September - mycrosstalk


September - mycrosstalk
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
‘God is not selfish because He thought
of us’
- Paolo Kisso, Grade 1
More AmazingWords pages 8-9 and 10,11
The CrossTalk Newsletter
Jesus Christ, our all in all!
Parent’s Corner
Youth Alive
 It’s A Small World Acceded on November 12, 2009
8 10
 Clean&Funny
The Last Word & Prayer of the Month
Heaven has invaded earth. It invaded it by Jesus
Christ, in His sufferings, crucifixion, death and
resurrection, and through His complete victory
over the devil. It invaded it by the martyrs and
saints, from every part of the world and from every
‘I, Jesus Christ, tell you, shame on you when you
worry, get weak, become hopeless, or even die. I
am among you and I freely give you My
Reassurance, Trust, Strength, Simplicity,
transparency, quietness, victory, peace, joy,
Gentleness, Salvation, Freedom, Love, Faith,
Spirit, Grace. I got all these for you from Heaven to
earth. If you abide in Me, you get them all’
(translated from Charles’ Malik book ‘Bihi kana
kul shay)
Jesus Christ is our Joy, ‘I have told you this so that
My joy may be in you and that your joy may be
complete’ Jesus in John 15:11
Jesus Christ is our Victory over suffering and
death. He is our Savior and Shepherd. He is Love,
the Love that transforms us inside out; He
transforms us into sainthood, into servant hood
and into being ‘perfect just as our Heavenly Father
is perfect’ Jesus in Matthew 5:48. He transforms
us by healing our doubts, and setting us free.
Jesus said ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’
John 14:2, ‘you will know the Truth, and the Truth
will set you free’ John 8:32
He is our Judge, our Mediator, our Strength, our
Comfort and anchor of Hope. Jesus
Jesus Christ, You are our Resurrection. Praise is
Yours, now and forever!
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Aela Karaminassian 28
Anna-Maria Hayek 18
Daniel Zebouni 25
Elsa Karam 1
Jennifer Hakimian 24
Joya Maria Barrack 20
Jose Khoury 15
Justine Hakimian 18
Maria Khoury 5
Nour Kehdy 1
Peter Beani 12
Raphael Akhras 1
Sarah Akkawi 1
Serge Klat 17
Anthony Laoun 2
Emmanuelle Chataoui 7
Georges Kaltrachian 12
Ilias Laoun 2
Karim Okais 14
Karl Boustany 19
Pascal Ibrahim 09
Ramy Sawaya 28
Alexander Alexander Fouad Blanford 1
Andrew Halal 1
Beatrice Maria Doumet 6
Christopher Elias Fawwaz 25
Elena Maria-Helena Hafez 11
Karl Patrick Karl Patrick Arkhondis 6
Laeticia Mariam Hafez 5
Leila Maria Mouaikel 7
Maissa Marie Eid 5
Mark Elias Darous 1
Ray Elie Abou Karam 4
Ray Francis Chedid 5
Yasmine Yasmine Alice Blanford 1
Maria Anna-Maria Khoury 10
Word from a Saint
What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to
hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the
ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks2like
Mark it down
Saint Augustine
The greatest thing about any civilization is the
human person, and the greatest thing about this
person is the possibility of his encounter with the
person of Jesus Christ
Charles Malik
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Theme: Mexican food
It was organized and
prepared by CrossTalk’s
Parents committee.
CrossTalk made $1500
profit during the Lunch
Open House
Praise our Lord for He
takes care of the needs
of His children
It was organized and
prepared by ‘Live the
difference’ teen group
It focused on how
cheating is a successful
way to fail
We thank Lord for ‘Live
the difference’ teen
group who helped
CrossTallk with $120
Theme: Music
It was organized and
prepared by ‘Live the
Difference’ Teen Group
It brought awareness on
the effect of music on our
brain and behavior and
highlighted the importance
of Christian music. It was
held at the National
Evangelical Church, Beirut.
Thank Lord for the ‘Live the
difference’ teen group who
helped CrossTallk with
CrossTalk’s Board of Advisors
organized an ecumenical
prayer for the unity of the
Christians, at Sydet Al Bishara,
It united pastors and priests
from different denominations
who prayed seeking unity in
At the end of the prayer, the
Fathers from different
denominations kissed each
As St Paul said in Romans 16:
16 ‘Greet one another with a
holy kiss. All the churches of
Christ send greetings’ (NIV)
All the Christians gathered in
the Church clapped their hands
when they witnessed the love
and peace the leaders of the
Church shared with each other
Lord, Jesus Christ, bless us that
we might be one in heart and
mind as the first Church was
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12 accessed on March 15 2012
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
There are four things that if you take in and adjust even 10 degrees, you can be on the
wonderfully connected, grace-filled
marriage where there is love within the home
path to having a
† Accept Differences - We hear this a lot, but it's not always easy to put
into practice. Just because it's difficult doesn't cancel out its importance - the first
thing that we need to do to create homes filled with grace is to give our mates room
to be different. Your husband is not your girlfriend, nor do you want him to be. You
want him to be masculine and winsome and romantic. But a man is going to express
himself differently than you. He is not a woman and, indeed, you are not a man
† Be Vulnerable - In a grace-based home both spouses need to be vulnerable
with the other. That means taking off our masks, owning up to our hurts, and taking
responsibility in areas we've been critical, harsh, or where we have been
authoritarian instead of grace-based
† Allow Mistakes - When we work on our marriages, introducing new skills
and truths into our relationship, sometimes we fool ourselves into expecting
perfection. Your home needs to be a place where you allow your mate to make
mistakes. In a grace-based home my mate is not going to be perfect, but in realizing
that, I realize my mate is not my enemy. My mate is the love of my life. Where do you
need to go back to your mate and say, "I came down on you too hard, will you forgive
me? You can make mistakes, because I've made mistakes too." In all these areas -allowing differences, vulnerabilities, and mistakes we must be candid
† Tell The Truth - We are told in the scripture to always tell the truth, but that
we must also surround it with love. In your candidness, make sure your mate always
comes out feeling stronger, that opportunities will always come forth, that you are
their best cheerleader, but also that you are truthful. Remember, when telling the
truth is difficult, you tell the truth because Jesus tells us to take the gird, the belt of
truth and wear it. Telling the truth in love will create a genuineness in your marriage
that will make your mate feel secure. The truth is part of loving someone deeply
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
‘Please Lord, help me get through this hard time
and let me be able to manage my time. Help me
keep sins away from me and let me not fall for
temptations. Please Lord let me reach my goals
with You and thank You Lord for giving me
CrossTalk or else I will be lost and would have
never met You’
G, Grade
‘Merci Jésus pour tout. S’Il Te plait guéris les
malades et fais que les pauvres soient heureux et
s’Il Te plait fais que tout le monde vivent en pais
et garde tout le monde, Merci, amen’
Gabriella Zaidan, 7ème
‘Je T’aime Jésus de tout mon cœur. S’Il Te plait
aide le Liban et tout les pays qui en ont besoin,
s’Il Te plait aide CrossTalk à trouver un nouveau
département et les moyens de l’avoir. S’Il Te plait
aide tout le monde à devenir des saints plus que
d’être des pêcheurs. S’Il Te plait fais que tout le
monde te cherche dans tout. S’Il Te plait guéris
tout les malades et surtout ceux qui ont le cancer
et spécialement Tara et Joyce. S’Il Te plait aide
ceux qui sont en prison et spécialement Alec et
S’Il Te plait aide le garçon de 19 qu’il croit en
Tout. S’Il Te plait rends une vie facile aux pauvres
et aux orphelins. S’Il Te plait fait que toutes les
personnes de l’avion qui s’est écrasé sont chez
Toi. S’Il Te plait aide Michael a vivre sans mère.
Pardonne tout le monde, aide tout le monde.
Merci beaucoup, je T’aime de tout mon coeur.
Gabriella Zaidan, 7ème
‘Thank You God for the lent , for the time to
change ourselves for it is the time we change
the way we think about everyone and about the
world around us ’
‘Dear God, thank You for our lives. I wonder how
You look like. Bless everyone in the name of the
Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen’
Daniel Belerian, Grade
‘Dieu, jadis Tu nous avait envoyé ton fils. Il
retournera un jour sur terre mais on me sait pas
quand. Pour l’instant je Te demande de nous
gardé en vie jusqu’à Ton retour. Je Te demande
aussi de guérir Tara et de faire sortir Alec de la
prison et qu’il arrête de manger et de fabriquer de
la drogue. S’Il Te plait guéri ma marraine et mon
grand-père et fait que plus personne ne fume ’
Melissa Nassif, 6ème
‘Lord, let all my decisions be taken by You’
Kevin Bosnoyan, Grade 8
‘I love You Lord, You are my Father’
Kevin Bosnoyan, Grade 8
‘Dear Lord, hear those who need to be heard,
help those who need to be helped, feed those
who need to be fed and stop those who need to
be stoped’
Hannah Milad, Grade
‘Thank You for giving us hope and a light to look
Hannah Milad, Grade
‘God thanks for making each one of us special
in their own way. God thanks for CrossTalk,
thank You for creating people, thank You for my
family. Thank You for earth. Let us always
forgive people and let them forgive us. Let us
always think about You. Amen ’
Lea Saroufim, Grade
‘Dear Lord, I love You and You are the best thing
I could ever ask for in the world. I love the trees
You made and the things You gave a family and
friend. I love You because You love me. Amen
Georges Cavalcanti, Grade
Christina Maria Cavalcanti, Grade 7
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Q: Tiffany's father has 4 children; three are named Nana, Nene, and Nini. What is the fourth
child's name?
A: Tiffany!
Q: How many months have 28 days?
A: All of them! (Some may have 30 or 31, but all have 28!)
Riddles have been around since the time of Jesus. Maybe longer than that. One day, Jesus was
approached by a group of Sadducees — religious leaders who did not believe in the
resurrection. They were trying to trick Jesus into agreeing that there was no resurrection. They
asked him to answer a riddle
Sadducees’ Q: The law of Moses says that if a man dies, leaving a wife but no children, his
brother should marry the widow and have a child who will carry on the brother’s name. Well,
suppose there were seven brothers. The oldest one married and then died without children. So
the second brother married the widow, but he also died. Then the third brother married her.
This continued until all seven brothers had married the same woman. Finally, the woman also
died. So tell us, whose wife will she be after the resurrection since all seven were married to
Jesus’ A: Marriage is for people here on earth. But in the age to come, those who are raised
from the dead will not marry or be married. Not only that, but they will never die again. They will
live forever as the children of God
Jesus went on to say, "Even Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord 'the God of
Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.' He is not the God of the dead, he is the
God of the living."
After Jesus answered their riddle so wisely, no one dared to ask him any more questions.
Now, you and I know that Jesus promised us that if we love him and trust in him, we will live
forever in heaven with him.
Isn't it sad that some people do not believe there is a resurrection and eternal life in heaven?
Q. Why were the people in today's Bible lesson called Sadducees?
A. Since they didn’t believe in the resurrection or the happiness of heaven, they were "Sad, you
Dear Father, we are happy today that you have promised us eternal life in heaven. Amen
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
‘Death did not stop Jesus, and if you know that
Jesus is in your heart, then nothing can stop
‘The more you get money, the more you get sins,
if you do not share it with others. You have to
share it with others because they don’t have
anything to eat’
—Ramy Sawaya,12 Years
‘Believe in God, and do the impossible’
‘When life brings you down, climb back up
because Jesus will guide you through’
‘If we have the Devil or God we can have only
one not both. If we have the devil only, when we
die we will die because the Devil in us. If we
have God, then we live because Jesus rises from
death in us’
—Lea Saroufim
—Ramy Sawaya,12 Years
‘Dear God you’re helped us in many things
but we’ve helped not as much as you but
we’re hoping too. Our lives are hopeless
without you. If there’s something that
attracts the world to become but you would
stay good and save us thank you. We love
you. Amen’
‘God is never bored with us. He always likes our
‘Jesus shared this spirit and all the good things
with but he did not share his crucifixion’
‘When there is someone bad that try to kill you
and you are with God, God defend you from him
because he is with the devil and you are with
God. Then the devil stops telling him to do it
and God tell him not to do it he will listen to
—George Paul Cavalcanti
—Ramy Sawaya,12 Years
‘God you are the best thing that ever happened
to me Amen!’
‘Let your name be said in every way possible.
Let us think of you in the darkest hours. Let us
always encouraging words to each other.’
‘Jésus est devenu un être humain, et il a tout
commencé dès le début!’
—Ray abou karam
‘La morte est important parce que ca nous
prend au paradis ’
‘The little boy was not afraid like Peter and the
little boy gave away his food and God gave
Peter a miracle ’
—Raja Asfour
‘Forget yourself and let the Holy Spirit
continue! Like Jesus fed the 5,000 people from
little fish and bread, he changed the eggs.....
Into brownies’
‘J’ai la foi totale en Jésus parce que toujours
quand je lui demande quelque chose il le fait.
Et quand je le pardonne, jamais il n’a pas
accepte mon pardon ’
—Marc Antonio
Sep 11 – Jun 12
‘Soit courageux come Moi et aide tout le
monde et tout le CrossTalk. Si tu vas être
gentil, tu va réussir. Tu as la force d’être
gentil avec tout le monde. Toi aussi tu es
courageux, parce que moi je suis un
homme, c’est toi qui m’a crée. Salut moi
ton Père et ta Mère ’
‘We should love everybody because each
one is part of the body of Christ’
‘The glory which You have given Me I have
given to them, that they may be one, just as
We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they
may be perfected in unity, so that the world
may know that You sent Me, and loved them,
even as You have loved Me’ (John 17:22-23)
‘We are all leadres like Jesus and not
—Maria C
‘On a tout pour aimer Jésus’
‘Jésus prends soin de Toi-même et prends
soin de la famille’
‘Je t’aime Jésus parce que tu m’a donne
‘I know that I can surpass everything
while you are by my side God’
—Milad Hanna
‘When we ask for something from God, he
gives it to us in due time’
‘Lord, help us to be like you, so that we
will be role models when others see us,
they will see you through us’
CrossTalk’s Board of Advisors organized an
ecumenical prayer for the unity of the Christians,
at Mar Elias Church in Mtayleb
The prayer was the vespers prayer , where the
Greek Catholic and Maronites joined in. A Father
from each denomination sais a word about the
unity of Christians
At the end of the prayer, the Fathers from different
denominations kissed each other.
As St Paul
said in Romans 16: 16 ‘Greet one another with a
holy kiss. All the churches of Christ send
greetings’ (NIV)
All the Christians gathered in the Church clapped
their hands when they witnessed the love and
peace the leaders of the Church shared with each
Lord, Jesus Christ, bless us that we might be one n
heart and mind as the first Church was
‘Comme le dit Matthew Henry, tout ce
qu’on a est à Dieu. Si une de nos amis
nous prête un jeu, nous lisons les
instructions pour le lui rendre en bon
—Marc Akoury
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
More AmazingWords
‘Si le diable c’est transformé en vrai,
j’appelle Jésus et après il vient.
Toujours on va avoir une vie, même si
on est mort’
—Jay Khoury
Awad, 10ème
‘On donne ce qu’on aime le plus’
—Miriam, KGII
‘One friend who believes in God is
better then a 100 who don’t’
—Hanna Hawa, Grade 8
‘Autant qu’on fait des choses qui sont
biens, autant qu’on avance chez Jésus
—Gabriel Shammas, 9ème
—Anna Maria Hayek, 11ème
‘Quand on fait quelque chose qui n’est au Paradis’
pas bien, on vas s’habituer et on vas ‘When Adam blamed Eve, he should
toujours le faire’
have blamed himself because she
‘C’est Dieu qui reprend notre vie’
—Marie-Jeanne Baroudi, 11ème
‘Le diable voulais que Adam et Eve
soient méchants’
was made from him’
—Peter Beaini, Grade
‘God forgave the people of Nineveh
‘If we go through the wide door, it is as because He loved them a lot’
—Maria C, Grade
big as the flood and its waves. The
‘God helped the people to be saints’
narrow is like Noah’s ark’
—Alian Salameh, KG
Anabella Hakimé, 9ème
—Maria Chedid, Grade 3
‘Going through the wide door, is doing
‘Mon plus beau cadeau c’est Jésus
everything you feel’
Christ qui c’est crucifié pour nous.
—Daniel Beylerian, Grade 3
Merci Seigneur Jésus pour tout. Je
‘The wide door is easy to go through
because it is easy to go through. The T’aime’
—Jennifer Hakimian, Grade
narrow door is difficult to go through
‘When they are killing Christian they
because it is hard to go through’
—Oliver Emile Rizk, Grade 3
will go to heaven and there will be
less of us in hell’
—Georges Cavalcanti, Grade
‘If someone were to ask me to write
about how much I love God and Jesus, ‘If I had a lot of money I would buy a
I would never stop. If someone were to plan and write in the sky believe in
ask me to write about how much I hate God or else your life is going to be
God and love the devil, my writing
—Maria, Grade
would never start’
‘Je T’aime Jésus parce que Tu m’a
—Hannah Milad, Grade
donné CrossTalk’
—Lea, Grade
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Scientific Facts in the Bible
Luke 17:34–36 says the Second Coming of Jesus ‘‘Thank You Lord for teaching
Christ will occur while some are asleep at night
us the difference between
and others are working at daytime activities in the
thanking You and praising You’
field. This is a clear indication of a revolving
—Mark Eke, Grade 7
earth, with day and night at the same time
‘Tous les jours, avant de vous coucher
dites vos prières du soirs qui a pour but
de remercier le Bon Dieu des grâces qu’Il
nous a fait pendant la journée. Examinez
vos consciences sur tout les pêchés,
voyez si vous avez été fidèle a vos bon
propos du matin’
—Jennifer Hakimian, Grade
‘Tu dois faire attention a Toi même
pas seulement à nous Jésus’
—Jay, Grade
‘Soit courageux comme Moi et aide
tout le monde et tout le CrossTalk. Si
tu va être gentil, tu va réussir. Tu as
la force d’être gentil avec tout le
monde. Toi aussi tu es courageux
parce que moi je suis un homme,
c’est Toi qui m’a crée. Salut moi Ton
Père et ta mère ’
—Jay, Grade
‘Le diable voulais que Adam et
Eve soient méchants’
—Anabella Hakimé, 9ème
‘Autant qu’on fait des choses
qui sont biens, autant qu’on
avance chez Jésus au Paradis’
—Anna Maria Hayek, 11ème
‘ Le Père, le Fils et le Saint
Esprit se complètent comme
un puzzle pour former un seul
Jeanne, 11ème
‘Dieu savait que Caïn a tué son
frère, mais il lui demande pour
qu’il ressent ce qu’il a fait’
—Anabella Hakimé, 9ème
‘Dieu savait que Caïn a tué son
frère, mais il lui demande pour
voir s’il va dire la vérité’
‘Quand on dit un gros mot à
quelqu’un, c’est comme si on disait
un gros mot à l’ Esprit Saint et à Dieu
et c’est pas bien du tout’
Dieu parle et la terre obéit !’
—Linda Emad, 11ème
—Marlene Emad, PS, MS
—Edouard Abou Jaoudé, 9ème
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Words of Value
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Give of
to Others
CrossTalk constantly
receives hair and
donate them to its
partner, Children
Cancer Center of
Open Arms aims to
show God’s love to the
needy people. A box is
placed at CrossTalk
which gives CrossTalk
students the ability to
make a difference in
the life of a needy
The charities are:
• Prisoners of
Baabda Women’s
• Beit El Nour
• Soeur Hanane
• Foreign Prisoners
• Palestinian Camp
• Iraqian
• Convent
Mar Semaan
• Bon Pasteur
• Deir El Etshaneh
• Convent Mother
We collect:
 Dry Food
 Clothes
 Shoes
 Accessories
 Games
And more…
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
mission is to
spread the Word
of God through
Meeting time:
every other Fri
The CrossTeam is the
sports team at
CrossTalk. Students
meet to enjoy
football in the Lord’s
presence. They learn
how to play
together, tolerate
each other, deal
with winning and
losing the way the
Lord taught us
Meeting time:
every Saturday
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
A man dies and goes to
heaven. St. Peter meets him
at the pearly gates
The Lord is out there
One afternoon a little boy
was playing outdoors. He
used his mother's broom
as a horse and had a
wonderful time until it
was getting dark.
‘Being cheerful keeps
you healthy. It is slow
death to be gloomy all
the time.’
Proverbs 17:22
It’s simple to add
jokes and riddles to
CrossTalk GoodNews!
Just write down your
joke, sign it if you like,
and leave it at the
Library. Wait to see if
your joke makes it into
the next issue of
He left the broom on the
back porch. His mother
was cleaning up the
kitchen when she
realized that her broom
was missing. She asked
the little boy about the
broom and he told her
where it was.
St. Peter says, ‘Here's how it
works. You need 100 points to
make it into heaven. You tell
me all the good things you've
done, and I give you a certain
number of points for each
item, depending on how good
it was. When you reach 100
points, you get in’
‘Okay’ the man says, ‘I
attended church every
‘That's good, says St. Peter,
‘that's worth two points’
‘Two points?’ he says. ‘Well, I
gave 10% of all my earnings to
the church’
‘Well, let's see,’ answers
Peter, ‘that's worth another 2
points. Did you do anything
She then asked him to
please go get it. The little
boy informed his mom
that he was afraid of the
dark and didn't want to
go out to get the broom.
‘Two points? Golly. How about
this: I started a soup kitchen
in my city and worked in a
shelter for homeless veterans’
His mother smiled and
said 'The Lord is out
there too, don't be
afraid'. The little boy
opened the back door a
little and said 'Lord if
you're out there, hand
me the broom'
‘hmmm...,’ the man says, ‘I
was married to the same
woman for 50 years and never
cheated on her, even in my
‘That's wonderful’ says St.
Peter, ‘that's worth three
‘Fantastic, that's certainly
worth a point,’ he says
‘THREE POINTS!!’ the man
cries, ‘At this rate the only way
I get into heaven is by the
grace of God!’
‘Come on in!’
Two nuns run out of
Two nuns were taking a
long drive down a
isolated country road
to visit a friend when
they ran out of gas.
Since they were a long
way from the nearest
city, they decided to
walk across a field to a
nearby farmhouse to
get some help. The
farmer graciously
agreed to give them
some gasoline but he
couldn't find a
container to put it in.
After turning the barn
upside down he finally
found an old bedpan
that was a little but
could be used to hold
some gasoline. The
desperate nuns were
willing to take the
gasoline in the bedpan
and walked back
across the field to their
As they were pouring
the gasoline into the
car from the bedpan, a
farmer drove by on his
tractor and stopped.
"Excuse me sisters,"
he said. "I am not a
very religious man, but
I can't help admiring
your faith."
What is the best way
to get to Paradise?
What is the best way to
get to Paradise?
A. Turn right and go
Notice If you find any mistakes in GoodNews! they are there for a purpose. We try to offer something
for everyone. Some people always look for mistakes, and we do not want to disappoint them.
Classes Schedule
2011-2012 Schedule
Classes in English
PS-MS on Tue at 15:00
KGII on Tue at 16:30
Gr 1 on Thu at 15:15
Gr 2 on Tue at 16:30
Gr 3 on Tue at 17:00
Gr 4 on Wed at 14:00
Gr 5, 6 on Thu at 17:45
Gr 7 on Fri at 17:30
Gr 8 on Wed at 19:00
Gr 9 on Fri at 19:00
Gr 10, 11 on Sun at 18:00
Gr 12, Soph on Sun at 19:30
Young adults on Sun at 20:30
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
We thank You Heavenly Father for:
You are generous and caring; you sent Your
own Son to lead us to You. Not only that, You
then sent us an Advocate, a Comforter, Your
Spirit, the Spirit of Truth
This past school year, 2009, and all the
blessings You poured on us, the ones we saw
and the ones we did not see
The coming year, 2010 asking Your will to be
done in every member at CrossTalk
For our country Lebanon and its beautiful
nature and weather making it pleasant to
camp and ski in its mountains
Parents on Wed at 9:30
Parents on Tue at 20:30
Classes en Français
by Alex Bejani , 10 ème
PS, MS Lun à 16:30
GS Jeu à 16:30
CP Jeu à 15:15
CE1 Mer à 16:30
CE2 Mar à 17:45
CM1 Mer à 18:00
CM2, 6e Mer à 18:00
5e, 4e Ven à 16:15
Day Lunch
CrossTalk’s annual
mother’s day lunch on
Tuesday January 20
march at 12 pm, at
Cafe Mondo,
Phoenicia, Beirut
Jésus, fais que
je grandis
chaque jour
Share your prayers with the CrossTalk community!
Brunch Open House on
Friday March 2, from 12
noon- 4 pm , at Mar Ilyas
Church, Mtayleb
Theme: Lenten
international buffet
Authentic, Lebanese
Handmade Maamoul
by CrossTalk ladies
Place your order
Dates: 25,000 LL
Pistachio: 35,000 LL
Walnut: 30,000 LL
Mixed: 30,000 LL
Snow Hiking
Snow racket hiking on
Friday 9 March for all
ages. $30/person food,
bus, rackets
Written & edited by
Ranya Nasrallah,
Rita Chedid and Vicky
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Power of the Cross
Cross out all words that may be considered a sin or something that
would be wrong in God's eyes
While Jesus died on the cross between two criminals, He asked His Father to do
something very special for all of us. Write down the remaining words, in order, on
the lines below to find out what Jesus said
Luke 23:34a
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Got Jesus ?
Copyright ©
2006 Sermons 4
Kids, Inc.
He who has the son has life; he who does not have the Son
of God does not have life. 1John 5:12 (NIV)
Each number represents a letter of the alphabet
Substitute the correct letter for each number to solve the
coded words
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12
Inviting Others to Jesus
GoodNews! Sep 11 – Jun 12

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