TASK 1 : Understanding the songs (part 1) 1/Look at the teacher and


TASK 1 : Understanding the songs (part 1) 1/Look at the teacher and
The audition. You audition for a musical motion picture. You must dance in front of a jury. (page 1)
TASK 1 : Understanding the songs (part 1)
1/Look at the teacher and mime each of these feelings or emotions : greed ; hunger ; anger ; ; awe ; fear ; terror ;
hope ; envy ; gap (when someone's missing) ; sadness ;
2/ With one of your mates, imagine a silent scene expressiong each one of these feelings : love ; hate ; shame;
jealousy ; pity/compassion ; resentment ; remorse ; solidarity ; courage ; surprise; amusement ; joy ; happiness ;
mental weariness/fatigue ; physical tiredness/fatigue ; pain ; pleasure ; disorientation ; lust for adventure
3/ Listen to the song Over the Seas, 4/ Listen to the song Over the Hills 5/Listen to the song Heavy Metal
by Alestorm. Fill in the grid with the and far away by Nightwish. Fill in the Pirates, by Alestorm. Fill in the grid
emotions and feelings it expresses.
grid with the emotions and feelings it with the emotions and feelings it
6/ Choose one of the songs. Imagine a silent mime so that your mates can guess which ones. (bonus : 5 points)
Séquence conçue par Marc Harpon, LP Théodore Monod, Noisy-le-Sec
The audition. You audition for a musical motion picture. You must dance in front of a jury. (page 2)
TASK 2 : Understanding the songs (part II)
1/The teacher is going to suggest objects to one of your mates. Try to guess what object !
2/ Listen to the song by "Over The Seas"
Now we're sailing over oceans Now we're sailing over oceans
Alestorm and put these verses Many moons ago, in a
and seas
and seas
With a lust for gold and the
With a lust for gold and the
frome the chorus in the right faraway land
power of steel
power of steel
order :
We met an old man with a
Over the Seas, our quest has hook for a hand
….............................................. …..............................................
He showed us a map that
................................................. .................................................
Searching for treasure into the lead to treasure untold
................................................. .................................................
He said, "I'll give ye the
................................................. .................................................
Over the Seas, we shall ride
map, if ye give me some
And we will not stop till the dawn of gold"
Through treacherous seas we Over the seas, we shall ride
the sun
reached the lost isle
Searching for treasure, into the
3/ What is the tense in the For some pieces of eight the And over it's shores we
chorus ?The present tense ? The deal was done
marched for many miles
Over the seas, our quest is
past tense ? (bonus : 5 points)
Until we discovered where the done
He gave us the map, our
treasure did lie
4/Make sentences following the quest had begun
And we will be home by the
examples : years ago, I was a We gathered our crew and With gold coins and jewels
dawn of the sun
child./12 hours ago, I was at set sail on the waves
And we knew we'd be rich
5/What is the tense of the by the end of the day
verses ?The future tense ? The
present tense ? The past tense ? 7/ With three of your mates, imagine four silent scenes telling the story in the
(bonus : 5 points)
6/ Look at the underlined
Revoyez les activités 2, 3, 5 et 6. Vous serez interrogés à la prochaine séance
sentences. In French, tell the
pour une note sur 20 dotée du coefficient 4.
story in the song.
Séquence conçue par Marc Harpon, LP Théodore Monod, Noisy-le-Sec
The audition. You audition for a musical motion picture. You must dance in front of a jury. (page 3)
TASK 3 : Understanding the songs (part 3)
Coupez l'évaluation ci-contre et faites-la.
us the map.
us the map
He will show us the map.
2/Fill in the blanks :
Many moons ago, we …............................................... an old man (to encounter).
He …............................................... a treasure map (to show).
We …............................................... to the island on the map (to sail).
We …............................................... the treasure cave (to reach).
We …............................................... the treasure was fake (to discover).
Certains verbes ne fonctionnent pas suivant le schéma indiqué. On les dit
irréguliers. En voici quelques uns.
to be : I was/You were...
to know : I knew ...
to beat : I beat...
to lead : I led...
to come : I came...
to say : I said...
to have : I had ...
to spend : I spent...
to hear : I heard...
to write : I wrote...
Nom/Prénom :
Classe :
A] Ecoutez la chanson d'Alestorm.
Ecrivez-en le refrain :
B] A quel temps est le refrain de la
chanson ?
C] Traduisez en français :
Many moons ago, we met an old man.
He showed us a map. He gave us the
map. We knew we'd be rich.
D] A quel temps sont les couplets de
la chanson ?
Séquence conçue par Marc Harpon, LP Théodore Monod, Noisy-le-Sec
The audition. You audition for a musical motion picture. You must dance in front of a jury. (page 4)
Task 4 : Grammar tools.
1/The teacher is going to suggest objects to one of your mates. Try to guess what object !
2/ Fill in the blanks with theFrenchwords : « première » and »deuxième ».
Utiliser le dictionnaire bilingue :
Pour chercher la traduction d'un mot français : j'ouvre la …......................... moitié de mon dictionnaire. Je cherche la rubrique
correspondant à la première lettre de mon mot. Je cherche le mot.
Pour chercher la traduction d'un mot anglais : j'ouvre la …......................... moitié de mon dictionnaire. Je cherche la rubrique
correspondant à la première lettre de mon mot. Je cherche le mot.
3/Find the verbs page 3 in the dictionary.
to be : …................................. to know : …............................
to beat : ….............................. to lead : …..............................
to come : …............................ to say : …...............................
to have : …............................. to spend : …...........................
to hear : ….............................. to write : ….............................
4/What is the English for ? (Use the dictionary)
« Vous êtes accusé de vol », entendit-il dire l'huissier.
Son cœur battait comme un tambour.
Il y a de nombreuses lunes, nous rencontrâmes un vieil
Nous sûmes que nous serions riches.
Car avec l'épouse de son meilleur ami, il passa sa dernière
nuit de liberté.
Il lit les lettre qu'elle a écrites.
Ils vinrent pour lui une nuit d'hiver.
Ils dirent qu'il y avait eu un vol.
Il nous donna la carte.
Il dut combattre ses larmes de fureur.
Il nous montra une carte.
Pour la fois prochaine, apprenez par cœur les phrases de l'activité 4. Vous serez évalués sur 20(coefficient 4).
Séquence conçue par Marc Harpon, LP Théodore Monod, Noisy-le-Sec
The audition. You audition for a musical motion picture. You must dance in front of a jury. (page 5)
Task 5 : Dancing a story !
1/The teacher is going to suggest objects to one of your mates. Try to guess what object !
Coupez l'évaluation ci-contre et faites-la.
Nom/Prénom :
2/With three of your mates, imagine four or five silent dancing moves
Classe :
conveying the emotions of the song. Every member of each team must
A] Ecoutez la chanson de Nightwish.
have his own movement.
Ecrivez les phrases que vous parvenez
3/With three of your mates, imagine four silent scenes telling the story in
à déchiffrer. ( 10 points : 2 par phrase)
the song.
Dans l'activité 2, vous avez imaginé des mouvements de danse exprimant l'émotion de la
chanson. Dans l'activité 3, vous avez raconté l'histoire en scènes immobiles. Servez-vous des
mouvements de l'activité 2 pour relier en rythme les scènes de l'activité 3.
Pour la prochaine fois, n'oubliez pas votre chorégraphie. Vous devrez la présenter pour une note
sur 20 dotée du coefficient 6.
B] Racontez l'histoire dont la chanson
fait le récit. (10 points)
Séquence conçue par Marc Harpon, LP Théodore Monod, Noisy-le-Sec
The audition. You audition for a musical motion picture. You must dance in front of a jury. (page 6)
Séquence conçue par Marc Harpon, LP Théodore Monod, Noisy-le-Sec