Texte / contexte


Texte / contexte
 Master of arts HES-­‐SO en arts visuels ECAV, Sierre / ECAL, Lausanne / HEAD, Genève Orientation MAPS – Arts in Public Spheres DESCRIPTIF DE MODULE Année académique : 2016-­‐17 Domaine Visual Art Filière Master Arts visuels, orientation MAPS – Arts in Public Spheres Titre du module Texte / Contexte Type de module Deepening module Code SEM 2 : MAPS054, SEM 3 : MAPS103 Type de formation Master Crédits ECTS SEM 2 : 3 ECTS, SEM 3 : 3 ECTS Semestre SEM 2, SEM 3 (see Study Plan) Lieu Check schedule Prérequis Langues principales English Compétences visées / Objectifs généraux d’apprentissage The seminar is designed around a set of actions connected to writing as an artistic medium and a tool for artistic research. Contenu et formes d’enseignement We will discuss: -­‐ Visual note-­‐taking; -­‐ Conversations -­‐ Erasure and the disappearance of text as an act of writing; -­‐ How texts work in relation to the reader; -­‐ Translations; -­‐ Topicality and H/histories; -­‐ Writing plans / commandments; -­‐ Glossaries, collections of sources and the limits of translation. This year seminar especially focuses on history, responsibility, new journalism, multiple voices narratives. It will include lectures and discussions about selected artists’ and writers’ editions, novels, creative non-­‐fiction, poems, and videos, as well as writing workshops. Selected bibliography: Carlo Ginzburg, “Checking the Evidence: The Judge and the Historian”. Critical Inquiry. Vol. 18, No. 1 (August 1991): 79-­‐92. Griselda Pollock, Conceptual Odysseys: Passages to Cultural Analysis (London: Tauris, 2008). Eyal Weizman, Forensic Architecture -­‐ dOCUMENTA 13 Notebook (Hatje Cantz, 2012). and selected artists' and literary writings during the seminar. Modalités d’évaluation et validation Active participation to the discussion during the seminar. One written assignment par semester in connection to students’ master thesis. Modalité de remédiation Written Assignments Enseignants Federica Martini Nom du responsable du module Federica Martini Descriptif validé le 23.08.2016 Par Federica Martini *Module dont l'échec après répétition peut entraîner l'exclusion définitive de la filière selon l'art. 18, al. 1 et l'art. 19, al. 1 des Directives-­‐cadres relatives aux études master en HES-­‐SO, du 9 mai 2008.