Search function in ELS spare parts catalogue


Search function in ELS spare parts catalogue
Search function in ELS spare parts catalogue system Search by Model. Enter you model name in the search box and select from the drop down list, press “Search Models” buton. Select the section you would like to view, by clicking on the Section name. Find the needed information in the left hand list or by using the “mouse over” function on the position in the picture on the rights hand side. Search “Description by Model” Enter Model and you parts description, press Search text. You will have the sections where these parts can be found. Part number Search Enter the part number you are looking for and press the Search button. The answer will be presented by model name, illustration number and the position where the part number can be found. Illustration number search. Enter the illustration number you are looking for and press search. The answer will be presented like this with model name etc. Select by clicking on the model you are looking for. The information can differ on the same illustration between different models. Serial number search. This new search function is a combination of the information in the spare parts catalogue and the Bill Of Material when the machine was produced. This function is only available for Washer, Dryers and Washer/Dryer. Enter Model name, select and the enter the serial number (without starting “0” ‘s) Press “go there” to come to the spare parts catalogue. The answer will be presented with the part number highlighted in blue. This is the part that was in the bill of material when the machine was produced.