Merkblatt 9,453 Law and Economics of Cross Border Insolvency


Merkblatt 9,453 Law and Economics of Cross Border Insolvency
Course and Examination Fact Sheet: Autumn Semester 2016
9,453: Law and Economics of Cross Border Insolvency
ECTS credits: 4
Overview examination/s
(binding regulations see below)
Decentral ‑ Presentation (in groups ‑ all given the same grades) (100%)
Attached courses
Timetable ‑‑ Language ‑‑ Lecturer
9,453,1.00 Law and Economics of Cross Border Insolvency ‑‑ Englisch ‑‑ Souza Guimarães Márcio Course information
Course prerequisites
Course content
International insolvency is still a mysterious and esoteric practice area, populated by a relatively small number of insiders all of
whom are intimately familiar with the unique concepts and rules, and all of whom seem to know one another very well. For the
rest of the universe of bankruptcy professionals and judges, the speech is odd and unfamiliar, the special practices truly foreign.
What, after all, is the average bankruptcy judge to make of notions like recognition, hotchpot, and protocol in the bankruptcy
The issue of the course is study how the international crisis of a company established in different countries must be faced,
knowing there are diverse jurisdictions. The UNCITRAL model law, chapter 15 of United States Commercial Code and Regulation
nº 848/15 of EU will be analyzed to understand how the companies could be restructured or liquidated by more than one
jurisdiction (country).
Course structure
‑ one mandatory introductory class of 4 hours on September 21st where formation of groups and the allocation of preferences
will take place
‑ block seminar of three days during the break
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Course literature
Supporting literature for the presentation:
‑ Bob Wessels. Themes of the future: rescue businesses and cross‑border cooperation.‑
‑ Bob Wessels. International Insolvency Law. Vol. X, Kluwer, 3rd ed. , 2012
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. Theory and Pragmatisme in Global Insolvencies: Choice of Law and Choice of Forum. Copyright (c)
1991 National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges. The American Bankruptcy Law Journal.
‑ Frederick Tung. Is International Bankruptcy Possible? Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 23, P. 31, 2001.
‑ Guy Martel et David Tournier. Coope´ration judiciaire et insolvabilite´ transfrontalie`re : un nouveau cadre le´gislatif. Revue du
Barreau/Tome 68/Printemps 2009 (France), p. 181.
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. Choice of Avoidance Law in Global Insolvencies. Heionline 17 Brook. J. Intʹl L. 499 (1991).
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. The Lessons of Maxwell Communication. Fordham Law Review, vo. 64, issue 6 (1996).
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. A Global Solution to Multinational Default. Michigan Law Review, Vol. 98, No. 7 (Jun., 2000), pp. 2276‑
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. Chapter 15 at least. 79 Am. Bankr. L.J. 713 (2005).
‑ John F. Coyle. The Case for Writing International Law into the U.S. Code, 56 B.C.L. Rev. 433 (2015),
‑ Lynn M. Lopucki. The Case for Cooperative Territoriality in International Bankruptcy. Michigan Law Review, Vol. 98, No. 7
(Jun., 2000), pp. 2216‑2251.
‑ Mads Henry Andenïs, Mads T_nnesson Andenïs, Camilla Baasch Andersen. Theory and Practice of Harmonisation . Edward
Elgar Publishing, 2012.
‑ Marlyne Turgeon. Lʹharmonisation du droit de lʹinsolvabilite´ transfrontalie`re en matie`re commerciale : tentatives, e´checs et
solutions pratiques. Les Cahiers de droit, vol. 38, n° 1, 1997, p. 167‑229.
‑ Megan R. OʹFlynn. The Scorecard so Far: Emerging Issues in Cross‑Border Insolvencies Under Chapter 15 of the U.S. Bankruptcy
Code. Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, vo. 32, issue 2.
‑ Les nouvelles avancées du droit européen des entreprises en difficulté, actes du colloque organisé par le CNAJMJ le 9 décembre
2014 : Rev. proc. coll. 2015, Dossier 1 à 17.
‑ Paulo Fernando Campana Filho. The Legal Framework for Cross‑Border Insolvency in Brazil. Houston Journal of International
Law, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2010.
‑ Reinhard Dammann, Michel Menjucq et Philippe Roussel Galle. Le nouveau règlement sur les procédures dʹinsolvabilité. Rev.
proc. coll. 2015, étude 2.
‑ Samuel L. Bufford, Louise DeCarl Adler, Sidney B. Brooks, Marcia S. Kriege. International Insolvency. Federal Judicial Center,
‑ UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross‑Border Insolvency with Guide to Enactment and Interpretation. United Nations Publication,
jan, 2014.
Additional course information
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Examination information
Examination sub part/s
1. Examination sub part (1/1)
Examination time and form
Decentral ‑ Presentation (in groups ‑ all given the same grades) (100%)
Examination­aid rule
Practical examination
No examination‑aid rule is necessary for such examination types. The rules and regulations of the University of St. Gallen apply
in a subsidiary fashion.
Supplementary aids
Examination languages
Question language: English
Answer language: English
Examination content
The content of each group presenation will be addressed in the first class on September 21st.
Examination relevant literature
Not mandatory, but useful:
‑ Bob Wessels. Themes of the future: rescue businesses and cross‑border cooperation.‑
‑ Bob Wessels. International Insolvency Law. Vol. X, Kluwer, 3rd ed. , 2012
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. Theory and Pragmatisme in Global Insolvencies: Choice of Law and Choice of Forum. Copyright (c)
1991 National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges. The American Bankruptcy Law Journal.
‑ Frederick Tung. Is International Bankruptcy Possible? Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 23, P. 31, 2001.
‑ Guy Martel et David Tournier. Coope´ration judiciaire et insolvabilite´ transfrontalie`re : un nouveau cadre le´gislatif. Revue du
Barreau/Tome 68/Printemps 2009 (France), p. 181.
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. Choice of Avoidance Law in Global Insolvencies. Heionline 17 Brook. J. Intʹl L. 499 (1991).
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. The Lessons of Maxwell Communication. Fordham Law Review, vo. 64, issue 6 (1996).
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. A Global Solution to Multinational Default. Michigan Law Review, Vol. 98, No. 7 (Jun., 2000), pp. 2276‑
‑ Jay Lawrence Westbrook. Chapter 15 at least. 79 Am. Bankr. L.J. 713 (2005).
‑ John F. Coyle. The Case for Writing International Law into the U.S. Code, 56 B.C.L. Rev. 433 (2015),
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‑ Lynn M. Lopucki. The Case for Cooperative Territoriality in International Bankruptcy. Michigan Law Review, Vol. 98, No. 7
(Jun., 2000), pp. 2216‑2251.
‑ Mads Henry Andenïs, Mads T_nnesson Andenïs, Camilla Baasch Andersen. Theory and Practice of Harmonisation . Edward
Elgar Publishing, 2012.
‑ Marlyne Turgeon. Lʹharmonisation du droit de lʹinsolvabilite´ transfrontalie`re en matie`re commerciale : tentatives, e´checs et
solutions pratiques. Les Cahiers de droit, vol. 38, n° 1, 1997, p. 167‑229.
‑ Megan R. OʹFlynn. The Scorecard so Far: Emerging Issues in Cross‑Border Insolvencies Under Chapter 15 of the U.S. Bankruptcy
Code. Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, vo. 32, issue 2.
‑ Les nouvelles avancées du droit européen des entreprises en difficulté, actes du colloque organisé par le CNAJMJ le 9 décembre
2014 : Rev. proc. coll. 2015, Dossier 1 à 17.
‑ Paulo Fernando Campana Filho. The Legal Framework for Cross‑Border Insolvency in Brazil. Houston Journal of International
Law, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2010.
‑ Reinhard Dammann, Michel Menjucq et Philippe Roussel Galle. Le nouveau règlement sur les procédures dʹinsolvabilité. Rev.
proc. coll. 2015, étude 2.
‑ Samuel L. Bufford, Louise DeCarl Adler, Sidney B. Brooks, Marcia S. Kriege. International Insolvency. Federal Judicial Center,
‑ UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross‑Border Insolvency with Guide to Enactment and Interpretation. United Nations Publication,
jan, 2014.
Please note
We would like to point out to you that this fact sheet has absolute priority over other information such as StudyNet,
faculty members’ personal databases, information provided in lectures, etc.
When will the fact sheets become binding?
Information about courses and examination time (central/decentral and grading form): from the start of the bidding
process on 25 August 2016
Information about decentral examinations (examination‑aid rule, examination content, examination relevant
literature): after the 4th semester week on 17 October 2016
Information about central examinations (examination‑aid rule, examination content, examination relevant
literature): from the start of the enrolment period for the examinations on 07 November 2016
Please look at the fact sheet once more after these deadlines have expired.
Fact sheet version: 1.0 as of 08/22/2016, valid for Autumn Semester 2016
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