Queen 60 years on Throne


Queen 60 years on Throne
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Queen Celebrates 60 Year On Throne
(NBC News, 2013)
Finally tonight, she is unlike any other woman in the world. Queen Elizabeth II has been queen for sixty
years. She has successors lined up behind her like planes on approach into Heathrow (Airport), but there
are no indications she's headed anywhere.
And today at Westminster Abbey, they celebrated her sixty years on the throne. The queen and all her
family, all gathered at the scene of her coronation back in 1953.
We get our report tonight from NBC's Keir Simmons in London.
It was a family gathering.
Today we celebrate sixty years of commitment.
Held in the same ancient abbey where this royal family gathered sixty years ago, a twenty-seven-year-old
queen and her four-year-old heir. Charles is sixty-four now, still a king in waiting, with an heir of his own
and another on the way; Kate is due next month.
The queen, now eighty-seven, the family matriarch, her husband, Prince Philip, still at her side as he was
when it all began.
Nobody knew on that day 60 years ago what the future would hold. The queen has been a constant
presence while the world has been constantly changing.
During her reign, American presidents have come and gone. She's known a dozen of them but this most
public of figures has rarely shown her private side as she did in this 1969 BBC documentary, a relaxed
queen joking with her family.
Press the bell, the doors opened and there was a grandma.
And two decades later…
Ow, it's my foot you're standing on!
Seems almost like home movies sharing her love of grandchildren, dogs and horses.
That’s my…my horse!
Mostly over the years, the world has seen the woman (that) it saw today, solemn, dignified, utterly
devoted to duty, that was the queen the world heard the day she first wore the crown.
As this day draws to its close, I know that my abiding memory of it will be not only of the solemnity and
beauty of the ceremony but the inspiration of your loyalty and affection.
Loyalty and affection for 60 years and counting.
God bless you all.
Keir Simmons, NBC News, London.
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1. is unlike
2. lined up behind her
3. that she’s headed anywhere
est différente
font la queue derrière
qu’elle se dirige quelque part (= qu’elle a intention
d’abdiquer la couronne)
lieu de son couronnement
en route
il est prévu que Kate accouche
de quoi serait fait l’avenir
aïe !
littéralement : c’est sur mon pied que tu es debout
= tu m’écrases le pied !
au cours des années
entièrement dévouée au devoir
en cette journée qui se termine
souvenir impérissable
4. gathered
5. scene of her coronation
6. gathering
7. heir
8. on the way
9. Kate is due
10. what the future would hold
11. joking
12. Ow !
13. It’s my foot you’re standing on!
14. sharing
15. over the years
16. dignified
17. utterly devoted to duty
18. as this day draws to its close
19. abiding memory
Queen Celebrates 60 Year On Throne
Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct words
Finally tonight, she is _u_____________ any other woman in the world. Queen Elizabeth II has been
queen for sixty years. She has successors _l________u______ behind her like planes on approach into
qui font la queue
Heathrow (Airport), but there are no indications she is _h______________anywhere.
se dirige
And today at Westminster Abbey, they celebrated her sixty years on the throne. The queen and all her
family, all _g________________ at the scene of her coronation back in 1953.
We get our report tonight from NBC's Keir Simmons in London.
It was a family _g_________________.
Today we celebrate sixty years of commitment.
Held in the same ancient abbey where this royal family gathered sixty years ago, a twenty-seven-year-old
queen and her four-year-old _h____________. Charles is sixty-four now, still a king in waiting, with an
heir of his own and another _o_____t_____w_______; Kate is _d_________ next month.
en route
(l’accouchement) est prévu
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The queen, now eighty-seven, the family matriarch, her husband, Prince Philip, still at her side as he was
when it all began.
Nobody knew on that day 60 years ago what the future _w_________h_________. The queen has been a
constant presence while the world has been constantly changing.
During her reign, American presidents have come and gone. She's known a dozen of them but this most
public of figures has rarely shown her private side as she did in this 1969 BBC documentary, a relaxed
queen __j_____________ with her family.
Press the bell, the doors opened and there was a grandma.
And two decades later…
Ow, it's my foot you're _s____________o_______!
Seems almost like home movies _s______________ her love of grandchildren, dogs and horses.
That’s my…my horse!
Mostly _o_______t_____y_______, the world has seen the woman (that) it saw today, solemn, dignified,
au cours des années
_u_______________d____________to_d_________, that was the queen the world heard the
entièrement dévouée au devoir
day she first wore the crown.
As this day draws to its close, I know that my _a_____________m_____________ of it will be not only of
souvenir impérissable
the solemnity and beauty of the ceremony but the inspiration of your loyalty and affection.
Loyalty and affection for 60 years and counting.
God bless you all.

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