Schedule/Programme - International School of Ouagadougou


Schedule/Programme - International School of Ouagadougou
7:30 – 08:00
8:00 – 8:45
Opening speech /Discours d’ouverture
8:45 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:30
PAUSE (Auditorium)
10:30 – 11:45
Session 1
12:00 – 13:15
Session 2
13:15 –
Engaging with
the text: reading
and writing
activities drawn
from the study
of literature
Math is Fun
Making Games
Activités pour
motiver les
élèves à
inciter les
enfants à aimer
la lecture
Strategies for
Classrooms and
Easy Teaching
Ideas and
Strategies to
Use Instantly
S’amuser avec
la poésie et la
Using Essential
Questions to
Drive Learning
Art for Free:
Bringing Art
into Your
without a
Literacy and
L U N C H (Auditorium)
Fitness facile
avec les moyens
de bord
Workshop Descriptions
Descriptions des ateliers
Session 1 | 10 :30 – 11 :45
Please choose one workshop in this time period.
Veuillez choisir un atelier pendant cette session.
Atelier #1: Activités pour motiver les élèves à apprendre
Cet atelier veut donner aux enseignants burkinabé des façons
de varier leurs activités peu importe le nombre d’étudiants dans
leurs classes. Les participants découvriront plusieurs façons
d’enseigner une leçon et de motive leurs élèves à apprendre.
Workshop #2: Math is Fun
In the Math is Fun session, the presenter wishes to share
different ways to teach math so that it is fun and engaging for
all students in the classroom.
Workshop #3: Active Learning: Engaging Students
As teachers, we know that student success increases when
lessons are inviting, stimulating, relevant and engaging.
Students need opportunities to activate their curiosity, to
collaborate and interact productively, to approach learning at
their level and to find meaning in lessons. This workshop will
show a variety of strategies to grab students’ interest and get
them involved in a lesson. As well, we will discuss how to offer
differentiated challenges with limited resources.
Workshop #4: Making Games
It is important for me to have elements of fun in my classroom
and making board games offers just that. I try to plan a project
around making a board game once a year. I like to make it later
in the year because I can incorporate as many skills as I want to
be part of the evaluation. Board games are inclusive projects,
allowing differentiation and are cross curricular.
Workshop #5: Engaging with the text: reading and writing
activities drawn from the study of literature
This workshop will present some creative activities that enable
students to engage with both the ideas and the style of a literary
text. The workshop will give the participants the chance to try
the activities in order to see how they work. The activities will
include group activities, solo activities and assessment
strategies for responding to the students’ work.
Atelier #6: Comment inciter les enfants à aimer la lecture
Au Burkina, l’accès à la littérature dès un très jeune âge est
limité. Cet atelier donnera aux enseignants des moyens créatifs
pour encourager les enfants à aimer la lecture. Parmi les
objectifs visés, les enseignants apprendront comment faire la
lecture à de grands et de petits groupes d’enfants, et comment
faire preuve de créativité dans les activités de lecture. De plus,
ils apprendront comment utiliser les ressources à leur portée
pour créer des livres que les enfants pourront lire à l’école et
apporter à la maison.
Workshop #7: Collaboration Strategies for Classrooms and
Well-defined and agreed-upon strategies and norms of
collaboration improve the productivity and atmosphere of every
workplace and classroom. In this workshop we will rehearse
effective collaborative practices from the world’s “greatest
companies to work for” and progressive international schools.
We will experience and discuss methods ready for use in your
classroom, committees, professional learning communities, and
teacher groups.
Presenters’ Biographies
Biographies des intervenants
Atelier #1
BADINI Boukaré enseigne le français à ISO depuis 2010. Avant,
il était au Lycée privé les cracks pendant 4 ans. Il détient un
B.A. (2006) de l’Université de Ouagadougou.
Workshop #2
BAYASEN, Ruby has been teaching Mathematics for over 10
years. She completed her Master’s Degree in International
Education in Switzerland. She hopes to help other math
teachers learn innovative ways to engage children in learning
Workshop #3
After 17 years teaching children age 8-13 in Canada, GIFFIN
Kate is delighted to be here in Burkina Faso where she is a
student again, learning about the Burkinabe and your lovely
country! I love trying new strategies with my students and have
lots of stories about things that didn’t work!
Workshop #4
PAUZÉ Sylvie is an ESOL teacher at ISO. Over the five past
years, she has been teaching ESOL and numerous French
classes from grade 2 to grade 12. Prior to ISO, she taught in
Jamaica, Eritrea, and western Canada (15 years). She has a
Bachelor of Education, an ESOL certification and is currently
working on a Special Needs certification.
Workshop #5
FREY Nancy is in her third year of teaching at ISO. Prior to
that, she taught high school for six years in Ontario, Canada in
the early nineties. From 2000-2012, she taught theology to
adults in various locations including Cotonou and Cambridge,
Massachusetts. She is fascinated by words and their (often
multiple) meanings and how we can read layers of meaning in a
text. She believes that story allows us to see life through the
eyes of another, and gives us the opportunity to deepen our
reflection on our own life in consequence.
Atelier #6
PORTER Babette vient d’une famille d’enseignants et enseigne
depuis 10 ans. Elle aime travailler avec de jeunes enfants. Elle
a travaillé en tant que Secondary Education volunteer avec le
Corps de la paix dans la région du Sourou, Burkina Faso. Elle
en est à sa 4e année d’enseignement à ISO. Elle détient un
Baccalauréat en Sciences de l’Éducation et une Maîtrise en
éducation avec spécialité en Curriculum Instruction.
Workshop #7
MCKENZIE Paul is the Upper School Principal at ISO. Working
in business management, teaching, and international school
leadership on five continents has exposed him to diverse
collaborative practices in equally diverse professional
Workshop Descriptions
Descriptions des ateliers
Session 2 | 12 :00 – 13 :15
Please choose one workshop in this time period.
Veuillez choisir un atelier pendant cette session.
Workshop #8: Easy Teaching Ideas and Strategies to Use
Learn new strategies for the teaching of: reading, writing,
spelling and mathematics! You'll leave this workshop with new
ideas that engage students in learning! We’ll also demonstrate
simple behaviour management strategies for teachers to use
with their students.
Atelier #9: S’amuser avec la poésie et la grammaire
Deux activités seront à l’honneur dans cet atelier. Il sera
d’abord question de faire connaissance à partir d’une poésie
simple et sans rimes : l’acrostiche. Ensuite, à travers le récit
d’un événement passé nous réviserons l’emploi de 2 temps
incontournables au quotidien de la langue française : le passé
composé et l’imparfait.
Workshop #10: Art for Free: Bringing Art into Your
Classroom without a Budget
This workshop will show ways to bring art into your classroom
for little or no money. We will explore a variety of free and
cheap materials and how they can be used for art making.
Connections between art and other subjects will be discussed. I
will also offer advice on what products are most versatile to
help you get the most out of your budget.
Workshop #11: Linking Literacy and Math
Discover ideas for using picture books as a starting point for
teaching and reinforcing math concepts for young learners
Workshop #12: Fitness facile avec les moyens de bord
Dans cette présentation nous allons explorer les 5 constituantes
du Fitness. Nous allons également aborder les groupes
musculaires et des exercices appropriés et simples pour
développer ou maintenir vos muscles et que vous pourrez
reproduire en classe ou à la maison. L’idée directrice est de
pouvoir s’exercer sans avoir recours à une salle de fitness.
Nous parlerons brièvement de nutrition pour accompagner le
fitness. Nous pratiquerons. De ce fait, venez, prêts à bouger.
Workshop #13: Using Essential Questions to Drive
This presentation will emphasize the use of essential questions
to structure a lesson and facilitate critical thinking in the
classroom. The focus will be on practical methods to help
teachers get as many students as possible involved in actively
thinking during each lesson.
Presenters’ Biographies
Biographies des intervenants
Workshop #8
Elementary school husband and wife team, Michael and Gina
HINDS combine to offer a range of simple yet effective teaching
and learning strategies. This is their first year at ISO, Michael
is the elementary Principal and Gina is the Grade 1 teacher.
Before this post Michael and Gina were at the International
School of Azerbaijan. Michael is from New Zealand and Gina
is British. They are both advocates for inquiry-based, and
creative teaching.
Atelier #9
COMPAORE Jean-Baptiste (Mr C.) a enseigné le français et
l’anglais à Lens, Douai puis à Paris (1987-2005). De 2005 à
2012, il enseignait le français à l’École Américaine de Tunis et
depuis 2013, il enseigne aussi le français à l’ISO.
Workshop #10
DEIBERT Amanda is on her third year at ISO, where she teaches
art to students Grades 1 through 12. She is from Pennsylvania
in the United States. She holds a Bachelors in Fine Art and Art
History, a Pennsylvania Teaching Certification, and is working
towards her Masters in Art Education.
Workshop #11
DOHERTY Maeve has been teaching around the world for 23
years. She has taught all grades (PK through 12) and worked in
several libraries along the way. Finding ways to engage in
directing their own learning and instilling a love for reading in
her students are what keeps her passionate about teaching.
Atelier #12
SOMÉ Jules est professeur d’Éducation Physique et Sportive à
l’École Internationale de Ouagadougou. Il a enseigné le Fitness
à 24 Hour Fitness, une grande chaîne de Fitness aux ÉtatsUnis, à Santa Rosa (Californie). Il enseigne le sport depuis
2010. Il a un diplôme de niveau DEUG II et un certificat en
Personal Training.
Workshop #13
PENNINGTON Jon teaches Social Studies to grades 9-12 at ISO.
This is his second year at ISO and in Burkina Faso. Previously,
he taught at the American International School of Bamako and
the International School of Latvia. He looks forward to seeing
and learning from a wide variety of presentations, and hopes he
can help you pick up some practical tips on how to engage
students in active learning in the classroom.

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