Newsletter anno III n. 3 may - june 2013 Associazione


Newsletter anno III n. 3 may - june 2013 Associazione
Newsletter anno III n. 3
Associazione Pier Giorgio Frassati Torino
never exist, but live
may - june 2013
"Dearest Luciana,
I'm going to Bergamo on Sunday with the Mining school to see
two zinc mines. I don't know
if Tina will have told you how the candies that Beltramo and I
gave her were sown together
one attached to the other (1). Thanks for the letter. Toward the
end of the month I'll take
the most difficult exam in year V, general electronics, and first
hygiene then the other 2 and
then I plan on coming to Pollone. Now I'm going out of my own in
the automobile to run errands
and I'm bringing the letter to papa so that he can write
Greetings and kisses to you and a thousand things and very loud
cannon blasts (2) to Tina from
Pier Giorgio"
(1) Pier Giorgio and his good friend Marco Beltramo were fond of practical jokes. On this occasion,Pier
Giorgio went with Tina Bonelli to the train station, attracted everyone's attention by a deafening
racket and then offered her a huge box of candies. However, they were all tied up one to the other in
such a way that, when Tina attempted to offer them to the elegant Mrs Bellia on the train, they came
out of the packet in a long chain, to the surprise and laughter of everyone present.
(2) "Cannon blasts" was a friendly expression used among members of the "Tipi Loschi Society"
formed by Pier Giorgio and his friends on May 18, 1924.
(letter to his sister Luciana, first days of June 1924)
Monday 20 May at 6pm
Holy Mass in the Dom of Turin
for the anniversary of Beatification of Pier Giorgio
Dall’omelia di Papa Giovanni Paolo II di Domenica 20 maggio 1990:
“Nel nostro secolo, Pier Giorgio Frassati, che a nome della Chiesa oggi ho la gioia di
proclamare beato, ha incarnato nella propria vita le parole di san Pietro. La potenza
dello Spirito di verità, unito a Cristo, lo ha reso moderno testimone della speranza, che
scaturisce dal Vangelo, e della grazia di salvezza operante nel cuore dell’uomo. E’
diventato, così, il testimone vivo e il difensore coraggioso di questa speranza a nome
dei giovani cristiani nel secolo
La fede e la carità, vere forze motrici della sua esistenza, lo resero attivo e operoso
nell’ambiente in cui visse, in famiglia e nella scuola, nell’università e nella società; lo
trasformarono in gioioso ed entusiasta apostolo di Cristo, in appassionato seguace del
suo messaggio e della sua carità.”
Istituto Sociale di Torino
Exhibition about Pier Giorgio Frassati
as from 21st May till 4th June
Among all the news connected with Pier Giorgio in the world, we point out those which we
have received:
From the newspaper "La Voce del Popolo" ex an article signed Fabrizio Defilippi:
"Normandie, (where at Caen a big portrait of Pier Giorgio has been seen in the
parish house) a group of young people with Blessed Pier Giorgio at Mont Saint
- The Frassati TV, la Web TV launched by Catholic Action of Cerignola (see the link
- In Versailles (France) has been inaugurated a new school dedicated to Pier Giorgio
Frassati, model for young people.
- Julio Macedo, a friend in Portugal of the Associazione Pier Giorgio Frassati Turin: a
pilgrimage to Fatima remembering Pier Giorgio.
- In India a new center to assist the sickeness and the poors has been inaugurated and
intitled to Pier Giorgio.
- People from Saint Vincent Society in Paris has visited in Turin the sites of Pier
GIorgio. A photo of the group:
- Some people from Frassati Australia has come for a pilgrimage in the sites of Pier
Giorgio. Frassati Australia is a very important association in Australia. It has been
founded in 2011 in Brisbane, Queensland, from five young people that have
consigned their life to Christ and that want to partage their experience and love for
Pier Giorgio Frassati with other young people in Australia.
- Exhibition concerning Pier Giorgio Frassati in Messina (Sicily) as from 27 April till
4th May, thanks to the collaboraton of Padre Savino at Santa Maria Immacolata
Contesse (Messina) church.
- Frassati Society Detroit organizes meetings of prayers with Pier Giorgio Frassati,
called Frassati Holy Hour in the Chapel of Little Flower of Detroit. The meetins are
managed by Father Paul Snyder.
- A group of brasilian journalist has come to Turin to shoot a picture about Pier
Giorgio. The group is connected with the Cancoa Nova Community.
We anticipate that on the occasion of the next 4
July, we are waiting 40 young people from
Polland and almost the same number
of young people from Switzerland.!!!
We have received the request for prayin for the following intentions. You can join us:
1. Healing of Emile of cancers (blood, lung), emphysema, tumours & conversion of
heart; gifts of the Holy Spirit esp. courage, wisdom, knowledge, understanding to
come to know & do God’s will. Emile’s birthday is also on April 6th, so I plead with
Bl. Pier Giorgio to intercede mightily for Emile. Thank you.
2. Healing of cancer (pancreatic, brain & whole body) for Cory, 28. It requires a
miracle and I know that Bl. Pier Giorgio would understand how the parents of this
young man feels. May God’s will be done and may all experience peace, consolation,
comfort and even joy!
3. For conversion for Margaret, Dan, Sophie, Brendan, Alexis, Stefanie, Tanya,
Nadine, Nadia, Shauna, Dennis, all young adults and all sinners, unbelievers.
4. For Our Lady’s intentions.
5. For healing for Johnny from bypass surgery; conversion; return to God,
sacraments, wife.
6. For Sara’s boys.
7. For Mary and her daughters, Kayla and Kristen.
8. For Carolina, Clarissa - conversion, help with addictions, drinking, drugs; peace
for mothers Evelyn, Teresa.
9. Healing of heart problems for Kathy; conversion of Ken.
We have received this letter from France:
“Bonjour madame,
Je voudrais tout d’abord vous remercier pour l’accueil reçu Pollone par le groupe des
servants de messe de Draguignan. Comme toujours, nous avons été chaleureusement
accueilli et notre pélerinage a pu se dèrouler dans les meilleures conditions.
Il me faut maintenant vous raconter quelque chose. Le 19 février dernier, une famille de
coopérants civils français était enlevée à la frontière de
Cameroun et du Nigéria par une secte islamique (le papa, la maman, 4 garçons de 6 à 12
ans, et le frère du papa).
Il y avait dans le groupe qui est venu à Pollone 3 cousins de cette famille. Notre
pélerinage avait entre autre comme but de demander la libération de cette famille.
Jeudi 16, nous sommes montés à pied jusqu’à Oropa, offrant notre marche à cette
intention, ainsi que la messe célébrée devant la Vierge d’Oropa.
Le mercredi 17, nous avons célébré la messe dans la chambre contenant les meubles de
celle où est mort Pier-Giorgio. Pendant l’offertoire, les enfants ont déposé leur lettre sur le
lit de Pier-Giorgio. Nul doute que la plupart demandaient la libération de la famille
Le jeudi 18, nous avons célébré la messe dans la cathédrale de Turin, trés exactement
devant la chêsse de Pier-Giorgio demandant toujours la même grace, ainsi qu’à la
Consolata quelques heures plus tard.
La famille Moulin fournier a été libérée dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi.
Merci Pier-Giorgio. Deo gratias.
Bien à vous, en union de prière.

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