
Note: dans le texte “Anthropocene or Postmodernism: whatever you like” vous trouverez des
citations des auteurs figurant dans la bibliographie. Pour des raisons de fluidité et de rythme,
le choix a été fait de supprimer les signes de ponctuation qui pouvaient entraver une lecture
d'immersion et transformer le texte en un essai de recherche. Il est fortement conseillé de
consulter la bibliographie pour la compréhension globale du texte.
Alice in Wonderland. Clyde Geronimi. Disney, 1951. Film.
Bauman, Z. (1999). In Search of Politics. United Kingdom: Polity Press.
Bauman, Z. (2000). Liquid Modernity. United Kingdom: Polity Press.
Bauman, Z. (2007). Consuming Life. United Kingdom: Polity Press.
Bauman, Z. (2015, July 8). Zygmunt Bauman: Liquid Modernity Revisited [Video File].
Retrieved from:
Champion, R. & Denes, A. & Pimm, R. (2015, October 28th ) O | an afternoon of talks and
ideas around the spherical, the biological, the elemental, and the oxygenated . Hales
Gallery. Retrieved from:
De Chardin, P.T. (1962) El Porvenir del Hombre. España: Taurus Ediciones.
Dead Man, Jim Jarmusch. Miramax, 1995. Film.
Desmond, W. (1986, June) Art and the Absolute: A study on Hegel’s Aesthetics. United
States: State University of New York Press.
Garaudy, R. (1970) Perspectivas del Hombre: Existencialismo, pensamiento católico,
Estructuralismo, Marxismo. (E.M. Campos, Trad.) España: Editorial Fontanella, S.A.
In the Same Boat. Pere Portabella and Rudy Gnutti, presented by Zygmunt Bauman. United
Kingdom: Films 59, 2016.
Hermann, H. (1943) The Glass Bead Game (Magsiter Ludi). Vintage Classics.
Kolbert, E. (2011, March). Enter the Athropocene - Age of Man. National Geographic
Magazine. (Pp-pp). Retrieved from:
Latour, B. (2014, December) Anthropology at the Time of the Anthropocene-A Personal
View of what is to be Studied. American Association of Anthropologists. Retrieved from:
Lefebvre, H. (1976) Hegel, Marx, Nietzche (M. Armiño, Trad.) México: Siglo XXI Editores.
Lenoir, F. (2005). La Metamorfosis de Dios: La Nueva Espiritualidad Occidental (M.
Hernández Díaz, Trad).España, Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Marías, J. (1960). El Tema del Hombre. España: Colección Austral.
Matsuo Basho. (1986). On Love and Barley: Haiku of Basho. Translated by Lucien Stryk.
Penguin Classics.
Osho. (2010). The Secret of Secrets: The Secrets of The Golden Flower. United Kingdom:
Watkins Publishing.
San Agustín. (2010). La Ciudad de Dios (S.A. Alea, Trad). España: Tecnos Editorial
Stromberg, J. (2013, January). What is The. Smithsonian Magazine. (pp-pp). Retrieved
The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema. Sophie Fiennes. Netherlands: Kasander Film Company.,
The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology. Sophie Fiennes. United Kingdom: BFI, 2012.
Toi Maori: The Eternal Thread.
Hallie Ford Museum of Art at Willamette University,
December 2005.
Zizek! Astra Taylor. Canada: The Documentary Campaing, 2005. Retrieved from Youtube
Sincères remerciements à
Kaleigh Johnson et Fadel Imendjerioune pour rendre cet projet possible; à
Luis Guillermo Rangel Borjas, Valentina Vacó, Connor Addison, Giorgio Bruno,
Amaranta Buendía, Michaela Garay et à les persones impliqués dans le rituel du
tressage; à Joan Carles Cirera Izquierdo de toujours aguiser ma curiosité et de me
permettre d’élargir mes pensées.

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