Best Pictures - Lightmediation


Best Pictures - Lightmediation
Best Pictures
Monsanto covets the White Gold in India / 730-29: 17.07.06. Cotton factory, Gore kunta, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, India. Stage 3: Cotton is taken out of the bags to be compressed. The workmen are paid according to
output (52 rupees per bag/ 0,90 euros). Cotton will then be exported to other areas of India or abroad to make clothes (mainly to Bangladesh, the United States, China or Australia...). / India / Gorre Kunta
©Viviane Dalles/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Medicinal cristal stones of Himalaya / 646-03: Ladakh, medicinal cristal stones. Senior amchi (medicine man) of Ladakh is watching a precious medicinal cristal stone. / India /
©Jean-Baptiste Rabouan/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Tchad: la guerre au quotidien/Chad: war, day by day / 679-36: Une attaque menée par les rebelles le 2 février dernier a fait une trentaine de blessés parmi la population. de gauche à droite : Eric (avec Béatrice dans les
bras), Kadidja (mère), et Sylvain 16 ans.///An attack conducted by the rebels on last February 2, made about thirty wounded among the population. Left to right: Eric (with daughter Beatrice in arms), Kadidja (his wife),
and son Sylvain 16 years / / Adré
©Alain Buu/Orizon/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Angkor hightech archaeology--Archeologie de pointe à Angkor / 704-39: Ce ballon porte un systeme de mesure par laser multidirectionel en longue frequence. Il photographie le temple Bayon avec un detail et une
precision milimetriques. Le rayon laser (rouge) mesure environ 2 milimetres. Le rayon laser dans cette photo a ete renforce (en visibilite) par un logiciel de traitement d'image. Bayon 3D digital archival project by Ikeuchi
Laboratory of Tokyo University. /// This balloon carries a multidirectional long wave laser surveying system. It scans Bayon Temple with millimetric precision. The red laser beam has a section of about 2 millimeters in
section. In this photo, the laser beam has been digitally enhanced to be more clearly
3D digital archival project by Ikeuchi Laboratory of Tokyo University. / Cambodia / Siem Reap
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Best Pictures
Ngorongoro Crater / 732-031: An Hippopotamus playing in the water of the Mandusi swamp in the Ngorongoro Crater. / Tanzania / Ngorongoro Conservation Area
©Remi Benali/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Ebola, the bat's track / 705-01: In the bush, in order to do autopsies and to take samples from the animals which may carry the terrible virus with an optimal protection, the researchers are dressed as cosmonauts. In no
time, they install bushe labs and are trying to meet at best the safety's conditions of a P4 (laboratory of maximum safety) / Gabon /
©Christophe Lepetit/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Medicinal cristal stones of Himalaya / 646-05: Ladakh, medicinal cristal stones. Stones in jewelleries and ornements prevent from energical desorders. They also have symbolic meanings. / India /
©Jean-Baptiste Rabouan/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Ebola, the bat's track / 705-23: Ogooue river close to Lambarene. Eidolon helveum, a fruit bat species common in Africa and in the world, not found infected. / Gabon /
©Christophe Lepetit/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Tchad: la guerre au quotidien/Chad: war, day by day / 679-31: Contrairement aux affirmations du gouvernement tchadien, de nombreux enfants-soldats se battent dans l'armée. Les plus jeunes ont 12 ans./// Contrary to
the assertions of the Chadian government, many child-soldiers fight in the army. The youngest are twelve. / Chad / Adré
©Alain Buu/Orizon/Lightmediation
Contact Thierry Tinacci - email: [email protected] - mobile: +
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Best Pictures
Whale shark hunting / 706-42: The harpooner's eyes are fixed on the prey as if willing it to come closer. His hands grip the bamboo, he raises the pole that is so long it bends and flexes in the air. He takes aim and hurls
this body along with the harpoon into the water / Indonesia /
©Jean Robert/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Un Vendredi saint à Perpignan: la Sanch / 738-26: Chaque vendredi saint, la procession de la Sanch a lieu à Perpignan, l'ancienne capitale des Rois de Majorque. Les pénitents, vêtus de grandes robes rouges ou
noires, défilent et traversent la ville entre prières, psamoldies et recueillement. Ce rituel immuable depuis près de six siècles célèbre ainsi la Passion du Christ. / France / Perpignan
©René Limbourg/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Linfen,world's most polluted city/Linfen,ville la plus polluee du monde / 736-27: La plupart de ses habitants mette un masque contre la pollution de l'air./// Linfen City, in Shanxi Province, was cited as the world's most
polluted city. Most of Linfen's people put a mask for the air pollution. / China / Linfen
©René Limbourg/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
ABU CAMP, safari chez le Maître des éléphants / 643-24: Delta de l'Okavango, Abu camp, traversee du marais a dos d'elephants / Botswana /
©Stephane FRANCES / Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Tchad: la guerre au quotidien/Chad: war, day by day / 679-17: Contrairement aux affirmations du gouvernement tchadien, de nombreux enfants-soldats se battent dans l'armée. Les plus jeunes ont 12 ans.///Contrary to
the assertions of the Chadian government, many child-soldiers fight in the army. The youngest are twelve. / Chad / Adré
©Alain Buu/Orizon/Lightmediation
Contact Thierry Tinacci - email: [email protected] - mobile: +
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Best Pictures
La desertification du sahel / 677-67: Dirt road between Douenza and Timbuktu. Sandstorm. / Mali /
©Remi Benali/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Chine: des toiles de Maitres à la chaine! / 674-09: Dafen: Chez le peintre Zhao Xiaoyong, spécialiste des reproductions de Van Gogh depuis 8 ans, dont il a produit environ 10 000 reproductions. Sa femme peint aussi
des Van Gogh, ainsi qu'une de ses élèves. Le prix d'une toile est tombé de 80 yuan à 4O aujourd'hui, à cause de la concurrence. Bien qu'il paie lui-même la toile et l'huile, il gagne toujours de l'argent, et vient d'acheter
un appartement dans le village. On le voit sécher les toiles dans sa chambre et sur le balcon, avec le linge. 30 personnes sont spécialisées dans Van Gogh au village. / China / village de Dafen, Shenzhen, province de
Canton Nian/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
La caspienne, victime de son or noir? / 645-04: Plage de Chichkov, dans les faubourgs Sud de Bakou. Un cimetière de plates-formes à quelques centaines de mètres d'une plage populaire. En très piteux état, les
plates-formes Khazar (Caspienne en Azerbaidjanais) et Shelf, vestiges de l'exploitation soviétique, attendent d'éventuels acquéreurs. Elles servent aujourd'hui de pontons aux pêcheurs. La Caspienne est une mer
fermée, l'acheminement de nouvelles plates-formes en pièces détachées serait encore trop onéreux. Les compagnies Occidentales, BP la première, rachètent ces vestiges et les rénovent entièrement. / Azerbaijan /
©Remi Benali/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
-Portfolio- Vincent Leloup: 10 ans de passion hippique / Entraînement écurie J.B Bossuet. / France /
©Â©Vincent Leloup/Fedefoto/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Medicinal cristal stones of Himalaya / 646-01: Ladakh, medicinal cristal stones. Cristal stones help dreams and regulate energical "humors" of the body. / India /
©Jean-Baptiste Rabouan/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
José Bové, nouveau candidat à la présidentielle /José Bové, a new candidate for French presidential elections / Deux cents militants anti OGM venus a l appel de la confederation paysanne et de Greenpeace ont investi
une station de stockage de semences a Trebes pres de Caracassonne appartenant a la firme Monsanto qu ils suspectent de detenir des semences transgeniques.
Des gendarmes evacuent Jose Bove de l'usine
©Georges Bartoli/Fedefoto/Lightmediation
Two hundred anti GMO activists and unionists from Greenpeace and the Confederation Paysanne try to occupate a Monsanto seeds unit in Trebes, near Carcassonne, France ,April 13 in order to check
if it contains
Contact Thierry Tinacci
- email: [email protected] - mobile: +
geneticaly modificated seeds.
Gendarmes (french military police) are pulling out the french radical farmer Jose Bove from the factory. / France / CARCASSONNE
Best Pictures
Grippe Aviaire, de l'Asie a l'Europe¤Bird Flu Epidemic, from Asia to Europe / 692-020: Grippe aviaire au Vietnam
L'epouse et la fille devant l'autel mortuaire de Monsieur Luu, leur mari et pere. M. Luu a decede en juillet 2005 de la grippe aviaire en mangeant son poulet malade de son elevage familial (qu'il ne soupconnait pas de
H5N1). Il a decede 2 jours apres l'apparition des premiers symptome. ¤ Mr Luu's wife and daughter stand in front of an altar in his memory. Mr. Luu died from bird flu in July 2005 after he ate an infected bird from the
family breeding business; he had not suspected the bird carried
the H5N1
He died 2 days after the appearance of the first symptoms. / Viet Nam /
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Best Pictures
Grippe Aviaire, de l'Asie a l'Europe¤Bird Flu Epidemic, from Asia to Europe / 692-039: Grippe Aviaire au Vietnam.
Elevage de volailles industriel dans la banlieu de Ho Chi Minh Ville.¤ Poultry breeding at an industrial plant in the suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City. / Viet Nam / Ho Chi Minh
©Dung Vo Trung/Orizon/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
La pêche sacrée de la mare d'Antogo. The sacred Fishing. / Le poisson capturé est aussitôt coincé entre les dents, tête la première. Les deux mains sont trop occupées par le maniement du panier pour tenir le butin
avec lequel ils remontent sur la berge.
The captured fish is swiftly caught in the teeth, head first, because the hands are too busy with the basket as the fisherman mounts the bank.
©Â©Alain Buu/Orizon/Lightmediation
/ Mali / Bamba
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Best Pictures
José Bové, nouveau candidat à la présidentielle /José Bové, a new candidate for French presidential elections / Jose Bove pose avec un nez rouge de clown en marge du forum social mondial de POrto Alegre.
French radical farmer Jose Boves poses with a clown red nose.Feb01,2002. / Brazil / PORTO ALEGRE
©Georges Bartoli/Fedefoto/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
-Portfolio- Vincent Leloup: 10 ans de passion hippique / sélection DDB / France /
©Â©Vincent Leloup/Fedefoto/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Visite de Laurent Fabius au Tchad / 742-01: A l'initiative de l'association
"Urgence Darfour", Laurent Fabius, ancien premier ministre socialiste, s'est rendu au Tchad dans la région de Goz-Beida, afin de visiter les camps de réfugiés et de déplacés, suite à la situation dramatique du Darfour
Visite d'un centre médical du HCR dans le©Alexis
camp de réfugiés
de Goz-Beida. Enfant malnutri. / Chad /
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Best Pictures
Eldorado in the French Amazon: Tale of a future catastrophe / Walter, a 12-year-old Wayana Amerindian, holds his little sister Fabiola, who is 3, during their daily evening bath. The Amerindians drink the water of the
river, which is contaminated by mercury from the gold mines. / French Guiana /
©Â©Remi Benali/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
La pêche sacrée de la mare d'Antogo. The sacred Fishing. / Sans qu'un véritable signal soit donné, dans une communion instinctive, trois mille hommes se précipitent dans la mare pour la pêche.
Without any real signal, by a common instinct, 3,000 black bodies head for the pool.. / Mali / Bamba
©Â©Alain Buu/Orizon/Lightmediation
Contact Thierry Tinacci - email: [email protected] - mobile: +
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Best Pictures
Muriel Robin chez les himbas en Namibie / Muriel Robin a vécu quelques jours dans la tribu des Himbas en Namibie, à l'occasion de la réalisation de l'émission « En terre inconnue », proposée et animée par Frédéric
Lopez sur France 2. / Namibia /
©Â©Jean-Michel Turpin/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
12/09/2000. SHIPWRECKS OF THE NIGHT / 282-35: Tarifa, playa de los Lances. At dawn, a fisherman found the dead bodies of two Subsaharians on the shore. Their boat overturned two days before some three
kilometers away. A third body is found in the late afternoon further down the beach. In 2000, over 83 corpses are found on the beaches of Tarifa. / Spain / Tarifa
©Michel Lozano/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
In the backstages of Renault Formula one team during Silverstone race / 334-01 / Great Britain / Silverstone
©Jean-Michel Turpin/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Astana, the Dubai of the steppes - Astana, la Dubaï des steppes / 310-01: La nouvelle capitale Astana, vue du Palais présidentiel de Nursultan Nazarbayev./
The new capital of Astana, seen from the presidential palace of Nursultan Nazarbaev. / Kazakhstan / Astana
©Marc Roussel/Orizon/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Les samaritains / 424-29: A Samaritan priest reveales a Torah scroll to fellow Samaritans, at dawn at the site of a Samaritan Passover ceremony, in Mount Gerizim overlooking the West Bank city of Nablus. April 18th,
2006 / Israel /
©Ahikam Seri/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Hi-Tech Orchids / 365-12: Everything start in Floricultura's laboratories. The european leader of the speciality use to grow 12 500 orchids embryos in tubes during 6 month.
Tissue fragments containing meristematic cells (omnipotent cells including all the necessary genetic information to grow a new plant) are taken from the selected varieties. Placed, at 27-28°C, in a special nutritive
substract, naturally top secret, they are agitated in large swivels
or onChristophe
vibrating platesLepetit
in order to/ support
the growth of the precious cells. / Netherlands /
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Best Pictures
Putin's little soldiers / 394-22: River exercise / Russian Federation /
©Fabrice Dimier/Libre arbitre/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
The Reindeer people of Mongolia / 581-01: Sanjim ride's his reindeer on their summer range, e is the male elder of the Tsaatan Tribe who nomads, who live high on the border of Siberia and Mongolia.
The southernmost nomadic reindeer culture, the Tsaatan people depend on the reindeer for cultural and economic well-being. The ailing health of the reindeer populations poses a threat to the Tsaatan's livelihood.
©Donna Todd/Lightmediation
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[email protected] - mobile: +
Mongolia / Mongolia
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Best Pictures
The Lord Ayyappa pilgrimage / 564-05: Martial dancing of Petta-Thullal may become transes difficult to control. / India /
©Jean-Baptiste Rabouan/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Bwiti: dances with the spirits. / 510-16: Singing and dancing all night, initiates are falling in transe.
/ Gabon / Libreville
©Laurent Sazy/Fedephoto/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Polyrhachis laboriosa,an amazing arboreal ant / 471-01: Polyrhachis laboriosa is endemic from African tropical forest. / Cameroon / Somalomo
©Patrick Landmann/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
Les chercheurs d'or en Amazonie / 133-01: Patrouille de l'armée Française sur le fleuve Maroni / French Guiana /
©José Nicolas/Lightmediation
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Best Pictures
The Surgeons' School / 316-02: In a high-tech room, engineers in robotics and surgeons test surgical robots via joysticks or vocal command. / France / Strasbourg
©Patrick Landmann/Lightmediation
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768-22: CHAD. A women and his son at the hospital of Djabal an UNHCR camp, near Goz Beida.The Islamic government regime in Khartoum is supported by the "Arab" Muslim tribes known as the Janjaweed militia
(armed men on horses) who massacre the "African" Muslim tribes who are at odds with the government in Darfur and in the neighbouring country of Chad.
Alexis Duclos/Lightmediation
Best Pictures
10/00/2003. SHIPWRECKS OF THE NIGHT / 282-02: During the day, men and women carry illegal goods by sea between Ceuta and Morocco and a night, they carry illegal immigrants. This is risky. In 2003, a dozen
people, mostly Subsaharians died. The crossing costs 800 Euros. / Spain / Ceuta
©Michel Lozano/Lightmediation
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798-01: chaque nuit après la fermeture du parc à lieu la maintenance sur les parties fixes des attractions ; ici sur les rails de l'attraction phare du parc « Big Thunder Montain » ou « train de la mine » on vérifie les
crémaillères tirant les trains et les patins des ralentisseurs répartis sur le circuit.
Vincent Leloup/Fedephoto/Lightmediation
715-01: Mogadiscio, février 2007: De la Cathédrale, il ne reste que quelques ruines. L'édifice religieux construit dans les années 1930 pendant la colonisation italienne n'a pas résisté à quinze années de guerre civile.
/// Mogadiscio, february 2007: Only some ruins remain from the Cathedral. The religious building built in the 1930's during the Italian colonization did not resist to fifteen years of civil war.
Jean-Luc Moreau/Lightmediation
771-03: French writer Bernard Henri Levy in Darfour/Soudan in the village of Khour-Syal, village attack by the Janjaweed.The Islamic government regime in Khartoum is supported by the "Arab"Muslim tribes known as
the Janjaweed militia (armed men on horses) who massacre the "African"Muslim tribes who are at odds with the government in Darfur and in the neighbouring country of Chad.According to UN estimates, nearly 200,000
persons have died from this war and its consequences, and more than 2 million people have been displaced.
Alexis Duclos/Lightmediation
749-14: Some children stand with their chains although a sandstorm is going on. The teachers are away.
Philip Poupin/Lightmediation
768-07: DARFUR, SUDAN. EXCLUSIVE. In the region of Amarai, in the village of Khortial where more than 50 people have been killed.the photograph a women, Fatma Moussa Nour, 30 years old, walking in front of her
house. Three of her children have been killed during the attack.
Alexis Duclos/Lightmediation