Short CV Amandine Orsini


Short CV Amandine Orsini
Boulevard du Jardin botanique, 43, Brussels, 1000 Belgium
T : + (32) 2 792 36 24. Email: [email protected]
Professor of international relations
Tenured in 2013
Université Saint Louis – Bruxelles, Belgium (USL)
FNRS post-doc grant, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
BRIC post-doc grant, ULB, Belgium
PhD in Political Science Institut d’études politiques, Bordeaux, France
M.A. in Comparative Politics and International Relations, Institut d’études politiques, Bordeaux,
B.A. and M.A. in landscaping ENSHAP, Angers, France
ANR: Circulation of Ideas and Actors in Environmental Governance (co-applicant) 169 500 €
FP7: Global Re-ordering: Evolution Through European Networks (co-applicant) 8 500 606 €
COST Action research grant (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) 2000 €
Garnet research grant 8 000 €
Marie-Curie research grant 13 000 €
PhD thesis nominated for the 2010 ECPR Jean Blondel PhD Prize
Analyse de l’action publique, USL, Belgium
International Organizations, USL, Belgium
Analyse des relations internationales, seminar, USL, Belgium
Analyse des relations internationales, USL, Belgium
International Relations, USL, Belgium
Politique internationale d’environnement, ULB, Belgium
Exercices sur des questions d'histoire politique contemporaine, ULB, Belgium
Sociologie des relations internationales dans un monde globalisé, Institut d’études politiques
de Bordeaux, France
Les transformations de la démocratie représentative, Institut d’études politiques de Bordeaux,
2013- present
2012- present
2012- present
2011- present
2011- present
Orsini, A. (ed.) 2014. The European Union with(in) International Organisations. Commitment, Consistency
and Effects Across Time, Farnham, Asghate.
Orsini, A. 2010. La biodiversité sous influence? Les lobbies industriels face aux politiques internationales
d'environnement, Bruxelles, Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, collection Science politique.
Morin, J-F and A. Orsini (eds.). 2014. Essential Concepts to Global Environmental Governance, Abingdon,
Routledge, 2014.
Morin, J-F and A. Orsini, Politique internationale de l’environnement, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po.
Forum: Insights from Global Environmental Governance, International Studies Review, vol. 15. 2013. With J-F
Morin, J-F and A. Orsini 2014. Policy Coherency and Regime Complexes: The Case of Genetic Resources,
Review of International Studies, 40(2): 303-324.
Managing Regime Complexity, Global Governance, vol 19(1). 2013. With J-F Morin.
Orsini, A. and F. Biermann. 2013. Transparency as a governance mechanism. International Studies Review. 15:
Morin, J-F, and A. Orsini. 2013. Insights from Global Environmental Governance. International Studies
Review, 15: 562-565.
Orsini, A. and D. Compagnon, 2013. From logics to procedures: arguing within international environmental
negotiations. Critical Policy Studies, 7(3): 273-291.
Orsini, A. 2013. Navigating the Regime Complexes for Forestry and Genetic Resources. Global Environmental
Politics 13(3): 34-55.
Orsini, A, J-F Morin and O.R. Young 2013. Regime Complexes: A Buzz, A Boom or a Boost for Global
Governance? Global Governance, vol. 19, 2013, 27-39.
Morin, J-F. and A. Orsini 2013. Regime Complexity and Policy Coherency: Introducing a Co-adjustments
Model. Global Governance 19 (1): 41-51.
Orsini, A. 2012. Business as a Regulatory Leader for Risk Governance? The Compact Initiative for Liability
and Redress under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Environmental Politics 21(6): 960-979.
Orsini, A. 2011. Thinking transnationally, acting individually: business lobby coalitions in international
environmental negotiations. Global Society 25(3): 311-329.
Bled, A. and D. Compagnon .2011. Lobbying industriel et accords multilatéraux d’environnement. Illustration
par le changement climatique et la biosécurité. Revue française de science politique 61(2): 231-248. English
translation published in 2012: Corporate lobbying and multilateral environmental agreements Examples from
the climate change and biosecurity sectors Revue française de science politique 61(2): 47-64.
Bled, A. 2010. Technological Choices in International Environmental Negotiations: an Actor-Network
Analysis. Business & Society 49(4): 570-590.
Bled, A. 2009. Business participation to global biodiversity governance: challenging theory with empirical
data. Brazilian Journal of Environmental and Social Management 3(2): 75-91.
Bled, A. 2009. Business to the rescue: private sector actors and global environmental regimes’ legitimacy.
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 9 (2): 153-171.
Bled, A. 2007. Global Environmental Politics: Regulation for or against the Private Sector? The case of the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Political Perspectives 1: 22 p.
Orsini, A and Nakanabo Ndiallo, R. 2015. Emerging Countries and the Convention on Biological Diversity.
In Lesage, D. and Van de Graaf, T. Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions. Palgrave. To be published in
Orsini A. and J-F. Morin. 2014. International Regimes. In Morin, J-F and A. Orsini (eds.). 2014. Essential
Concepts to Global Environmental Governance, Abingdon, Routledge. To be published in 2014.
J-F. Morin and Orsini, A. 2014. Conservation and Preservation. In Morin, J-F and A. Orsini (eds.). 2014.
Essential Concepts to Global Environmental Governance, Abingdon, Routledge. To be published in 2014.
Barro-Platiau A.F. and Orsini, A. 2014. Emerging countries. In Morin, J-F and A. Orsini (eds.). 2014.
Essential Concepts to Global Environmental Governance, Abingdon, Routledge. To be published in 2014.
Orsini, A. 2014. Implementing the Nagoya Protocol in Europe: Non-state Perspectives. In Dedeurwaerdere,
T., Coolsaet B., Pitseys, J., Brogiatto, A. and Batur, F. Comparing ABS regimes in Europe. Brill/Martinus
Nijhoff book.To be published in 2014.
Orsini, A. 2014. Studying the EU with(in) International Organisations: Research Agenda. In Orsini, A. (ed.)
2014. The European Union with(in) International Organisations. Commitment, Consistency and Effects
Across Time, Farnham, Asghate. To be published in 2014.
Orsini, A. 2014. Studying the EU with(in) International Organisations: Main Results In Orsini, A. (ed.) 2014.
The European Union with(in) International Organisations. Commitment, Consistency and Effects Across
Time, Farnham, Asghate. To be published in 2014.
Orsini, A., Oberthür S. and Pozarovska J. 2014. Transparency in the Governance of Access to and Benefit
Sharing from Genetic Resources. In A. Gupta and M Mason (eds.). Transparency in Global Environmental
Governance. Critical Perspectives . Cambridge: MIT Press: 157-180.
Orsini, A. and J-F. Morin. 2013. La cohérence de l'Union européenne à propos de la gestion internationale des
ressources génétiques en contexte de complexes de régimes: Stratégie rationnelle, politique bureaucratique ou
socialisation internationale ? In D. Duez and O. Paye. L’Européanisation. Sciences humaines et nouveaux
enjeux, Bruylant: Brussels: 181-214.
Orsini, A. 2013. The role of non-state actors in the Nagoya Protocol negotiations. In S. Oberthür and K.
Rosendal (eds.). Global Governance of Genetic Resources. London: Routledge: 60-78.
Orsini, A. and D. Compagnon. 2013. Les acteurs non-étatiques dans les négociations multilatérales. In F.
Petiteville and D. Placidi-Frot, Négociations internationales. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po: 105-140.
Orsini, A. 2013. Quels gouvernés pour une gouvernance globale ? Les acteurs non étatiques dans les
complexes de regimes. In C. Gobin, G. Matagne, M. Reuchamps and V. Van Ingelgom (eds.). Etre gouverné
au XXIe siècle. Louvain la Neuve, Academia-L’Harmattan: 19-38.
Orsini, A. and D. Compagnon. 2012. Négocier les traités environnementaux: des intérêts à la délibération. In
P. Quantin and A. Smith. Délibération et gouvernance; l'émergence d'une logique d'action ? Paris,
L’Harmattan : 33-64.
Tienhaara, K., Orsini, A. and R. Falkner. 2012. Global Corporations. In B. Frank and P. Pattberg (eds.).
Global Environmental Governance Reconsidered. Cambridge : MIT Press : 45-68.
Bled, A. 2008. Ressources génétiques végétales, des flux très convoités. In P. Jacquet and L. Tubiana (eds.).
Regards sur la Terre 2008, L'annuel du développement durable. Biodiversité - Nature et développement.
Paris : Presses universitaires de SciencesPo: 280-284.
Bled, A. 2008. Getting the Strongest Players doesn’t Make a Winning Team: Business and the Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety. In A. Joshi (ed.) Global Environmental Agreements: Insights and Implications,
Hyderabad :The Icfai University Press: 189-206.
Orsini, A., 2014. Les lobbies environnementaux : intérêts d’une approche pluraliste. In CERISCOPE. Les
questions environnementales au prisme théorique. To be published in 2014.
Book review in Natures, Politiques et Sociétés. Orsini, A., 2014. Lobbying alimentaire et normes
internationales. Le cas du Codex alimentarius. Maryvonne Lassalle-de Salins Quæ, 2011, 4p.
Boundary Organizations in Regime Complexes: A Social Network Assessment of IPBES, 7th WIRE
Workshop, Brussels. 2014 (with Louafi, S., Morin, J.F., and Oubenal, M.).
Institutions internationales et environnement, séminaire CERI, “Environnement et relations internationales”,
Paris, 2013.
Non-state actors’ participation to regime complexes: how does it work (or does not work?), Workshop on
NGOs in World Politics: new directions, City University London, 2013.
Quelle participation des acteurs non-étatiques aux complexes de régimes? 12ième congrès de l’Association
française de Science Politique. Paris. 2013.
Information Flows as Stabilizers of Regime Complexity? International Studies Association. San Diego. 2012
(presented by Fariborz Zelli).
Negotiating change: science and policy in the re-organization of international biodiversity Governance. Expert
Workshop on Inter-organizationalism in international relations, Vesalius College & Institute for European
Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Global Governance Institute, Brussels. 2012.
La cohérence de l’Union européenne à propos de la gestion internationale des ressources génétiques. CRESPO
& IEE conference. Université St Louis. Brussels. 2012.
REDD: taking stock of the social and governance dimensions. XIII annual BIOECON conference. Geneva.
2011. (with M. Brightman and M. Hufty).
How Non-state Actors Shape Regime Complexes. International Workshop on The Fragmentation of Global
Environmental Governance, German Development institute. Bonn. 2011.
Quels groupes d’intérêt pour une gouvernance globale ? 4ième congrès international des associations
francophones de Science politique. Brussels. 2011.
Policy (In) coherence on Genetic Resources: Strategic Behavior, Bureaucratic Politics or Socialization ByProduct? International Studies Association. Montreal. 2011. (with and presented by J-F. Morin).
Linking regime complexity to policy coherency. IHEID brown bag research seminar. Geneva. 2011.
Non-state Actors and the Access and Benefit Sharing Issue. International Workshop on Access and Benefit
Sharing (ABS) Governance after the Nagoya Protocol: Architecture and Actors, Fridjof Nansen institute (FNI).
Oslo. 2011.
The coherence of EU discourses in international forums. Bureaucratic politics, forum shopping or international
socialization? Garnet Conference. Brussels. 2010.
Policy (In)coherence : Strategic Behaviour, Socialization By-Product, or Bureaucratic Politics? 1st WIRE
(Workshop in International Relations). Brussels. 2010 (with J-F. Morin).
Is international diplomacy coherent? A lexicometric analysis. REPI (ULB) research seminars. Brussels. 2010.
The coherence of governmental discourses on genetic resources: bureaucratic politics, forum shopping or
international socialization? Glogov annual meeting. Bonn. 2010.
Influence des acteurs privés dans la gouvernance environnementale globale. Xème Congrès de l’Association
française de Science politique. Grenoble. 2009. (with D. Compagnon).
Organising Interests: International Business Coalitions in Environmental Governance. International Studies
Association. New York. 2009.
REPI PhD Seminar series (15 conferences per year) (2010-2013)
Since 2010, co-organiser of the Workshops on International Relations series (
WIRE Workshop “Issue-Linkages and Regime-Complexes” (May 2010)
WIRE Workshop “Institutional Change in Intergovernmental Organizations” (May 2011)
WIRE Workshop “EU actorness across time – Commitment, Consistency and IOs” (June 2012).
WIRE Workshop “Global Environmental Governance” (November 2012).
WIRE Workshop “Contestation in International Organisations” (September 2013).
WIRE Workshop “Networks in Global Environmental Governance” (May 2014).
Florian Rabits, Power and Institutional Complexity: the Role of the EU and the US in the Global Governance
of Genetic Resources, Institute for European Studies, Vrijet Universiteit Brussel, March 2014.
Alexis Carles, Cooperating over Water: from a Quantitative Analysis to a Qualitative Study of the Okavango
River Basin, Université Libre de Bruxelles, June 2014.
REVIEWER WORK Global Environmental Change
Global Environmental Politics
Global Governance
International Environmental Agreements
Review of International Organizations