HERE - The Canadian History Series


HERE - The Canadian History Series
P.O.Box23148Ÿ OttawaŸ ONŸ K2A4E2Ÿ Canada
(613)746-7353Ÿ (800)300-4261Ÿ [email protected]
The Canadian History Series
Educational Videos Uniquely Designed for Canadian Classrooms
Check items to Order
The Call of Empire: Canada 1914-1916 and Ordeal by Fire: Canada 1917-1918 (2 half-hour
episodes) DVD $79.99, Blu-ray $89.99 + Shipping $14.00
Accompanying Teacher’s Guide: Canada During the First World War (On CD) $29.99
(Shipping included if ordered with a video)
The Canadian History Series: 1400 - 1867 (The Fur Trade and The Opening of Canada)
$49.99 + Shipping $14.00
The Canadian History Series: 1939 - 2000 (9 half-hour episodes of modern Canadian history)
$149.99 + Shipping $14.00
Accompanying Teacher’s Guide (On CD - covers Episode 1996-2000 only) $19.99 (Shipping
included if ordered with a video)
Accompanying Teacher’s Guide (On CD - covers 1939-1945 period only) $24.99 (Shipping
including if ordered with a video)
L’appel de l’Empire : Canada 1914-1916 et L’épreuve du feu : Canada 1917-1918 (2
épisodes de 30-min) DVD 79.99$ Blu-ray 89.88$ + Frais d'expédition 14.00$
Guide de l’enseignant : Le Canada pendant la Première Guerre mondiale (sur CD) 29.99$ (Frais
d’expédition inclus avec vidéo)
La collection Histoire du Canada: 1400 - 1867 (Le commerce de la fourrure et l’ouverture du
Canada) 49.99 $ + Frais d'expédition 14.00$
La collection Histoire du Canada: 1939 - 2000 (9 épisodes d’une demi-heure sur l’histoire
moderne du Canada) $ 149.99 + Frais d'expédition 14.00$
Guide de l’enseignant (pour Vers le Nouveau Millenaire: 1996-2000 seulement) 19.99$ (Frais
d'expédition inclus avec vidéo)
School/ Library/ Organization:
Purchase Order #:
City, Province, Postal Code:
Mail or email your order to:
Epoch Multimedia Inc. P.O. Box 23148 Ottawa ON K2A 2J6
[email protected]
Order by phone:
(613) 746-7353 (direct)
(800) 300-4261 (leave a message and we'll call you back!)
All videos come with non-commercial public performance rights. Prices subject to
federal/provincial taxes where applicable.

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