CV (english version)


CV (english version)
Frédéric Constant
[email protected]
Since 2009
Associate Professor, Paris X Nanterre (Legal History, Chinese Legal History,
Chinese Law)
- F. Constant & C. Lopez, Le droit chinois, Coll. Connaissance du droit, Paris, Dalloz, 2013.
“The Codification of Law in China”, Proceedings of the International 2012 Meeting of the
Société d’histoire du droit (forthcoming).
“L’animal en droit chinois” [The animal in Chinese law], Revue semestrielle de droit
animalier, 2013-1, pp. 265-289.
“L’Arbitrage en Chine des Ming (1368-1644) jusqu’à nos jours” [Arbitration in China from
the Ming Dynasty onwards (1368-1644) until nowadays], Revue de l’arbitrage (2013-1), pp.
“Le territoire mongol sous les Qing” [The Mongolian Territory under the Qing Dynasty],
Bulletin de l’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient, Tome 97 (2013), pp. 55-89.
“Cong Menggu fa kan Qingdai falü duoyuanxing” [Legal Pluralism in the Qing Dynasty as
exemplified by Mongolian Law], Qingshi Yanjiu, 2008-4, pp.127-144.
“Le droit Ouïghour sous la domination sino-mandchoue (1759-1864) ” [The Uyghur law
under Sino-Manchu Rule (1759-1864)], Droit et Culture n°53 (2008), pp.85-100.
“Questions autour du pluralisme juridique sous les Qing” [Questions about legal pluralism
under the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)], Etudes chinoises 26, pp. 245-255.
June 2014, "Le juge et l’interprétation du droit en Chine” [The judge and the interpretation of
law in China], Journées internationales de la Société d’histoire du droit, Ljubljana.
May 2014, L’animal en droit chinois” [The animal in Chinese law], Paris X Nanterre.
May 2014, "punishment vs. civil remedies in homicide cases: a glimpse on Chinese law and
magistrates’ views", The Penal Code and Everyday Justice in Ming and Qing China, Collège de
France, Paris.
May 2014, “La législation sur les jeux d’argent sous les Qing” [The legislation on gambling
under the Qing dynasty], Journées d’étude de l’AFEC, Paris.
April 2014, "Circulation of a common legal knowledge in East Asia", The Spirit of Korean
Law (II): Korean Legal History in the Global Context, Seoul National University, Seoul.
April 2014, “The evolution of the Qing legal policy towards the Mongols”, Making Diversity:
Ethnicity and Legal Culture in Chinese History, Bryn Mawr College.
March 2014, “Legal coherence and the establishment of categories in Chinese legal science”,
Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Philadephia.
December 2013, “Denunciation and social hierarchies: legal coherence and the establishment
of categories in Chinese legal science”, 2013 International Conference on Ming-Qing, Academia
Sinica, Tapei.
November 2013, “The treatise on Law of the Book of Sui”, The treatises of the Book of Sui,
University Paris Diderot, Paris.
May 2012, “La codification du droit en Chine” [The Codification of Law in China], Société
d’histoire du droit, Salzburg.
August 2011, “Legal documents pluralism in Mongolia during the Qing dynasty”, Legal
documents pluralism held by the China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing.
July 2011, “Civil Justice in Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)”, Justice in China and Europe, held
by the Chinese society for Legal comparatism and the French Council of State, Paris.
March 2010, “Translate Mongolian law in Qing China”, Association for Asian Studies Annual
Meeting, Philadelphia.
June 2009, “Le pan au programme des examens impériaux” [Pan in the curriculum of
imperial civil examination], Paris X Nanterre.
June 2007, “Orient-Occident: processus d’acculturation, le droit ouighour sous domination
Sino-mandchoue” [East and West: Process of acculturation, The Uyghur law under
Sino-Manchu Rule], Paris X Nanterre.
September 2005, Chinese border’s panel, Asia Network, Paris.
June 2005, “Evolution of Mongol law under Qing dynasty”, University of Inner Mongolia.