Le son i - Scarsdale Public Schools


Le son i - Scarsdale Public Schools
Les voyelles "I" et "Y" The letter “i” sounds like a long e in English (bee, see, tree).
The letter “y” as a vowel also sounds like a long e!
Notice that they will ALWAYS sound like the long “e” as long as:
It is not followed by a single n or m (unless there is a vowel after the n/m)
It precedes another vowel
(If it comes after another vowel, then it is a separate rule)
I. Read the following list (French words only) 2 times each night:
le ciel = the sky
dix = ten
la coccinelle = the ladybug
la confiture = the jam
la fourmi = the ant
une amie = a friend (feminine)
le fusil = the rifle
le robinet = the faucet
le quartier = the district
la clarinette = the clarinet
l’Orangina = Orangina
l’usine = the factory
la ficelle = the thin loaf of French bread
la musique = the music
le visage= the face
l’assiette = the plate
attention= careful
le calendrier= the calendar
l’harmonica= the harmonica
un camion = a truck
il lit = he reads
qui = who
le ciel = the sky
la machine = the machine
l’action = the action
merci = thank you
la police = the police force
la minute = the minute
un igloo = an igloo
le domino = the domino
la boulangerie = the bakery
la cerise = the cherry
la fille = the girl
le bison = the bison
les ciseaux = the scissors
l’ordinateur = the computer
la période = the period (of time)
le piano = the piano
la pizza = the pizza
le visiteur = the visitor
l’épicerie = the small grocery store
le haricot = the bean
l’histoire = the history/ story
la girafe= the giraffe
la famille= the family
un escalier= a staircase
l’affiche= the poster
Paris= capital of France
la calculatrice = the calculator
ils lisent = they read
gris= gray
Nathalie = Nathalie
la prononciation= the pronunciation
le miel = the honey
il y a = there is/there are
le flic = the policeman (slang)
le billet = the ticket
une île = an island

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