
Collecting Today for Tomorrow
Collecter aujourd’hui pour demain
Recolectar hoy para mañana
International Museum Day
Journée internationale des musées
Día Internacional de los Museos
This bibliography was compiled by the UNESCO-ICOM Museum Information Centre. It is far from
comprehensive and is simply intended to provide a bibliographic orientation on the subject. If you have
comments or suggestions about other works to include, do not hesitate to let us know. When we
update it, we shall include them.
Cette bibliographie a été établie par le Centre d’information muséologique UNESCO-ICOM. Elle ne
prétend pas à l’exhaustivité et entend simplement fournir une orientation bibliographique sur le sujet.
Si vous souhaitez faire des commentaires ou suggérez des ouvrages essentiels à y inclure, n’hésitez
pas à nous les communiquer. Nous les ajouterons au moment de la mise à jour.
Esta bibliografía fue establecida por el Centro de información museológica UNESCO-ICOM. No
pretende ser exhaustiva y sólo provee una orientación bibliográfica sobre el tema. Si usted desea
comentarla o sugerir libros qué incluir, contacte el centro de información. Al ponerla al día, los
ALEXANDER, Edward Porter & ALEXANDER, Mary. "Chapter 8: To collect", in Museums in motion,
an introduction to the history and functions of museums. 2nd ed. Lanham, MD : AltaMira Press, 2008,
p. 187-216. (American Association for State and Local History book series)
ALTSHULER, Bruce. Collecting the new: museums and contemporary art. Princeton, NJ :
Princeton University Press, 2005. 195 p.
AMBROSE, Timothy & KAVANAGH, Gaynor (eds). Recording society today. Edinburgh : Scottish
Museums Council, 1987. 46 p., ill.
ANDERSON, Margaret. "Collecting the present for the future: Australian museums and
contemporary Australian society", in Museums Australia, [s.l.], CAMA, September 1985, p. 17-18.
ANDREW, Hannah. "Collecting in Scotland today", in The Scottish Art Review, Glasgow, vol. 13,
n° 1, 1971, p. 15-19, ill.
AUDERSET, Patrick. "Collecter pour exposer : le parti pris du Musée international de la CroixRouge et du Croissant Rouge", in, la revue suisse des musées, Zürich, n° 5, 2010,
p. 71-74, ill.
BALSAMO, Isabelle & VIGUTTO, Marie-Christine. Tri, sélection, conservation : quel patrimoine
l'avenir ? : actes de la table ronde organisée sous l'égide de l'École nationale du patrimoine les
23, 24 et 25 juin 1999. Paris : Monum, éditions du patrimoine, 2001. 237 p. (Idées et débats ; 65)
BÉRUBÉ, Anne & CARPENTIER, Paul. "Collections : mémoire de notre culture ? Last call!", in
Musées, Montréal, Société des musées québécois, vol. 18, n° 1, Automne 1996, p. 14-16.
BISHARAT, Suhail. "Museums, collections and collecting in the Arab World : some reflections on
today", in The International Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship, Guildford,
Butterworths, vol. 4, n° 3, 1985, p. 279-287, ill.
BUTCHER-YOUNGHANS, Sherry. "A new era of collecting", in History News, Nashville, AASLH,
vol. 49, n° 3, May/June 1994, p. 26-28.
CAREY, Francis A. Collecting the 20th century. London : British Museum Press, 1991. 64 p., ill.
CEDRENIUS, Gunilla. "Collecting the present for the future: contemporary documentation", in
Museums Australia, [s.l.], CAMA, September 1985, p. 12-16.
CEDRENIUS, Gunilla. "Collecting today for today and tomorrow", in Recording society today,
Edinburgh, Scottish Museums Council, 1987, p. 15-19.
CLIFFORD, James. "Collecting ourselves", in Interpreting objects and collections / ed. by Susan
M. Pearce. London : Routledge, 1994. p. 258-268.
"Collecter aujourd’hui pour demain", in Nouvelles de l’ICOM, Paris, vol. 49, n° 2, p. 2-9.
"Collecting today for tomorrow", in ICOM News, Paris, vol. 49, n° 2, p. 2-9.
"Colectar hoy para mañana", in Noticias del ICOM, París, , vol. 49, n° 2, p. 2-9.
Collecter la mémoire de l'autre. [s.l.] : Geste éditions , 1991. 137 p.
Collecting the new: Museums and contemporary art. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press,
2005. 195 p.
DAVIES, Stuart. "Collecting and recalling the twentieth century", in Museums Journal, London,
The Museums Association, vol. 85, n° 1, 1985, p. 27-29.
ELDER, Betty Doak. "Collecting the 20th century. AASLH pre-annual meeting conference", in
History News, Nashville, AASLH, vol. 36, n° 11, 1981, p. 9-12.
FÄGERBORG, Eva & von UNGE, Elin (eds). Connecting collecting. Stockholm :
Samdok/Nordiska museet, 2008. 126 p.
FRYE, Melinda ; KOLB, Nancy ; BENNETT, Peter ; SELIGMAN, Thomas ; FORMAN, Ron ;
HUNT, Conover ; CERNY, Charlene. "Collecting thoughts: participants in this round table
discussion agree that collecting in the coming decade will be as much opportunity as challenge",
in Museum News, Washington, D.C., AAM, vol. 68, n° 5, March/April 1989, p. 53-57.
GRIFFATON, Marie-Laure. "De la collecte sur le terrain à la présentation au musée, ou les
multiples obstacles à surmonter pour sauvegarder un objet industriel", in Musées et collections
publiques de France, Paris, n° 194, 1992, p. 16-18.
HALLETT, Martin. "The objects of science and technology: Working with ‘things’", in Recovering
science, proceedings of the Recovering Science conference, Australian Science Archives Project,
Annual meeting, Leiden, 1984. Stockholm : Museum of National Antiquities [for] ICOFOM, 1984.
161 p. (ICOFOM Study Series ; 6)
KENYON, J. "Collecting for the twenty-first century", in Collections management / ed. by Anne
Fahy. London, New York : Routledge, 1994. p. 122-125. (Leicester readers in museum studies)
KNELL, Simon J. (ed.). Museums and the future of collecting. 2nd ed. Aldershot, UK : Ashgate,
2004. 266 p.
(Papers originally presented at a conference organised by the Department of Museum Studies of
the University of Leicester)
LACROIX, Laurier. "Collectionner, un enjeu pour le XXIe siècle = Collecting: a challenge for the
21st century", in Muse, Ottawa, CMA/AMC, vol. 17, n° 2, 1999, p. 6-10, 11-14.
LE MENESTREL, Sara. "La collecte de l'objet contemporain : un défi posé au Musée de la
Civilisation à Québec = Collecting contemporary objects for museums: a challenge for the
Museum of Civilization at Quebec", in Ethnologie française, Paris, PUF, vol. 26, no 1, 1996, p. 3194, notes.
MADONDO, Tarisanyi. "The collecting for posterity", in The Zebra’s voice, Gaborone, National
Museum and Art Gallery, vol. 12, n° 2, 1985, p. 10-12, ill.
MARSDEN, Alexandra. "Issues in contemporary collecting", in Quarterly News, n° 1, May 1991,
p. 3-4.
MAYO, Edith P. "Contemporary collecting : Collecting the 20th century requires more work and a
new philosophy", in History News, Nashville, AASLH, vol. 37, n° 10, 1982, p. 8-11, ill.
MAYO, Edith P. "Collecting the twentieth century", in History News, Nashville, AASLH, vol. 44, n°
3, May/June 1989, p. 30-32.
MILLER, Steven. "Collecting the currents for history museums", in Curator, New York, vol. 28, n°
3, 1985,
p. 157-167, ill.
ONTARIO MUSEUM ASSOCIATION. Issues in contemporary collecting: proceedings of the
Ontario Museum Association 2003 Colloquium. Toronto : Ontario Museum Association, 2003. 67
PAPAGEORGE, Maria. "Collecting the present in Sweden", in Museum News, Washington, D.C.,
vol. 60, n° 1, Sept./Oct. 1981, p. 13, 16-18.
PEARCE, Susan M. Collecting in contemporary practice. London : SAGE Publications, 1998. 213
ROBINSON, Franklin W. "Forum: The end of collecting", in Museum News, Washington, D.C.,
AAM, vol. 83, n° 6, Nov./Dec. 2004, p. 27-29.
ROSANDER, Göran. Today for tomorrow : Museum documentation of contemporary society in
Sweden by acquisition of objects. Stockholm : SAMDOK Council, 1980.
ROTH, Evan. "Adding to collections: recording the past, exploring the future", in Museum News,
Washington D.C., American Association of Museums, vol. 68, n° 4, Mar./Apr. 1989, p. 34-35, ill.
SCHLERETH, Thomas J. "Collecting today for tomorrow", in Museum News, Washington D.C.,
American Association of Museums, vol. 60, n° 4, March/April 1982, p. 29-37, ill.
SCHLERETH, Thomas J. "Contemporary collecting for future recollecting", in Museum Studies
Journal, San Francisco, Center for Museum Studies, John F. Kennedy University, vol. 1, n° 3,
1984, p. 23-30.
SNODDY, Stephen. "Comment: Prepare for the future", in Museums Journal, London, The
Museums Association, vol. 106, n° 9, Sept. 2006, p.16-17.
SUGGITT, Mark. "Social history collecting", in Museums Journal, London, The Museums
vol. 87, n° 2, Sept. 1987, p.86-88.
UNGE, Elin von. When culture becomes heritage : In search of the Samdok discourse of
collecting contemporary heritage. Master’s thesis. [Göteborg] : Göteborgs Universitet, 2008. 56
WILKINSON, Jane. Collections for the future : Report of a Museums Association Inquiry. London :
The Museums Association, 2005. 33 p. [10 Nov. 2010]
WORONCOW, Barbara. Collecting for the 21st century: a survey of industrial and social history
collections in the museums of Yorkshire and Humberside: executive summary. [England] :
Yorkshire and Humberside Museums Council, 1992.
©ICOM, Revised in November 2010 / Révisée en novembre 2010 / Revisada en noviembre de 2010

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