Prénom NOM


Prénom NOM
Born 28 July 1980 in Morocco
Belgian / Moroccan
Married, one child
Tél. +32 (0) 4/366 22.10
Fax +32 (0) 4/366.20.02
E-mail: [email protected]
PhD in Geosciences, University of Liège (Belgium)
- PhD degree, University of Liège, Department of Geology (Belgium), 2013.
PhD thesis: Industrial and artisanal valorization of clay deposits from Morocco.
- Master degree in Oceanography, University of Abdelmalek Essaadi (Morocco), 2006.
DEA thesis: Coastal dynamics and analysis morphostructural (Emsa Region, Western North Morocco).
- Technician Diploma in Computer Science, Institute of Applied Technology Ibn Marhal (Morocco), 2005.
- Bachelor's degree in Geology, University of Abdelmalek Essaadi (Morocco), 2004.
Assistant professor in department of Geology, Ulg.
Mineralogy, Clays mineralogy, Recovery of clay materials, Ceramics.
Sedimentology (lacustrine, marine and continental), Paleoseismology.
Coastal dynamics, Geomorphology, Cartography.
Fieldwork, geological mapping (ArcGIS, Surfer)
Cores and tranches sampling,
Analyzes of marine and lake sediments,
Magnetic susceptibility,
Total organic carbon (TOC) and carbon iotopes,
Textural measurements (porosity, density, specific surface area, cation exchange capacity),
Geotechnical analysis,
Thermal analysis (ATD/DSG),
Grain-size distribution (laser and by sedimentation),
Trace and major elements (XRF), XRD analysis (Clay mineral and bulk composition),
Ceramics analysis.
December 2013 – Field mission to Morocco (1 week). Sampling of raw clay used in pottery in Marrakech
region. WBI project.
December 2012 - Field mission to Morocco (1 week). Sampling of raw clay used in traditional ceramics in
Marrakech region. WBI project.
July 2012 - Field mission to Turkey (10 days). Sampling of the trenches and a long core in the Amik lake
(Hatay), and sampling in the city of Antioch (archaeological site).
April 2009 – Training courses (1 month) on the quantification of clay minerals at the University of Poitier
in France, laboratory Hydrasa - Hydrogeology, Clays, Soils and Alterations.
April 2008 - Field trip to Morocco (2 weeks). Accompanying the field trip of the Master’s students in
Geological Sciences.
November 2008 - Participation in the thematic school 'Clays and Sediments: Procedures for
characterization of clay minerals by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy' at the University of Poitier
in France.
May 2007 - Training courses (2 months) in mineralogy and clay mineralogy in Clay and Paleoclimate
laboratory at the University of Liège. WBI project.
January 2007 - Training courses (1 month) in the laboratory of Crystallography / Ceramology at the
University of Barcelona in Spain.
December 2006 - Training courses (2 months) in mineralogy and clay mineralogy in Clay and Paleoclimate
laboratory at the University of Liège. WBI project.
May 2005 - Training courses (2 months) in Computer Science: Visual Basic and Access programming in
the Institute of Applied Technology, Tangier.
June 2003 - Training field (1 week) in the Rif domain (northern Morocco), in structural geology and
French: reading-writing-spoken, good knowledge.
Arabic: read-writes spoken, good knowledge.
Spanish: read-writes spoken, good knowledge.
English: read, written-spoken, good professional knowledge.
Italian: read-spoken, concepts.
2011-2013 : Hèlène Lebeau. Enregistrement paléoenvironnemental et paléosismique des sédiments du lac
Amik (Hatay, sud-ouest Turquie), ULg.
2011-2013 : Sophia Siniapkine. Etude d'un gisement argileux de la région de Foumban, Ouest Cameroun,
2011-2013 : François Vrancken. Etude des sédiments du cap Corse : Reconstitution paléoenvironnementale
et contamination anthropique.Master en Océanographie, ULg.
2010-2012 : Carole Brichet. L’étude des sédiments de la mère de Marmara (Turquie), ULg.
2010-2012 : Claire Halleux. Etude paléoenvironnementale d’un site archélogique en Méditerranée. Master
en Géologie, ULg.
2011-2012 : Pierre Bonmariage. Mise en évidence des contaminations en éléments traces dans les sédiments
du cap Corse depuis 2000ans. Haute Ecole de la Ville de Liège, Institut Supérieur d’Enseignement
Technologique, option Chimie Environnementale ISET.
2009-2011 : Jean-Philippe Bouancheau. L’enregistrement sédimentaire le long de la faille est-anatolienne : le
cas du lac Hazar (Turquie). ULg.
2009-2010 : Julien Brix. Analyse géochimique de sédiments lacustres chiliens, en vue d’une reconstruction
de la variabilité climatique des derniers millénaires. Haute Ecole de la Ville de Liège, Institut Supérieur
d’Enseignement Technologique, option Chimie Environnementale ISET.
2008-2009 : Geoffrey Brogniet. Dosage de la silice biogénique de sédiments lacustres chiliens par
spectrométrie d’absorption atomique, Haute Ecole de la Ville de Liège, Institut Supérieur d’Enseignement
Technologique, option Chimie Environnementale ISET.
2008-2009 : Annelies Rubben. Etude minéralogique des sédiments du Golfe de Cadiz Master en
Océanographie, ULg.
2008-2009 : Laurence Nuttin. Enregistrement des changements environnementaux dans les sédiments
lacustres chiliens au cours du dernier millénaire : Variabilité climatique naturelle et impact anthropique.
Master Sciences Géographiques, ULB, ULg.
In preparation
- Characterization of the clay used in pottery (Agafay, Morocco). In preparation.
El Boudour El Idrissi, L. Daoudi, M. El Ouahabi, F. Collin, N. Fagel
- The recycling of crushed clay brick used to improve the ceramic properties, Journal of Environmental
Management. In preparation.
M. El Ouahabi, L. Daoudi, F. Collin, N. Fagel.
2014- Paleomagnetic and geochemical record from cores from the Sea of Marmara, Turkey: Age constraints
and implications of sapropelic deposition on early diagenesis phenomena. Submitted.
L. Drab; J. Carlut; A. Hubert-Ferrari; P. Martinez; G. Lepoint; M. El Ouahabi.
2014- Neoformed mineral phases during clay ceramic firing, Journal of Materials Science. Submitted.
M. El Ouahabi, L. Daoudi, F. Hatert. N. Fagel.
In reviewing
2013- Suitability of Tangier (Northern Morocco) clay sediments as raw material in fired brick production.
Applied clays science, in reviewing.
M. El Ouahabi, L. Daoudi, F. De Vleeschouwer, R. Bindler, N. Fagel.
2013- Submarine Paleo-earthquake record of the Cinarcık Segment of the North Anatolian Fault in the
Marmara Sea (Turkey). EPSL, in reviewing.
L. Drab, A. Hubert-Ferrari, S. Schmidt, P. Martinez, J. Carlut, M. El Ouahabi.
In Press
- 2014, Potentiality of clay raw materials from northern Morocco in ceramic industry: Tetouan and Meknes
areas, Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering. In Press.
M. El Ouahabi, L. Daoudi, F. De Vleeschouwer, R. Bindler, N. Fagel.
Mineralogical and geotechnical characterization of clays from northern Morocco for their potential use in
the ceramic industry. Clay Mineral, (2014) 49, 1–17.
M. El Ouahabi, L. Daoudi, N. Fagel.
Paleoseismic record obtained by coring a sag-pond along the North Anatolian Fault (Turkey)
A. Hubert-Ferrari, U. Avşar, M. El Ouahabi, G. Lepoint, P. Martinez, N. Fagel. Annals of Geophysics,
(2012), 55(5). p.929-953.
Conferences attended
- 2014, CI-CERAM3 (3th International Symposium of ceramics, Morocco). Mineralogical characterization,
geochemical and geotechnical raw materials used in pottery in the site Agafay, Marrakech, Morocco.H. El
Boudour El Idrissi, L. Daoudi, M. El Ouahabi, F. Collin, N. Fagel.
- 2014, PAGES (Past global changes : Human-Climate-Ecosystem Interactions, Leuven).
Paleoenvironmental record of the Amik Basin (Amuq Plain, Southern Turkey) over the last 4000 years.
A. Hubert-Ferrari, M. El Ouahabi, H. Lebeau, J. Vander Auwera, G. Lepoint, V. Karabacak, O. Dewitte.
- 2012, Panaf, (Paleoseismology Along the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey). Comparing the paleoseismic
record obtained by coring a sag-pond and by classical trenching along the eastern segment of the North
Anatolian Fault.
A. Hubert-Ferrari, U. Avsar, J. Fraser, M. El Ouahabi, K. Vanneste, G. Lepoint, N. Fagel.
- 2012, Panaf, (Paleoseismology Along the North Anatolian Fault, Turkey). The earthquake sedimentary
record in the the Sea of Marmara, Turkey.
A. Hubert-Ferrari, L. Drab, S. Schmidt, J. Carlut, M. El Ouahabi. P. Martinez.
- 2012, GFA (France). Caractérisation et valorisation des argiles du Maroc (Nord-Est et Centre-Nord) en vue
de leur application dans le domaine de la céramique.
M. El Ouahabi, A. Nzeukou, N. Fagel.
- 2011, EGU (Vienne): The last millenium sedimentary record in Chilean Patagonian lakes.
N. Fagel, M. El Ouahabi, G. Lepoint, S. Bertrand, S. Schmidt, D. Alvarez, A. Araneda, F. Torrejon, R.
- 2011, Valdivia (Chile): A 500-yr record of northern Patagonian environmental changes: Lago Plomo and
Lago Bertrand.
N. Fagel, Brix, J., M. El Ouahabi, Lepoint, G., Schmidt, S., Araneda, A. and Urrutia, R.
- 2010, EGU, (Vienne). Characterization of clay from northern of Morocco for their industrial application.
M. El Ouahabi and N. Fagel.
- 2009, ICC (14th International Clay Conference, Italy).Characterization of Cretaceous, Pliocene and
Miocene clays from northern Morocco (Tangier-Tetouan and Meknes areas).
M. El Ouahabi and N. Fagel.
- 2008, RST (22ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre et 6ème colloque du Groupe Français des Argiles,
Nancy, France). Caractérisation minéralogique des argiles Crétacé et Pliocène de la région Tanger-Tétouan
(NW du Maroc) en vue de leur valorisation industrielle.
M. El Ouahabi, N. Fagel and A. Ben Moussa.
- 2008, IIIème Colloque International “Argiles et Environnement” (Safi, Maroc). Caractérisation
minéralogique et géotechnique des argiles Crétacé et Pliocène de la région Tanger-Tétouan (NW du Maroc)
en vue de leur valorisation industrielle.
M. El Ouahabi, N. Fagel.

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