So Tough to Tame(Jackson #3) by Victoria Dahl


So Tough to Tame(Jackson #3) by Victoria Dahl
So Tough to Tame(Jackson #3)
by Victoria Dahl
I had a hard time warming up to the couple in this one. Each one seemed to put on a front. I know a lot of
characters are written that way, but I was turned off by these 2. It seemed that each person was trying to hide
things, things that they thought if hidden would let them be someone else. I wish that they would have just
accepted those aspects of their lives and acknowledged the effect it had on them. I also didn't care for the way
that each of them seemed to keep harping on things between them.
I did really like the relationship that Charlie had with Rayleen. I didn't think that Rayleen would like her and she
was a girl, but Charlie just played into the more outrageous aspects of Rayleen's personality.
Charlie's job seemed off, the constant picking from Dawn, the sneakiness of Kevin, all lead me to think there was
more going on there. Turns out I was right on what was happening, even with the people that were behind it. I felt
bad for Charlie and the place she was put in. I thought she made the right choice in the end and did it in a way to
protect herself.
I felt bad for Walker with what was going on with his father, but was glad that Micah was there for him. For two
brothers being so different, they totally got each other. Walker's professional life wasn't much better. I was glad he
learned why things were bad and glad that he realized that he had it in his own hands to make things better and
did something about it. Where he ended up working was the perfect place for him.
I think the best part of this book was the girls night. I loved how 2 men dropped in , one forcing the hand of one
of the woman, the other got an insider's look.
The ending was so great! I loved that the big event was filled with lots of grumpiness, just what we have come to
expect.|Victoria Dahl plante sa nouvelle série dans une petite ville américaine - Jackson Hole, dans le Wyoming qui est aussi le pays des santiags, des Stetson et des cowboys. Et là je vous vois hausser le sourcil en guise
d'acquiescement. Hmm...
expect.|Victoria Dahl plante sa nouvelle série dans une petite ville américaine - Jackson Hole, dans le Wyoming qui est aussi le pays des santiags, des Stetson et des cowboys. Et là je vous vois hausser le sourcil en guise
d'acquiescement. Hmm...
Ce livre, en fait le 3ème tome (après Pas si sage... et Un destin rebelle), peut être lu de façon totalement
J'ai franchement beaucoup aimé les débuts de l'histoire, l'humour, les personnages, le cadre et l'ambiance. C'était
génial ! On bascule vite dans la gaudriole - avis aux amateurs, c'est très, très sexy - même si j'aurais voulu
davantage de séduction ou de sensibilité pour dire que ce n'est pas juste « du sexe pour du sexe ». L'histoire
opère un virement plus solennel dans la dernière partie, pas très folichon, mais l'épilogue est craquant à souhait.
Il me tarde de retourner au pays des cowboys !|Well that was just delightful.|Rating: 3.5 stars
Sensuality: Hot
This is my first Victoria Dahl book. I have not read the other books in this series (Close Enough to Touch, Too Hot
to Handle) and I do not feel that I was missing anything by not having read them.
Walker and Charlie are both flawed characters with secrets that are holding them back in their lives. They knew
each other in high school, but weren't really friends. She always found him attractive, but she was a good girl and
she wasn't "in his league." He was a bit of a bad boy that everyone knew and loved and she was a nice girl that he
thought was too good for him. Now they are all grown up and they aren't the same anymore.
I really liked Walker's character. He was a bit down on himself, but just happy to go along with his life. Always nice
to everyone and willing to help out anyone in need. Charlie was a little over-the-top trying to be a bad girl. She
repeated over and over how she could sleep with whomever she wanted and that was nobody's business. Okay,
we get it. Women can have sex and enjoy it.
The story was good and fairly well done. I was a little overloaded with the sex talk, though. The whole story
revolves around talking about sex, thinking about sex, or having sex. It just seems like the actual story got lost in
the sex talk. I think if you actually take out all the sex, then the book would be about half the length.
Overall a good book with a little too much sex (with the use of the more graphic words for body parts). Had there
been more story, then I would have rated it much higher. The writing is done well and story develops well.
*I received this book from Amazon Vine to review*|I'm pretty sure Walker just became my favorite Victoria Dahl
Charlie and Walker rekindle their highschool friendship when she returns home after a scandal pretty much rocked
her world and turned it upside down. She's not the same sweet girl she was in school and sets out to prove it to
Walker. And he is more than happy to go along for the ride, until he realizes he doesn't want to just be that fun
fling anymore.
I wanted to deck Charlie about 2/3 of the way into the book and tell Walker to run from her, as far and as fast as
he could. I understood where she was coming from, and that she only wanted the best for him, but she was juts
pushing and pushing and pushing...I don't blame Walker for finally blowing up on her. They both had things they
were hiding from each other, but I understood Walker's reasons way more than I did hers, with what she was
keeping from him. I don't think I ever wanted to stand up and defend a character as much as I did for Walker, I
just wanted to yell at her to back off!
I'm glad they were able to work through everything, because I did like Charlie's character.
I've really enjoyed this series, I love that the other characters make appearances, but I was missing Shane! Loved
that we got more of Rayleen and Easy!