Devoir 2


Devoir 2
Devoir 2 - Text 1
"Later School Start Time Linked to Fewer Teen Car Crashes"
By Rosanne Skirble, 16 December 2008
A one-hour delay of school starting time in a large school district in Kentucky is
giving teens a better night's sleep and helping them remain more alert in the
classroom. But it may also be saving their lives: The later school start times are
associated with fewer car crashes among 17- and 18-year-old drivers, according to a
study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.
Crash rates dropped 16 percent in the county that changed the high school start times
one hour later and increased about 8 percent in the rest of the state during the same
period of time.
Fred Danner is chairman of the Department of Education and
Counseling Psychology at the University of Kentucky and lead author of the
study. He says the work did not control for risky behavior like cell phone use or
alcohol consumption while driving. But he says the findings are consistent with
what already has been reported about the harmful effects of even mild sleep
deprivation on daytime alertness.
"A lot of the things we consider typical adolescent behavior - mood swings, lack of
focus, spacey, clumsy - those are exactly the same symptoms that we find in sleep
labs of sleep deprivation," he says.
Danner says a shift underway in many school districts toward earlier school start
times for teens comes at time when the adolescent sleep cycle is pushing the body
clock an hour later at night.
"And the school start times is pulling them out of bed an hour earlier. That is two
hours every single night. By the end of the week, they build up a devastating sleep
Danner doesn't expect high schools across the country to immediately adopt later
classroom start times. But the move does address the issue of teen sleep and health,
which he says must be taken more seriously.
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Devoir 2 : "Vos réponses" (pages à détacher et renvoyer au SEAD)
NOM Prénom :
Texte 1
Texte 1 (10/30 pts)
I (10 points) Questions 1 à 8 : entourez la lettre correspondant à votre choix
1) Dans le groupe " a (1) better (2) night's (3) sleep " indiquez la hiérarchie du sens
en commençant par le mot/groupe le plus important.
A - (1) (2) (3)
B - (2) (3) (1)
C - (3) (2) (1)
D - (2) (1) (3)
2) Même question pour le groupe " (1) 17- and 18-(2)year-old (3) drivers "
A - (1) (2) (3)
B - (2) (3) (1)
C - (3) (2) (1)
D - (1) (3) (2)
3) Même question pour le groupe " the (1) same (2) period of (3) time. "
A - (1) (2) (3)
B - (2) (1) (3)
C - (1) (3) (2)
D - (3) (2) (1)..
4) Même question pour le groupe " (1) even (2) mild (3) sleep (4) deprivation "
A - (1) (4) (3) (2)
B - (1) (2) (3)..(4)
C - (3) (4) (2) (1)
D - (4) (3) (2) (1)
E - (4) (1) (2) (3)
5) Quel est le mot essentiel (le noyau) dans le groupe suivant.
" A one-hour delay of school starting time in a large school district in Kentucky "
A - one-hour
B - delay
C - school
D - starting
E - time
F - large
G - school
H - district
I - Kentucky
6) Même question :
" the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine "
A - Journal
B - Clinical
C - Sleep
D - Medicine
7) Même question :
" chairman of the Department of Education and Counseling Psychology
at the University of Kentucky "
A - chairman
B - Department
C - Education
D - Counseling
E - Psychology
F - University
G - Kentucky
8) Même question :
" later classroom start times. "
A - later
B - classroom
C - start
D - times
9) Donnez la traduction :
Mon père travaille à l'étranger depuis 1995.
Le festival est commencé depuis deux jours.
II (20 points) : texte 2 (dans le texte du manuel de référence) 4.2 " Social
Attachments in Infancy ".
Trouvez, dans le texte, du début du paragraphe 3 "A further advantage of this
conception of attachment..." à la fin du paragraphe 5 "... there is no distinction
between the self and the environment." , les mots correspondant le mieux aux
définitions suivantes (un mot par définition. EN ECRIRE PLUSIEURS SERA
données dans l'ordre d'apparition des mots dans le texte. Pour chaque définition :
1°) (10 pts) Cochez la case correspondant à la nature du mot à trouver
(généralement=nature du noyau de la définition) : Verbe(V) / Substantif (S)/ Adjectif
ou participe jouant le rôle d'adjectif (Ad) / Autre (Au).
2°) (10 pts) Ecrivez LE mot tel qu'il apparaît dans le texte (colonne de droite). En
écrire plusieurs sera équivalent à une réponse fausse.
V S Ad Au
LE mot du texte
Relating to one thing or person and not
An unpleasant emotion or thought that you
have when you are frightened or worried
by something dangerous, painful or bad
that is happening or might happen.
Including a lot of different places, people,
subjects, etc.
Not having enough knowledge,
understanding or information about
One or more reasons for believing that
something is or is not true.
To appear by coming out of something or
out from behind something.
The particular arrangement or pattern of a
group of related things.
Special, or this and not any other.
Connected with what is happening or being
The conditions that you live or work in and
the way that they influence how you feel or
how effectively you can work

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