Volume 57-2003 - Canadian Institute of Geomatics


Volume 57-2003 - Canadian Institute of Geomatics
ACLS/AATC. (Jean-Claude Tétreault. Executive Director) [Report] 57(1)106 [en français] 57(1)106.
[Report to International Cartographic Association. Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. 57(2)193-194,
[en français] 57(2)194-195.
[Report] 57(4)479-480 [en français] 57(4) 480-482.
AKROUR, BOUSSAAD, Rock Santerre et Alain Geiger. Comparaison de méthodes de calibrage du centre de phase d'antennes GPS.
Alberta, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16,
2003]. 57(2)241-244.
Alignment Process for Fusion of Large-Scale Master Plans, An. (Saleem Nimre and Yerach Doytsher) 57(3)299-311.
Arcand, Louis J. [Obituary] (Denis Mitchell) 57(2)282.
ARMENAKIS, COSTAS. The International Scene. [Report on ISPRS Technical Commission VII International Symposium on Resource and
Environmental Monitoring, and on the Annual Joint Meeting of the ISPRS Council-Technical Commission Presidents (TCP)] 57(1)88-89.
[ISPRS Technical Commission IV: Spatial Information Systems and Digital Mapping] 57(1)89-95.
[Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Committee Report] 57(4)475-476.
Association des arpenteurs des terres du Canada [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 1016, 2003]. (Jean-Claude Tétreault). 57(2)194-195.
Association of Canada Lands Surveyors [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003].
(Jean-Claude Tétreault). 57(2)193-194.
Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives / Association des cartothèques et archives cartographiques du Canada [Report to
International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. (Grace Welch). 57(2)187-188.
Atlas du Québec et de ses régions, L'. (Jean Carrière et Juan-Luis Klein) 57(2)177-181.
Atlas of Canada, What's New In The. / Quoi neuf dans 1'Atlas du Canada. 57(3)338.
Atlas of Saskatchewan, Making of an Analog and Digital Regional Atlas:. (Ka-iu Fung) 57(2)182-184.
BABBAGE, GEORGE. Zarko Jaksic. (obituary) 57(4)449.
BARRY. MICHAEL, Ina Elema and Paul van der Moien. Ocean Governance and the Marine Cadastre: The Netherlands North Sea.
BECKER, ROBEM. Industry News. 57(1)78-81, 57(2)268-270, 57(3)346-348, 57(4)434-435.
New Products. 57(1)82-84, 57(2)271-274, 57(3)349-351, 57(4)436-437.
BEDARD, WAN. Jean Brodeur and Bernard Moulin. Geosemantic Proximity to Improve Geospatial Information Discovery in a
Wireless Environment. 57(1)49-57.
BONN, FERDINAND. Book Reviews Imaging Spectrometry: Basic Principles and Prospective Applications, edited by Freek D. van der Meer
and Steven M. de Jong. 57(4)431-432.
Book Reviews Digital Aerial Survey: Theory and Practice by Ron Graham and Alexander Koh (Ayman Habib) 57(2)264-265.
Imaging Spectrometry: Basic Principles and Prospective Applications, edited by Freek D. van der Meer and Steven M. de Jong
(Ferdinand Bonn) 57(4)431-432.
Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Agent-based Modeling Techniques for Simulating Social and Ecological Processes
edited by H. Randy Gimblett (Phil A. Graniero) 57(4)428-429.
Land Use Planning Made Plain by Hok-Lin Leung (John R. Miron) 57(4)429-430.
Manual of Aerial Survey: Primary Data Acquisition, by Roger Read and Ron Graham (Wolfgang Faig) 57(2)265-267.
Marine Resources: Property Rights, Economics and Environment, edited by M. Falque, M. De Alessi and H. Lamotte (Michael Sutherland)
Radar Remote Sensing of Planetary Surfaces, by Bruce A. Campbell (Dale A. Dempsey) 57(4)430-431.
Research Opportunities in Geography at the U.S. Geological Survey, by the Committee on Research Priorities in Geography at the U.S.
Geological Survey (Robert O'Neil) 57(3)342-343.
Toward New Partnerships In Remote Sensing: Government, the Private Sector, and Earth Science Research, by Steering Committee on
Space Applications and Commercialization. (Bob Ryerson) 57(3)341-342.
Weaving a National Map: Review of the US Geological Survey Concept of The National Map, by The National Research Council of the
National Academies (Robert Fowler) 57(3)343-345.
Where is Here? Canada's Maps and the Stories They Tell, by Alan Morantz (David H. Gray) 57(2)264.
With Compass and Chain, by Silvio A. Bedini (David H. Gray) 57(3)341.
BOULIANNE, MICHEL, Annick Jaton et Pierre Marchand. Arthur J. Brandenberger [nécrologie] 57(2)282-283.
Brandenberger, Arthur J. [nécrologie] Annick Jaton, Michel Boulianne et Pierre Marchand) 57(2)282-283.
British Columbia, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August
10-16, 2003]. 57(2)244-248.
BRODARIC, BOYAN, Sonia Talwar, Murray Journeay, Rob Harrap, Joost van Ulden, Ryan Grant and Shannon Denny. The Georgia
Basin Digital Library (GBDL): A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability Issues. 57(2)155-164.
BRODEUR, JEAN, Yvan Bédard and Bernard Moulin. Geosemantic Proximity to Improve Geospatial Information Discovery in a
Wireless Environment. 57(1)49-57.
BROOKES, BILL. [Field Notes and Offices Memos] 57(1)96-101, 57(2)277-280, 57(3)335-360, 57(4)441-445.
Canada's Role in Advancing Interoperability Through the Open GIS Consortium (OGC). (Mark Reichardt). 57(1)68-71.
Canadian Association of Geographers GIS Study Group Report [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South
Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. (Nadine Schuurman). 57(2)188.
Canadian Cartographic Association / Association canadienne de Cartographic [Report to International Cartographic Association,
Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. (Ute J. Dymon). 57(2)188-191.
Canadian Cartographic Exhibit 2001 and 2003 / L'Exposition cartographique canadienne 2001 et 2003. (Claire Gosson and / et
Diane Lacasse). 57(2)254-258.
Canadian Council of Land Surveyors / Conseil canadien des arpenteurs-géomètres [Report to International Cartographic Association,
Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. (Sarah J. Cornett). 57(2)195-196.
Canadian Geophysical Union [report]. (Masaki Hayashi) 57(4)483.
Canadian Hydrographic Association [report]. (Andrew Leyzack) 57(4)484.
Canadian Institute of Geomatics [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003].
(Randy Gillespie). 57(2)192-193.
Canadian National Committee for ICA. (Peter Keller) 57(2) 185-186.
Canadian National Report to the International Cartographic Association. (Peter Keller) 57(2)127.
CARRIERS, JEAN et Juan-Luis Klein. L'Atlas du Québec et de ses régions:. 57(2)177-181.
Cartography in Canada / La cartographie au Canada. (Robert O'Neil) 57(2)129.
CCLS/CCAG. BULLETIN (Sarah J. Cornett, Executive Director) 57(1)107-108, 57(3)370-372. [en français, 57(1)109-111, 57(3)373-375.
CHA,s Admiralty Launch Surveyor, circa 1790, Appearance at ICA 1999, 19th International Cartographic Conference in Ottawa, 11th
General Assembly of ICA, August 14 to 21,1999. 57(2)258.
CIG 96th Annual Meeting, Ottawa, October 15, 2003. 57(4)452-484. President's Annual Report (John H. Holmlund) 57(4)452.
Rapport annuel du président (John H. Holmlund) 57(4)453.
Treasurer's Report / Rapport de la trésorière. 57(4)454-459.
General Business Meeting. 57(4)460.
Assemblé générale annuelle d'affaires. 57(4)461.
Executive and New Councillors / Membres exécutif et nouveau conseiller de 1'ACSG. 57(4)463-466.
Branch Reports / Raports des sections 57(4)468-472.
Committee Reports. 57(4)473-476.
Association Reports / Rapports des associations. 57(4)477-485.
CIG / ACSG Awards 2002/2003. 57(4)467.
CIG / ACSG 2002 Membership List 57(4)488-492.
CIG, GIAC, CCLS and ACLS Announce New Cooperative Measures. 57(1)73.
COLEMAN, DAVID J. and Songnian Li. A Web-Based Collaboration System for Managing Distributed GIS Data Production.
Communications from the Field. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(4)442-444.
Community Mapping: The Recovery (and Discovery) of our Common Ground. (Maeve Lydon) 57(2)131-143.
Comparaison de méthodes de calibrage du centre de phase d'antennes GPS. (Boussaad Akrour, Rock Santerre et Alain Geiger)
Conflicting Claims. [Geomatics and the Law] (Alec McEwen) 57(1)76-77. [accompanying diagram] 57(2)263.
CORNETT, SARAH J. Canadian Council of Land Surveyors /Conseil canadien des arpetneurs-geometres. [Report to International
Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. 57(2)195-196, [Report] 57(4)482 [en fransais] 57(4)482-483.
CROCETTO, NICOLA, Antonio Vettore and Salvatore Ponte. Space-Based Surface Change Detection with Differential SyntheticAperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry: Potentialities and Preliminary Investigations. 57(3)326-334.
da SILVA, MARCO AURELIO OLIVEIRA and Aluir Porfirio Dal Poz. Road Segment Delineation Using Active Testing Principle and
an Edge-Based Post-Processing Strategy. 57(4) 399-409.
DAL POZ, ALUIR PORFIRIO and Marco Aurelio Oliveira da Silva. Road Segment Delineation Using Active Testing Principle and an
Edge-Based Post-Processing Strategy. 57(4) 399-409.
DEMPSEY, DALE A. Book Reviews Radar Remote Sensing of Planetary Surfaces, by Bruce A. Campbell. 57(4)430-431.
DENNY, SHANNON, Sonia Talwar, Murray Journeay, Rob Harrap, Boyan Brodaric, Joost van Ulden and Ryan Grant. The Georgia
Basin Digital Library (GBDL): A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability Issues. 57(2)155-164.
DOYTSHER, YERACH and Saleem Nimre. An Alignment Process for Fusion of Large-Scale Master Plans. 57(3)299-311.
DYMON, UTE J. Canadian Cartographic Association (CCA) / Association canadienne de Cartographic (ACC) [Report to International
Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. 57(2)188-191.
EDWARDS, GEOFFREY. Introductory Note from GEOIDE. 57(1)10.
EDWARDS, GEOFFREY Note d'introduction concernant GEOIDE. 57(1)10.
ELEMA, INA, Michael Barry and Paul van der Molen. Ocean Governance and the Marine Cadastre: The Netherlands North Sea.
FAIG, WOLFGANG. Book Reviews. Manual of Aerial Survey: Primary Data Acquisition, by Roger Read and Ron Graham 57(2)265-267.
Federal Government Cartographic Activities 1999-2003 (Barbara Macintosh). 57(2)197-224.
Field Notes and Office Memos. (Bill Brookes) 57(1)96-101, 57(2)277-280, 57(3)355-360, 57(4)441-445,
Fifty Years Ago. (Harold E. Jones) 57(1)102-103, 57(2)281, 57(3)361, 57(4)446-447.
Fleming (College) Cartography Grad Captures National Geographic Honours. 57(2)267.
FOWLER, ROBERT A. Book Reviews Weaving a National Map: Review of the US Geological Survey Concept of The National Map, by The
National Research Council of the National Academies. 57(3)343-345.
Forty Years of Cartography at COGS,. 57(1)81.
FUNG, KA-IU. Making of an Analog and Digital Regional Atlas: Atlas of Saskatchewan, 57(2)182-184.
GAO, YANG, and Suen Lee. Mobile Asset Data Acquisition and Decision Making Over the Internet. 57(1)31-40.
GEIGER, ALAIN, Boussaad Akrour et Rock Santerre. Comparaison de méthodes de calibrage du centre de phase d'antennes GPS.
Geographical names (Respect for the Dead. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(2)277.
GEOIDE, Introductory Note from. (Geoffrey Edwards). 57(1)10.
GEOIDE, Note d'introduction concernant.
(Geoffrey Edwards). 57(1)10.
GEOIDE, Réseau des étudiants du programme. (Steve H. L. Liang). 57(1)12.
GEOIDE Student Network. (Steve H. L. Liang). 57(1)11.
Geomatics 2002: Everywhere for Everyone! Wrap-up Report. (Claude Levasseur) 57(2)259.
Geomatics Canada Schoolarship Award Winners. 57(3)363-369.
Geomatics for Industry - Micro to Macro. 57(4)462.
Geomatics Industry Association of Canada [report]. (Richard H. Nasmith) 57(4)483-484.
Geomatique 2002: Partout pour tous! Compte rendu du colloque. (Claude Levasseur) 57(2)260.
Georgia Basin Digital Library (GBDL): A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability Issues, The. (Sonia Talwar,
Murray Journeay, Rob Harrap, Boyan Brodaric, Joost van Ulden, Ryan Grant and Shannon Denny) 57(2)155-164.
Geosemantic Proximity to Improve Geospatial Information Discovery in a Wireless Environment. (Jean Brodeur, Yvan Bedard and
Bernard Moulin) 57(1)49-57.
Gestion de 1'information géospatiales par ordinateur mobile et par internet. (C. Vincent Tao) 57(1)8-9.
GILLESPIE, RANDALL, T. Canadian Institute of Geomatics [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South
Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. 57(2)192-193. President's Report. 57(4)395. Rapport du président 57(4)398.
GOSSON, CLAIRE and / et Diane Lacasse. Canadian Cartographic Exhibit 2001 and 2003 / L'Exposition cartographique canadienne
2001 et 2003. 57(2)254-258.
GPS 'Bait Car', The. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(2)280.
GPS, for Kids. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(1)98.
GRANIERO, PHIL A. Book Reviews. Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Agent-based Modeling Techniques for Simulating
Social and Ecological Processes, edited by H. Randy Gimblett 57(4)428-429.
GRANT, RYAN, Sonia Talwar, Murray Journeay, Rob Harrap, Boyan Brodaric, Joost van Ulden and Shannon Denny. The Georgia
Basin Digital Library (GBDL): A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability Issues. 57(2)155-164.
GRAY, DAVID H. Book Reviews. Where is Here? Canada's Maps and the Stories They Tell, by Alan Morantz 57(2)264, With Compass and
Chain, by Silvio A. Bedini 57(3)341.
GRAY, DAVID H. Transit of Venus 2004. 57(4) 420-424.
Great Arc Revisited, The. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(4)444-445.
HABIB, AYMAN. Book Reviews. Digital Aerial Survey: Theory and Practice by Ron Graham and Alexander Koh 57(2)264-265.
Hans Klinkenberg Memorial Scholarship Awards 2003. 57(3)363-369.
HAN, SOO-HEE, Kiyun Yu, Hoon Chang and Tae-Jun Ha. Potential of Reflected Intensity of Airborne Laser Scanning Systems in
Roadway Features Identification. 56(4)363-374.
HARRAP, ROB, Sonia Talwar, Murray Journeay, Boyan Brodaric, Joost van Ulden, Ryan Grant and Shannon Denny. The Georgia
Basin Digital Library (GBDL): A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability Issues. 57(2)155-164.
HARRON, BILL and Bob Parkinson. A National Land and Water Information Service. 57(3)335-337.
Haughton Crater—A Martian Analogue, The. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(3)358-360.
HAYASHI, MASAKI. Canadian Geophysical Union [report]. 57(4)483.
HOLMLUND, JOHN H. President's Report. 57(1)3, 57(2)123, 57(3)293. Annual Report 57(4)452.
Rapport du président. 57(1)4, 57(2)124, 57(3)294. Rapport annual 57(4)453.
International Scene, The. 57(1)85-95, 57(2)275-276, 57(3)352-354, 57(4)438-440.
Jaksic, Zarko. [Obituary] (George Babbage) 57(4)449.
JATON, ANNICK, Michel Boulianne et Pierre Marchand. Arthur J. Brandenberger. [necrologie] 57(2)282-283.
JONES, HAROLD E. Fifty Years Ago. 57(1)102-103, 57(2)281, 57(3)361, 57(4)446-447.
JOURNEAY, MURRAY, Sonia Talwar, Rob Harrap, Boyan Brodaric, Joost van Ulden, Ryan Grant and Shannon Denny. The Georgia
Basin Digital Library (GBDL): A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability Issues. 57(2)155-164.
KELLER, PETER. Canadian National Report to the International Cartographic Association. 57(2)127.
KELLER, PETER. Le rapport national du Canada soumis a 1'association cartographique internationale. 57(2)128.
KELLER, PETER. Canadian National Committee for ICA. (Peter Keller) 57(2)185-189. [CIG Committee Report] 57(4)473-474.
KLEIN, JUAN-LUIS et Jean Carrière. L'Atlas du Québec et de ses régions:. 57(2)177-181.
L'ACSG, 1'ACEG, Le CCAG et 1'AATC annoncent de nouvelles mesures de coopération. 57(1)74.
LACASSE, DIANE and / et Claire Gosson. Canadian Cartographic Exhibit 2001 and 2003 / L'Exposition cartogrpahique canadienne
2001 et 2003. 57(2)254-258.
LEE, SUEN, and Yang Gao. Mobile Asset Data Acquisition and Decision Making Over the Internet. 57(1)31-40.
LEYZACK, ANDREW. Canadian Hydrographic Association [report]. 57(4)484.
Hydrography [Committee report] 57(4)475.
LI, JONATHAN. The International Scene. [Report on ISPRS Commission I Mid-Term Symposium] 57(1)85-877.
LI, SONGNIAN and David J. Coleman. A Web-Based Collaboration System for Managing Distributed GIS Data Production. 57(1)59-67.
LIANG, STEVE H.L. GEOIDE Student Network. 57(1)11.
Réseau des étudiants du programme GEOIDE. 57(1)12.
LEVASSEUR, CLAUDE. Geomatics 2002: Everywhere for Everyone! Wrap-up Report. 57(2)259.
Géomatique 2002: Partout pour tous! Compte rendu du colloque. 57(2)260.
LYDON, MAEVE. Community Mapping: The Recovery (and Discovery) of our Common Ground. 57(2)131-143.
MacINTOSH, BARBARA. Federal Government Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. 57(2)197-224.
MacLELLAN, BILL, [Survey Humour]. Blackout 57(3)362.
Manitoba, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16,
2003]. 57(2)239-241.
Map: Montréal l’avenir du passé Sharing Geodatabases Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. (Robert C.H. Sweeny and
Sherry Olson) 57(2)145-154.
Mapping Ocean Currents Can Be Just Ducky. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(3)355-356.
MARCHAND, PIERRE, Annick Jaton et Michel Boulianne. Arthur J. Brandenberger. [necrologie] 57(2)282-283.
MCEWEN, ALEC. Conflicting Claims. [Geomatics and the Law] 57(1)76-77.
Subdivision Control. [Geomatics and the Law] 57(2)262-263.
Thin Red Line. [Geomatics and the Law] 57(3)339-340.
Restrictive Covenant. [Geomatics and the Law] 57(4)426-427.
McLELLAN, JAMES F., Bradford G. Nickerson and Ying Shan. Web Access to Real-Time Wireless Mobile Geospatial Information.
Military Mapping Centenial, 1903-2003. 57(1)77, 57(2)280.
Mine Accident Investigation, Quecreek. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(4)442.
MIRON, JOHN R. Book Reviews. Land Use Planning Made Plain by Hok-Lin Leung 57(4)429-430.
MITCHELL, DENIS. Louis J. Arcand [Obituary] 57(2)282.
Mobile and Internet Geospatial Information Management. (C. Vincent Tao) 57(1)6-7.
Mobile Asset Data Acquisition and Decision Making Over the Internet, (Yang Gao and Suen Lee) 57(1)31-40.
MOULIN, BERNARD, Jean Brodeur and Yvan Bédard. Geosemantic Proximity to Improve Geospatial Information Discovery in a
Wireless Environment 57(1)49-57.
NASMITH, RICHARD H. Geomatics Industry Association of Canada [report]. 57(4)483-484.
National Land and Water Information Service, A. (Bill Harron and Bob Parkinson) 57(3)335-337.
New Brunswick, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August
10-16,2003]. 57(2)229-231.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South
Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. 57(2)225-226.
NICKERSON, BRADFORD G., Ying Shan and James F. McLellan. Web Access to Real-Time Wireless Mobile Geospatial Information.
NIMRE, SALEEM and Yerach Doytsher. An Alignment Process for Fusion of Large-Scale Master Plans. 57(3)299-311.
North magnetic pole (Going ...Going ...Gone?). [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(1)98-100.
Northwest Territories, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa,
August 10-16,2003]. 57(2)249-253.
Nova Scotia, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 1016,2003]. 57(2)226-229.
Nova Scotia Community College, the Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS), Forty Years of Cartography at 57(1)81.
Nunavut, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 1016,2003]. 57(2)248-249.
Ocean Governance and the Marine Cadastre: The Netherlands North Sea. (Michael Barry, Ina Elema and Paul van der Molen).
OLSON, SHERRY and Robert C.H. Sweeny. Map: Montreal l'avenir du passé Sharing Geodatabases Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
O'NEIL, ROBERT. Cartography in Canada / La cartographie au Canada. 57(2)129. [en français] 57(2)129
O'NEIL, ROBERT. Book Review. Research Opportunities in Geography at the U.S. Geological Survey, by the Committee on Research
Priorities in Geography at the U.S. Geological Survey. 57(3)342-343.
Ontario, Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 1016,2003]. 57(2)234-239.
PARKINSON, BOB and Bill Harron. A National Land and Water Information Service. 57(3)335-337.
Pietryszyn, Matthew, a Fleming College Cartography Graduate, wins National Geographic Society award for Digitl Map. 57(2)267.
Pinch, Mike. From the Editor 57(3)295. Note de 1'éditeur. 57(3)297.
PONTE, SALVATORE, Antonio Vettore and Nicola Crocetto. Space-Based Surface Change Detection with Differential SyntheticAperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry: Potentialities and Preliminary Investigations. 57(3)326-334.
Provincial and Territorial Government Cartographic Activities 1999-2003. 57(2)225-253.
Quebec Activities 1999-2003. [Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003].
Québec et de ses régions:, L'Atlas du. (Jean Carriere et Juan-Luis Klein) 57(2)177-181.
Rapport national du Canada soumis a 1'association cartographique Internationale, Le. (Peter Keller) 57(2)128.
REICHARDT, MARK. Canada's Role in Advancing Interoperability Through the Open CIS Consortium (OGC). 57(1)68-71.
Relief Depiction on Canadian Topographic Map Series in the Twentieth Century. (Roger Wheate) 57(2)165-175.
Restrictive Covenant. [Geomatics and the Law] (Alec McEwen) 57(4)426-427.
Road Segment Delineation Using Active Testing Principle and an Edge-Based Post-Processing Strategy. (Aluir Porfirio Dal Poz and Marco
Aurelio Oliveira da Silva) 57(4)399-409.
RYERSON, BOB. Book Reviews. Toward New Partnerships In Remote Sensing: Government, the Private Sector, and Earth Science Research,
by Steering Committee on Space Applications and Commercialization. 57(3)341-342.
SANTERRE, ROCK, Boussaad Akrour et Alain Geiger. Comparaison de méthodes de calibrage du centre de phase d'antennes GPS.
SCHUURMAN, NADINE. Canadian Association of Geographers GIS Study Group. [Report to International Cartographic Association,
Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. 57(2)188.
SHAN, YING, Bradford G. Nickerson and James F. McLellan. Web Access to Real-Time Wireless Mobile Geospatial Information.
SIMPSON, JAMES S. The International Scene. International Cartographic Association (ICA) 57(1)85.
International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) 57(1)85.
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) 57(1)85.
[Report on the Commission III Symposium Photogrammetric Computer Vision (PCV 02)] 57(1)87-88.
International Cartographic Association (ICA) 57(2)275.
International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) 57(2)275.
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) 57(2)275-276.
International Cartographic Association (ICA) 57(3)352,
International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) 57(3)352-353,
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) 57(3)353-354
International Cartographic Association (ICA) 57(4)438-439,
International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) 57(4)439,
International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) 57(4)439-440.
Space-Based Surface Change Detection with Differential Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry: Potentialities and
Preliminary Investigations. (Antonio Vettore, Salvatore Ponte and Nicola Crocetto) 57(3)326-334.
Speech Recognition and its Implications for Mobile GIS. (C. Vincent Tao and Shuxin Yuan) 57(1)41-48
Subdivision Control. [Geomatics and the Law] (Alec McEwen) 57(2)262-263.
Survey Humour. 57(1)105, 57(3)362.
Surveyors on Ice. [Field Notes & Office Memos] (Bill Brookes) 57(1)96-97.
SUTHERLAND, MICHAEL. Book Reviews. Marine Resources: Property Rights, Economics and Environment, edited by M. Falque, M. De
Alessi and H. Lamotte. 57(4)433.
SWEENY, ROBERT C.H., and Sherry Olson. Map: Montreal 1'avenir du passé Sharing Geodatabases Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow. 57(2)145-154.
TALWAR, SONIA, Murray Journeay, Rob Harrap, Boyan Brodaric, Joost van Ulden, Ryan Grant and Shannon Denny. The Georgia
Basin Digital Library (GBDL): A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability Issues. 57(2)155-164.
TAO, C. VINCENT. Gestion de 1'information géospatiales par ordinateur mobile et par internet. 57(1)8-9.
TAO, C. VINCENT. Mobile and Internet Geospatial Information Management. 57(1)6-7.
TAO, C. VINCENT and Shuxin Yuan. Speech Recognition and its Implications for Mobile GIS. 57(1)41-48
TÉTREAULT, JEAN-CLAUDE. ACLS/AATC [Report] 57(1)106 [en français] 57(1)106.
[Report to International Cartographic Association, Durban, South Africa, August 10-16, 2003]. 57(2)193-194, [en français] 57(2)194-195.
[Report] 57(4)479-480 [en français] 57(4) 480-482.
Thin Red Line. [Geomatics and the Law) (Alec McEwen) 57(3)339-340.
Transit of Venus 2004. (David H. Gray) 57(4)420-424.
UNB-CIG Student Paper Competition and Student Technical Conference. 57(3)345.
Van der MOLEN, PAUL, Michael Barry and Ina Elema. Ocean Governance and the Marine Cadastre: The Netherlands North Sea.
Van ULDEN, JOOST, Sonia Talwar, Murray Journeay, Rob Harrap, Boyan Brodaric, Ryan Grant and Shannon Denny. The Georgia
Basin Digital Library (GBDL): A Framework for a Place-Based Exploration of Sustainability Issues. 57(2)155-164.
VETTORE, ANTONIO, Salvatore Ponte and Nicola Crocetto. Space-Based Surface Change Detection with Differential SyntheticAperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry: Potentialities and Preliminary Investigations. 57(3)326-334.
Web Access to Real-Time Wireless Mobile Geospatial Information. (Bradford G. Nickerson, Ying Shan and James F. McLellan) 57(1)13-29.
Web-Based Collaboration System for Managing Distributed GIS Data Production, A. (Songnian Li and David J.Coleman) 57(1)59-67.
WHEATE, ROGER. Relief Depiction on Canadian Topographic Map Series in the Twentieth Century. 57(2)165-175.
YUAN, SHUXIN and C. Vincent Tao. Speech Recognition and its Implications for Mobile GIS. 57(1)41-48