tu? (How are you going? -> when you are talking to a friend or a relative)
Comment allez-vous? (How are you going? -> when you are talking to an adult or to
someone who you do not know very well)
Des réponses (answers):
1. If you are asked "Comment ça va?", you must respond
* Ça va (it is going) ...
2. If you are asked "Comment vas-tu?" or "Comment allez-vous?", you must respond
* Je vais...
This is the part which means "I am/I am going...", and then you can choose whatever
you feel like :) Here are some options:
- bien (well)
- très bien (very well)
- comme ci, comme ça (so-so)
- mal (badly)
- _____ mal (very badly)
- formidable (wonderfully)
- excellent (excellently)
- terrible (terribly)
- horrible (horribly)
Here is an example of a dialogue, the way someone speaking French would greet
another person:
- Bonjour! Comment allez-vous?
- Bonjour. Je vais comme ci, comme ça.
Of course, you want to be polite. Here are a few words to help you:
merci (thank you)
et toi? (and what about you? -> if you are talking to someone your age, a friend, or a
et vous? (and what about you? -> if you are talking to someone much older than you, or
a person that you do not know very well)
Finally, you can meet someone who speaks only French! Let's remember the ways we
can introduce ourself and write out a conversation.
A French speaker: Bonjour! Je m'appelle Pierre! Comment t'appelles-tu?
You: ______________________________________________
A French speaker (Pierre): Comment ça va?
You: ______________________________________________ (*Don't forget
to be polite and ask Pierre how he is going! Let's pretend that Pierre is an adult, so that
you can know to ask him correctly)
Pierre: Ah, merci pour m'avoir demandé (thank you for asking). Je vais excellent! A
You: (say goodbye!) ____________________________________
This is all simple and basic, but very important. If I wake you up
in the middle of night and ask: "Comment vas-tu?”, what will you
tell me?
Merci pour tous vos efforts!