
La question de la datation dendrochronologique des périodes pré-romaine et romaine
A chronological question about dating pre-Roman and Roman periods
10 mai (à partir de 14h00), 11 et 12 mai (jusqu’à 17h00), 2010
Bibracte, Centre archéologique européen
58370 Glux-en-Glenne
May 10th-11th
A chronological question about dating pre-Roman and Roman periods. In English.
La question de la datation dendrochronologique des périodes pré-romaine et romaine
Evenings / Soirées : The dating program C-Dendro of L.-A. Larsson
May 12th
Presentation of the dendro-dating program for archaeologists : Dendron-IV. In French (with English?).
Présentation du programme de datation dendrochronologique pour archéologues : Dendron IV
1. A chronological question about dating pre-Roman and Roman periods
La question de la datation dendrochronologique des périodes pré-romaine et romaine
Seminar / Séminaire
Round table / Table ronde
Title: Calendar dates for pre-Roman and Roman periods in Western Europe : dendrochronological certainties
and dendrochronological uncertainties about Oak tree chronology.
Comparaison des différents calendriers utilisés pour dater les époques pré-romaine et romaine en Europe de l'Ouest.
Certitutes et incertitudes du calendrier dendrochronologique du chêne.
1 : Vincent Bernard, Patrick Hoffsummer and Georges Lambert (Besancon)
Introduction : the Hollstein (Trier) chronology status in the dating process in France.
2 : Willy Tegel, Ulf Büntgen (Freiburg)
Nature and credibility of the western and Southern germanic dendrochronological bridge.
3 : Olivier Girardclos, Christophe Perrault and Christophe Petit (Besançon and Dijon)
Dating basis of the Roman settlement of Oedenburg (F-Alsace).
4 : Sébastien Durost, Olivier Girardclos and Georges Lambert (Bibracte and Besançon)
Global dendrochronological dating state of northern France.
5 : Sébastien Durost (Bibracte)
Discussion about the question in Bibracte (pre-Roman and Roman).
6 : Ars-Lake and Petra Larsson (Stockholm)
Questions about the quality of the Hollstein chronology and new computing on the period 200-700 AD.
7 : Benoit Rossignol (Paris)
Basis of the historical chronology of Northern France from 60 BP to 800 AD.
8 : Frederic Guibal (Aix-en-Provence and Lyon)
Sample of archaeological radio-carbon certainties for La Tene and Roman periods in France, linkages with
Monday and Tuesday evenings, after diner: presentation of the software C-Dendro by L.-A. Larsson
9 : Round table.
2. Presentation of the dendro-dating software for archaeologists : Dendron-IV by G. Lambert
Présentation du programme de datation dendrochronologique pour archéologues : Dendron IV.
Group sessions with Vincent Bernard, Yann Couturier, Jean-Louis Edouard, Pascale Fraiture, Olivier
Girardclos, Georges Lambert and Yannick Ledigol. Other participants, if not too many, are welcome.
Free session.
1. New ergonomic features of Dendron
2. Exports towards... and linkages with archaeological DBs : example of the Dendrotech method
3. New computations stabilizing the Student t variation
4. Methodological constraints to conduct the data towards dendro-climatological reconstructions
Georges Lambert
Chargé de Recherches,
Dendrochronologue / Dendrochronologist
Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement
UMR 6249 du CNRS
Université de Franche-Comté
UFR des Sciences
16, route de Gray
F - 25030 Besançon Cedex
-----------------------------------------12, Rue Haute
F - 39570 CONLIEGE
+33 (0)384 47 39 55
[email protected]
Utiliser mes coordonnées à Conliege / Please use my address in Conliege.