Zenith 50.V.10 tachomctric carburetter Westland Scout


Zenith 50.V.10 tachomctric carburetter Westland Scout
6 June
Zenith 50.V.10 tachomctric carburetter
Another Weser product is a range of lightweight containers for air-freight or for
equipment installations.
La Weser presente, en cooperation avec ses
associes dans le groupement Nord des socxetis
ses realisations
en matiire de
technique spatiale, et presente en vol V helicoptere
lourd WSF-64 et le Transall C.160.
En plus, cette societe presente trois projets
tout nouveaux. Le WFG 614, avion de transport
equipe de deux reacteurs a double flux Lycoming
PLFlB-2 monies au-dessus de I'aile. La poime
avant est pivotante pour faciliter le chargement
de fret. Le poids maximum est de 1.500kg;
vitesse de croisiere, 514kmlhr; autonomie avec
4,5 tonnes de charge marchande ou 40 passagers,
200km; autonomie avec 2,9 tonnes de charge
marchande ou 24 passagers, 1.000km; roulement
au decollage, 570m.
Les deux autresprojets sont des avions VTOL
a helices basculantes. Le WFG-P16 est equipe
de deux Bristol Siddeley Gnome 1200. II a un
poids maximum pour decollage vertical de
3.400kg; charge disponible de 440kg; vitesse
maximum de 670km/hr; et une autonomie de
400km. Le WFG-P23 emporte 12 passagers ou
des charges militaires equivalentes et pise 650kg
au decollage vertical. II est equipe de deux
turbines Lycoming T55, a une vitesse maximum
de 650km/hr et une autonomie de 400km.
Une autre realisation Weser est une gamme de
containers aeroportes pour fret ou equipements.
Westland Aircraft Ltd, Yeovil, Somerset,
England. External.
British helicopters are to be seen in strength.
Westland Aircraft Ltd are showing seven types,
representative of their current production
range, and they are demonstrating them
throughout the period of the exhibition.
In the small helicopter range is the Scout, a
5/6 seater powered by a Bristol Siddeley Nimbus gas turbine. Two of these, both in military
guise, are o n show. One, it is expected, will
demonstrate its ability to transport eight men
in an emergency m o v e ; the other will demonstrate its load-carrying capabilities by carrying
Westland Scout
an Army mortar slung beneath the fuselage.
The latest recruit to the British Royal Navy,
the Nimbus-powered Wasp is another representative. Currently undergoing its shakedown trials with the Navy this machine will be
demonstrated as a weapon carrier, fitted with
In the medium range, and built to fill a civil
requirement, the Whirlwind Series 3, which has
recently been granted its Certificate of Airworthiness, will be demonstrated as a VIP
transport. This helicopter is the civil version
of the Gnome-turbine-powered Mk 10, which
is in squadron service with the Royal Air Force
and has also been supplied to the G h a n a Air
Force. The Mk 10 military version is also
shown, and it is intended to demonstrate this
machine armed with four SS.l 1 guided missiles
and carrying a 120mm gun under the fuselage.
Among the larger machines the representative types are the Wessex Mk 1 and Wessex
Mk 2, both in military form. The Mk 1,
which is now operating with the Royal Navy,
is seen in the anti-submarine role. The Wessex
2, now in full production for the R A F , and
intended as a general transport vehicle for the
carriage of troops and equipment, shows its
capabilities by carrying a J-ton load, comprising a military Land-Rover and its loaded
trailer, under the fuselage.
Un grand nombre d'hilicoptires
anglais est
presente en vol, y compris deux helicoptires a
cinq ou six places Scout, iquipes d'une turbine
Bristol Siddeley Nimbus, tous les deux emportant des charges particuliires; le Wasp, dernier
helicoptere de la marine anglaise, equipd de
torpilles; le Whirlwind Series 3 de transport
civil; le Whirlwind Mk 10 iquipe d'une turbine
Gnome pour la RAF et portant des eng.ns SS.ll
et un canon de 120mm; le Wessex Mk 1 pour la
lutte anti-sousmarins
et le Wessex Mk 2,
transport militaire, maintenant en production
pour la RAF, qui emporte une voiture LandRover et sa remorque.
Henry Wiggin & Co Ltd, Wiggin Street,
Birmingham 16, Warwicks, England. Stand
Weser WFG-P23
Attention is called by this company to the
various specialized materials of their production used by the aircraft industries of many
countries. This includes a selection of components fabricated in Wiggin alloys, and
information is provided relating these alloys to
various European national specifications.
There is n o British jet aircraft in production
that does not use Wiggin materials for hightemperature components. Modern equipment
at the Hereford works of the company—the
largest plant for the production of specialized
high nickel alloys in Europe—is featured at
La societi expose une sirie de composants en
alliage Wiggin et indique comment ces alliages
sont conformes aux specifications nationales des
differents pays de VEurope.
L'usine de la sociiti a Hereford est la plus
grande en Europe, consacrie a la production des
alliages a base de nickel.
Wireless SA, 63 Rue Edgar Quinet, Malakoff
(Seine), France. Stand B.33.
Pitot heads; Gerbier flowmeters; aerodynamic balances; position transmitters and
special potentiometers.
Balances airodynamiques.
Transmetteurs de position. Potentiomitres
Zenith, 17 Rue Louise-Michel,- LevalioisPerret (Seine), France. Stand C.67.
Carburetters; valves, cocks and pressure
devices for fuel systems; pumps, non-return
valves, magnetic gauges and filters; pressure
refuelling equipment and accessories for
hydrant and servicing systems.
Carburateurs tachymetriques.
Valves, contacteurs, robinets d'azote pour
pompes, clapets, jauges magnitiques,
Remplissage sous pression: valves, rigulateurs,
accrocheurs, valves et accessoires pour Hydrant
et Servicer.