enjoy your meal!


enjoy your meal!
d e S S e r t S
S t a r t e r S
spring saLad
tarte au citron
a P e r i t i F
€ 8,50
honey ice creaM i MiLk
aperoL sprizz
€ 7,50
radish i appLe i beLL pepper
saLad “ niÇoise”
€ 14,50
Fresh tuna i beans i red onions i oLives
sautéed QuaiL breast
€ 9,50
honey i cinnaMon
variation oF chocoLate Mousse
€ 8,50
€ 16,50
FroZeN Yogurt
daiLy recoMMendation sorbet
with a shot eau de vie
kir royaL
€ 3,50
€ 7,00
W h i t e
h o t P o t S
S u S h i
S a S h i m i
F r o M M o n d ay t o F r i d ay
€ 8,50
creaMy soup i chorizo
veaL consoMMé
€ 7,50
priMe boiLed beeF i Lovage i root vegetabLe
pot au Feu de poisson
€ 16,50
catch oF the day i young peas i roasted onions
S m a l l
d i S h e S
grüner veLtLiner Lois
€ 3,50
per piece
maki SuShi
5 pieces per roLL
caLiFornia roLL
per piece
avocado & tiger prawn
phiLadeLphia roLL
with cucuMber & creaM cheese
6 pieces per roLL
spicy tuna
€ 10,00
€ 2,20
€ 7,00
€ 16,50
pernod i oLive oiL i sauce rouiLLe
veaL MeatbaLL
cÔtes de provence bLanc
cuvée traditionneLLe
château Les crostes i France
0,10 L
€ 7,50
nigiri yeLLow Fin tuna i nigiri saLMon i ebi
sashiMi yeLLow Fin tuna i saLMon i Loup de Mer
Maki caLiFornia roLL i Maki phiLadeLphia roLL
€ 26,00
€ 16,50
€ 5,50
€ 35,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 3,70
€ 24,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 4,80
€ 31,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 3,80
€ 25,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 3,80
€ 25,00
bourgogne chardonnay LaForÊt 0,10
0,75 L
€ 4,50
€ 29,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 6,00
€ 39,00
käFer rosé cÔtes de provence
château Les crostes i France
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 3,80
€ 25,00
Joseph drouhin | France
käFer sancerre
henri bourgeois | France
r o S e
SeleCtioN BaVarie
prawns a La provenÇaLe
Fred LoiMer | austria
€ 15,50
sweet & sour cabbage i tobiko roe
gysLer i gerMany
robert weiL | gerMany
Nigiri or SaShimi
yeLLow Fin thunFisch
wiLd saLMon
Loup de Mer
3 pieces
Marinated pork beLLy
€ 7,50
W i N e
S o u P S
0,20 L
käFer créMant de Loire brut
bouvet - Labuday i i France
0,10 L
0,75 L
crèMe Fraîche i baguette ardennaise in parcheMent
st. Maure goats cheese i sauce pistou i toMato MarMaLade
€ 7,50
prosecco i crèMe de cassis
€ 16,50
chèvre chaud
0,20 L
prosecco i LiLLet i honey i cognac
passion Fruit
€ 17,50
€ 7,50
prosecco i aperoL i orange
LiLLèt Frang
asparagus i wiLd herb saLad
tatar oF charoLaise beeF
0,20 L
prosecco i eLderFLower sirup i Mint
W i N e
potato MousseLine i young peas i Fried onions
F i S h
a great idea needs peopLe, to reaLize. otherwise it siMpLy stays
m e at
a beautiFuL dreaM. bavarie is such an idea, reaLized with Lots
oF enthusiasM oF dedicated peopLe, who perForMed to create
€ 22,50
cabbage i FenneL i roseMary panisse
coQ au vin bavarie
€ 22,50
FroM the stewpot i breast and haunch
LocaL deer
weLL-being is a tasteFuL cuisine
eLderFLower i MushrooMs i barberry i cottage cheese
boiLed beeF shouLder
€ 22,50
ragout oF asparagus i MoreLs i puree oF peas
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 3,90
€ 26,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 5,00
€ 35,00
cuvèe traditioneLLe
château Les crostes i France
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 3,80
€ 25,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 3,80
€ 25,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 4,50
€ 29,00
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 4,80
€ 31,00
gysLer i gerMany
bLack print
oF sustainabiLity. FroM diFFerent parts oF France and bavaria
Markus schneider| gerMany
to create dishes visibLe on this Menu. inspite oF the LoyaLity
to the concept, a cuLinary “inFideLity”
wiLL add the choice on the Menu.
€ 19,50
potato saLad with poMMery Mustard i wiLd cranberries
W i N e
Focused on regionaL products and the thought
a Lot oF high grade QuaLity products were coLLected
€ 24,50
wiener schnitzeL
a sense oF coziness and weLL-being. an iMportant part oF
r e d
enJoy your MeaL!
cÔtes de provence rouge
J. Jurtschitsch-sonnhoF | austria
bourgogne pinot noir LaForÊt
Joseph drouhin | France
endeckung der LangsaMkeit
château MontFin i France
r e C o m m a N d at i o N
d r i N k S
beeF FiLLet
€ 32,00
g e r o l S t e i N e r
chateaubriand (on edvance order)
€ 34,00
For 2 persons carved on the tabLe
per person
S W e e t
sparkLing | stiLL
C o C a
V e g e t a r i a N
C a r P e
d i e m
weLLness drink
wiLd garLic spaetzLe
€ 13,50
cheese FroM beLp
beerenausLese cuvée
0,75 L
0,25 L
€ 7,00
€ 2,90
0,20 L
€ 2,90
C o l a
coca coLa | Light | sprite | Fanta
l i m o N a d e
k o m B u C h a
0,50 L € 3,10
l e
r o C
bitter LeMon, tonic water, ginger aLe 0,20 L
€ 3,00
J u i C e S
aMaranth risotto
€ 14,50
raz eL hanout i cucuMber i brocciu cheese
0,20 L
0,20 L
0,20 L
0,20 L
0,20 L
0,20 L
0,20 L
0,20 L
bLack currant
sour cherry
S P r i t Z e r
FroM Monday tiLL Friday we are serving our
aLL Juices are aLso served as spritzer
i n
B e e r
business Lunch
o r
c o u r s e s
W i N e
0,30 L
€ 2,90
€ 2,90
€ 2,90
€ 2,90
€ 2,90
€ 2,90
€ 2,90
€ 2,90
€ 3,50
P a u l a N e r
Lager | wheatbeer | shandy | aLcohLFree
0,30 L € 3,50
aLois kracher i austria
0,10 L € 9,60
0,375 L € 38,00
C h a m P a g N e r
Laurent – perrier brut
0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 12,00
€ 86,00
Laurent – perrier rose brut 0,10 L
0,75 L
€ 14,50
€ 99,00
h o t
t ea
d r i N k S
Va r i at i oN
€ 2,50
pLease ask the waiter
C o F F e e
€ 2,80
doubLe espresso
€ 3,80
€ 2,80
Latte Macchiato
€ 3,60
€ 3,50
dr iNkiNg C ho Co lat e € 3,50
a r t o F C h o C o l at e
bLack Forest cherry i caraMeL-aLMond
appLe strudeL i Madagascar vaniLLa

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ENJOY YOUR MEAL! KäFer rosé cÔtes de Provence château Les crostes i France 0,10 L 0,75 L

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